fASTING and Prayer
fASTING and Prayer
fASTING and Prayer
Understanding the New
Testament Call to
The Spirit is preparing the Church for the
greatest revival and the most intense
pressure in human history.
Radical changes are needed, but they will
Regular fasting is part of this change, and
includes restraining our natural pleasures
and/or strengths to position ourselves to
Fasting Is Part Of The
Normal Christian Life.
Heart Changed
Encounters Circumstances
Purposes of Fasting
2 For the Fulfillment
of God’s Promises
1 To Confess Our
List A: Personal Life- Example
F- Fear of God
(Ask the Lord to put the fear of God into
our hearts)
E- Endurance
(Endurance for God-given assignments
without quitting)
Personal Life- Example (FELLOWSHIP)
L- Love
(Understanding of God’s love for us,
love God, love others and grace to love
Personal Life- Example (FELLOWSHIP)
L- Light of Glory
(Ask Holy Spirit to give encounters-
dreams, visions, angelic visitations,
manifestations of His light, fire and
wind-as He gave to Moses, Isaiah,
Ezekiel, Pentecost Day and John on
Island of Patmos)
Personal Life- Example (FELLOWSHIP)
O- One Thing
(To consistently spend time before the
Lord in His Word, to sit at Jesus’ feet)
W- Worthy
(Worthy of our calling-be wholehearted
and escape compromises in life)
S- Speech
(Guard our lips and speak only pleasing
Personal Life- Example (FELLOWSHIP)
H- Humility
(Teach us how to walk in His yoke of
humility and lowliness)
I- Insight into Intimacy
(Teach us to walk in agreement with His
heart, Give us creative wisdom for our
money, time, relationships, career and
Personal Life- Example (FELLOWSHIP)
T- Thank God
R- Release Revelation of God Himself
and His Plans
U- Use Me
S- Strengthen my inner man
T- Teach me
List B: People & Places