Ego Defense Mechanism Quiz
Ego Defense Mechanism Quiz
Ego Defense Mechanism Quiz
Mechanism Quiz
Rellie Castro, RN
021345 9876543210
1. Soldiers exposed to traumatic experiences in
concentration camps during wartime sometimes
had amnesia and were unable to recall any part of
their ordeal.
a. Displacement c. Projection
b. Repression d. Regression
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4. Paul, an aggressive child, had problems in
elementary school, as he would frequently fight
with other children. Paul found when he entered
high school that he could channel this hostility into
sports such as football and soccer.
a. Fixation c. Projection
b. Substitution d. Sublimation
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5. Mrs. Brown often accuses other women of talking
too much and spreading rumors. It is rather
obvious to those who know her that she is
revealing her own inclinations in that area.
a. Denial c. Projection
b. Sublimation d. Introjection
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6. Parents might be reassured to know that children
who pull wings off flies and jab pins in the dog may
eventually find their niche in the areas of dentistry
or surgery.
a. Symbolization c. Projection
b. Repression d. Displacement
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9. A student forgot that his dreaded final exam in
geometry was scheduled for Friday. This seemed
unusual as the date of the exam had been marked
on his calendar for several weeks.
a. Symbolization c. Projection
b. Repression d. Displacement
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10. Mike is always trying to impress his pals with how
strong and independent he has become. However,
when Mike has social or emotional problems, he
still wants his dad to figure out the solution.
a. Symbolization c. Projection
b. Repression d. Displacement
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12. The individual who actually likes to have others do
things for him may be quick to criticize other
people for being dependent and lazy.
a. Symbolization c. Projection
b. Repression d. Displacement
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13. James Riley has suffered heavy financial losses
recently while playing the stock market. Upon
trading his big luxury car for an old small car, Jim
informed his associates that he bought the cheaper
car to do his part in the battle against air pollution.
a. Fixation c. Projection
b. Substitution d. Sublimation
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15. David Walters recently lost his executive position in
a large corporation. Rather than seek a new job,
David finds comfort and escape through drinking,
as alcohol helps him forget the details of being
a. Symbolization c. Projection
b. Repression d. Displacement
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19. Woman tells a friend she cannot think about her
son’s death right now.
a. Fixation c. Regression
b. Supression d. Acting-out
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20. Margaret is convinced that she received a "C" in
her chemistry class instead of an "A" because of
widespread cheating by her fellow students. She is
sure that she must be as capable in the chemistry
course as in her other subjects.
a. Projection c. Intellectualization
b. Rationalization d. Undoing
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21. Woman has no memory before age 7, when she
was removed from abusive parents.
a. Displacement c. Projection
b. Repression d. Regression
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22. The high school teacher was criticized by the
principal for having a disruptive class. When the
teacher got home that night, he argued with his
wife and kicked the dog.
a. Displacement c. Projection
b. Repression d. Regression
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23. The young wife, after a bitter conflict with her
husband, gives up her marriage as a failure and
returns to the home of her parents. She again
takes on the role of the dependent child who
expects unlimited love and indulgence.
a. Fixation c. Regression
b. Undoing d. Acting-out
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24. Teenager forbidden to see X-rated movies is
tempted to do so by friends and develops
blindness, and the teenager is unconcerned about
the loss of sight.
a. Symbolization c. Projection
b. Repression d. Displacement
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26. Persons who dislikes guns becomes an avid hunter,
just like a best friend.
a. Symbolization c. Introjection
b. Repression d. Displacement
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27. Nursing student becoming a critical care nurse
because this is the specialty of an instructor she
a. Symbolization c. Projection
b. Repression d. Identification
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28. Nurse with low self-esteem works double shifts so
her supervisor will like her.
a. Dissociation c. Regression
b. Suppression d. Acting-out
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30. Person who cheats on a spouse brings the spouse a
bouquet of roses.