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107 1 NTU SDS 13 2 Design Seismic Force

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National Taiwan University

Department of Civil Engineering

Introduction to Seismic Design of Structures

Design Seismic Force

Lap-Loi Chung (鍾立來)
National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering
Civil Engineering, National Taiwan University
Civil Engineering, National Cheng Kung University
Design Seismic Force VD
Design seismic force: 設計地震力
Vertical distribution of design seismic force: 設計地
Story design seismic force: 樓層設計地震力
Story design seismic shear force: 樓層設計地震剪

Design Seismic Force VD
I  S aD  I  SaM  IFuD  SaD 
V   W VM    W 
V    W
1.4 y  Fu  m 1.4 y  FuM m 4.2 y  FuD 

IFuD  S aD 
Design seismic force VD 
V    W
3.5 y  FuD 
VD  max( V ,VM ,V  ) m

V: seismic force of design basis earthquake (DBE)

VM: seismic force of maximum considered
earthquake (MCE)
V*: seismic force of small to moderate earthquake

Design Seismic Force VD
Design seismic force VD  max( V ,VM ,V  )
Seismic force of design basis earthquake
I  SaD  1.4 yV  SaD 
V   W    
1.4 y  Fu m IW  Fu m
Seismic force of maximum considered earthquake
I  SaM  1.4 yVM  SaM 
VM    W    
1.4 y  FuM m IW  FuM m
Seismic force of small to moderate earthquake
 IF  S   F  S  Site class
uD  aD 
 
uD  aD 
 
  
W   F  1, 2, or 3
  4 .2 F
 uD 
 1.4 V 
 3  uD  
V   
y m y m

 IFuD  S aD 
 W
IW  FuD  S aD

 Taipei
 3.5  F    2.5 F   basin
 y  uD m   uD m 4
V  0.274W  40.0 tf
VM  0.270W  39.4 tf
V   0.1835W  26.8 tf
A residential building locates at Ruisui (瑞穗)
Township, Hualien (花蓮) County. Find design
seismic force VD.

VD  max( V ,VM ,V  )  0.274W  40.0 tf

Design Seismic Force VD
Vertical distribution of design seismic force VD
Design seismic force VD is design base shear which
is distributed to every story as story design
seismic force FiF (i-th story design seismic force).
Summation of story design seismic forces FiF equals
design base shear of structure VD. N 1


VD  iF
i 2
Story design seismic force FiF is proportional to
story weight WiF. F W
iF iF

Design Seismic Force VD
Vertical distribution of N F 1
FiF  WiF
design seismic force VD
VD  F
i 2

Structural vibration is dominant by first mode.

The higher the story, the larger the structural
responses (absolute acceleration).
Story design seismic force FiF is proportional to
story elevation HiF from structural base.
FiF  H iF

Design Seismic Force VD
Vertical distribution of N 1
FiF  WiF FiF  H iF
VD   FiF

design seismic force VD i 2

If structural vibration period T is shorter than 0.7 s

(low-rise building), story design seismic force FiF
is T  0.7 s
WiF H iF
FiF  N F 1
VD , i  2,3,4,, N F  1
j 2
jF H jF NF: number of stories
N F 1
F( i 1) F  FiF ?
Seismic Design Codes
Equation 2-18 N F 1 W iF H iF
 FiF  i 2
N F 1
i 2
j 2
jF H jF
Design Seismic Force VD
Vertical distribution of FiF  N W
iF H iF
VD , i  2,3,4,, N F  1
 W jF H jF

design seismic force VD

j 2 T  0.7 s

Story design seismic shear force ViF is summation of

story design seismic forces above.
N F 1
ViF  F
j i 1
jF , i  1,2,3,..., N F

First-story design shear force (design base shear)

N F 1
V1F   FjF  VD
j 2
V(i 1) F  ViF ?

Design Seismic Force VD
Vertical distribution of FiF  N W
iF H iF
VD , i  2,3,4,, N F  1
 W jF H jF

design seismic force VD

j 2 T  0.7 s
N F 1
ViF  F
j i 1
jF , i  1,2,3,..., N F
2-story building

Story design seismic force FiF

W2 F H 2 F
F2 F  VD
W2 F H 2 F  W3F H 3F
W3F H 3F
F3F  VD
W2 F H 2 F  W3F H 3F H 3F  H 2F ?
F3F  F2F ? 10
Design Seismic Force VD
Vertical distribution of FiF  N W
iF H iF
VD , i  2,3,4,, N F  1
 W jF H jF

design seismic force VD

j 2 T  0.7 s
N F 1
2-story building
W2 F H 2 F ViF  F jF , i  1,2,3,..., N F
F2 F  VD j i 1
W2 F H 2 F  W3F H 3F
W3F H 3F
F3F  VD
W2 F H 2 F  W3F H 3F

Story design seismic shear force ViF

W2 F H 2 F  W3F H 3F
V1F  F2 F  F3F  VD  VD
W2 F H 2 F  W3F H 3F
W3F H 3F
V2 F  F3F  VD
W2 F H 2 F  W3F H 3F V2F  V1F ? 11
W2 F H 2 F W3F H 3F
F2 F  VD F3F  VD
W2 F H 2 F  W3F H 3F W2 F H 2 F  W3F H 3F
VD  0.274W  40.0 tf W2 F  79.10 tf W3F  66.95 tf
T  0.268 s H 2F  3.0 m H 3F  6.0 m
A residential building locates at Ruisui (瑞穗)
Township, Hualien (花蓮) County. It is 2-story with
story height 3 m and total height 6 m. Find story
design seismic force FiF. T  0.268 s  0.7 s
F2F  (40.0)  14.85 tf W3F  W2F
(79.10)(3)  (66.95)(6)
(66.95)(6) H 3F  H 2F
F3F  (40.0)  25.15 tf
(79.10)(3)  (66.95)(6) F3F  F2F
F2F  F3F  VD 12
VD  0.274W  40.0 tf V1F  F2F  V3F  VD
F2F  14.85 tf V2 F  F3F
F3F  25.15 tf
A residential building locates at Ruisui (瑞穗)
Township, Hualien (花蓮) County. Find story
design seismic shear force ViF.

V1F  F2F  F3F  40.00 tf

V2F  F3F  25.15 tf

V2F  V1F
V1F  VD 13
Design Seismic Force VD
Vertical distribution of design seismic force VD
If fundamental vibration period is longer than 0.7 s
(mid- to high-rise buildings), extra seismic force
Ft is applied at roof.
T  0.7 s
0, 0.7s  T
 Seismic Design Codes
Ft  0.07TVD , 0.7s  T  25 7 s Equation 2-17
0.25V 25 7 s  T
 D

For mid- to high-rise buildings, first mode may be

close to parabola, so extra seismic force Ft is
applied at roof.
Design Seismic Force VD
Vertical distribution of design seismic force VD
Story design seismic force FiF other than roof
WiF H iF
FiF  N F 1
(VD  Ft ), i  2,3,4,, N F
j 2
jF H jF

Roof design seismic force

W( N F 1) F H ( N F 1) F
F( N F 1) F  N F 1
(VD  Ft )  Ft F( i 1) F  FiF ?
W jF H jF N F 1

j 2
iF  VD ?
Seismic Design Codes i 2
Equation 2-18 15
Design Seismic Force VD
WiF H iF
FiF  N F 1
(VD  Ft ), i  2,3,4,, N F
j 2
jF H jF
F( N F 1) F 
W( N F 1) F H ( N F 1) F
(VD  Ft )  Ft
N F 1

j 2
jF H jF

Vertical distribution of design seismic force VD

Story design seismic shear force ViF

N F 1
ViF  F
j i 1
jF , i  1,2,3,..., N F
V1F  VD ?

V(i 1) F  ViF ?

Design Seismic Force VD
1. Design basis seismic force (475-year return
period) V
I  SaD  Seismic Design Codes
V   W
1.4 y  Fu m Equation 2-3

2. Maximum considered seismic force (2,475-year

return period) VM
I  SaM  Seismic Design Codes
VM    W
1.4 y  FuM m Equation 2-16c

Design Seismic Force VD
3. Small to moderate seismic force (30-year return
period) V*
 IF   S  
 uD  aD  W Site class 1, 2 or 3
  4.2 y  FuD  m
V 
 IFuD  S aD  W Taipei basin
 3.5  F  
 y  uD  m Seismic Design Codes
Equations 2-16a and b
4. Design seismic force VD

VD  max( V ,VM ,V )

Design Seismic Force VD
5. Extra seismic force at roof Ft
0, T  0.7s

Ft  0.07TVD , 0.7s  T  (25 7)s
0.25V , (25 7)s  T Seismic Design Codes
 D
Equation 2-17
6. Story design seismic force FiF
WiF H iF
FiF  N F 1
(VD  Ft ), i  2,3,4,, N F
j 2
jF H jF Seismic Design Codes
Equation 2-18
W( N F 1) F H ( N F 1) F
F( N F 1) F  N F 1
(VD  Ft )  Ft
j 2
jF H jF
Design Seismic Force VD
7. Story design seismic shear force ViF
N F 1
ViF  F
j i 1
jF , i  1,2,3,..., N F

Design Seismic Force VD
Ministry of Interior (2011), ‘Seismic Design Codes
of Buildings’. (in Chinese)

Design Seismic Force VD
(1-1) Videos on Strategies for Prevention of
Earthquake Disaster
English https://youtu.be/P0-ZqkSWAgk
Chinese https://youtu.be/Pv0zlzDh9DI
(1-2) Videos on Earthquake Engineering and
Seismic Design
English https://youtu.be/x0SoVtwTCVI

Design Seismic Force VD
(2-1) Videos on Fundamental Vibration Period
English https://youtu.be/heIqjIP3dJM
Chinese https://youtu.be/-WPHcpRCGqw
(2-2) Videos on Simplified Calculation of
Fundamental Period
English https://youtu.be/PFAtC5GcN1Y
Chinese https://youtu.be/CmILRnIS65w

Design Seismic Force VD
(3-1) Videos on Forced Vibration of Undamped
Structure (1)
English https://youtu.be/R3ouXosWlvA
Chinese https://youtu.be/kqOWgimUrOQ
(3-2) Videos on Forced Vibration of Undamped
Structure (2)
English https://youtu.be/NYB0ZMqWDLY
Chinese https://youtu.be/kqOWgimUrOQ
(4) Videos on Damping of Structure
English https://youtu.be/bt3XDUG-VYg
Chinese https://youtu.be/W2K-zTz4WvU
Design Seismic Force VD
(5-1) Videos on Forced Vibration of SDOF
Structure (1)
English https://youtu.be/yYx4Z2DXycQ
Chinese https://youtu.be/lUp3oHNG2Kg
(5-2) Videos on Forced Vibration of SDOF
Structure (2)
English https://youtu.be/VxFieYPSh68
Chinese https://youtu.be/lUp3oHNG2Kg

Design Seismic Force VD
(6-1) Videos on Dynamic Analysis of SDOF
Structure (1)
English https://youtu.be/QGaLxvNM-Sk
Chinese https://youtu.be/OQlqFqlvyTw
(6-2) Videos on Dynamic Analysis of SDOF
Structure (2)
English https://youtu.be/JiO4bK-FpmU
Chinese https://youtu.be/OQlqFqlvyTw
(7) Videos on Seismic Analysis of SDOF Structure
English https://youtu.be/muwUsj7zHuQ
Chinese https://youtu.be/qljvU_pxStA
Design Seismic Force VD
(8) Videos on Response Spectrum of Seismic
English https://youtu.be/eca-kfiM-fg
Chinese https://youtu.be/xA7boiyNquA
(9-1) Videos on Design Response Spectrum (1)
English https://youtu.be/qdOmxNmDUak
Chinese https://youtu.be/KbeJ_D6PtzA
(9-2) Videos on Design Response Spectrum (2)
English https://youtu.be/_0YVISXIE_M
Chinese https://youtu.be/KbeJ_D6PtzA

Design Seismic Force VD
(10-1) Videos on Design (Basis) Seismic Force (1)
English https://youtu.be/ET2XaJ6OSkc
Chinese https://youtu.be/AqE1KESOKt0
(10-2) Videos on Design (Basis) Seismic Force (2)
English https://youtu.be/iz29snBBbBw
Chinese https://youtu.be/AqE1KESOKt0

Design Seismic Force VD
(11-1) Videos on Maximum Considered Earthquake
(MCE) (1)
English https://youtu.be/ZqgMNc1hrU4
Chinese https://youtu.be/Ar0r2BcBiJw
(11-2) Videos on Maximum Considered Earthquake
(MCE) (2)
English https://youtu.be/SMSAPNtvI-g
Chinese https://youtu.be/Ar0r2BcBiJw

Design Seismic Force VD
(12-1) Videos on Maximum Considered Seismic
Force (1)
English https://youtu.be/4AAkm-lYFgw
Chinese https://youtu.be/Ar0r2BcBiJw
(12-2) Videos on Maximum Considered Seismic
Force (2)
English https://youtu.be/TlQ4UKNB5NY
Chinese https://youtu.be/Ar0r2BcBiJw

Design Seismic Force VD
(13-1) Videos on Small to Moderate Seismic Force
English https://youtu.be/td1luZN3Qd8
Chinese https://youtu.be/ov7mR9ZAw-0
(13-2) Videos on Design Seismic Force
English https://youtu.be/FnkTTv3HrL0
Chinese https://youtu.be/ov7mR9ZAw-0

Design Seismic Force VD
Design seismic force VD  max( V ,VM ,V  )
Story design seismic force
WiF H iF
FiF  N F 1
(VD  Ft ), i  2,3,4,, N F
W jF H jF W( N F 1) F H ( N F 1) F
j 2 F( N F 1) F  N F 1
(VD  Ft )  Ft
j 2
jF H jF

Story design seismic shear force

N F 1

F ViF 
j i 1
jF , i  1,2,3,..., N F

Thank You!
F( i 1) F  FiF ? V(i 1) F  ViF ?

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