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Ph.D. Viva Voce

Reg. No.: NU/K/13/6501/0111

Dr. P. S. Kadian
Department of Chemistry, NIILM University, Kaithal
•Water is the most precious gift of the nature. It is the substance which
influences economic, agricultural and industrial growth of the mankind.

• Importance of water led the United Nations General Assembly to designate 22

March of each year as the “World Day for Water” by adopting a resolution in
1992-United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED)
in Rio de Janeiro.

• It is truly stated by the eminent Greek philosopher Pindar that "Water is the
best of all things".
 All living organisms need fresh water to maintain their life processes.
 Water is the most abundant, wonderful and essential natural resource present on earth and has
remarkable physical and chemical properties due to intermolecular hydrogen bonding.
 It is an excellent solvent. The life originated in water is sustained by water, hence water is
"Mother for all living world". It is necessary for all metabolic activities in the body.
 Vedic writings speak of the value of water:
“Apo Nara Eti Prokta Apo Vai Nasvnv Ta Yadsyayanm Purv Ten Narayana Smarth”
 Gurubani (Japji, Guru Nanak) makes a most reverential recitation:
“Pavan Guru Pani Pita Mata Dharti Mahat”
 Charaka Samhita Sutrasthanam states the importance of water:
“Jalamekam vidham sarvam patatyaindram nabhastalat, Tatpatatpatitam caiva

 Most water in the Earth's

atmosphere and crust comes from
the world ocean’s saline seawater,
while freshwater accounts for only
2.5% of the total. Because the
oceans that cover roughly 70% of
the area of the Earth.

 Water source Vol. of Water [km³] % of freshwater % of total water

 Oceans, Seas, & Bays 1,338,000,000 -- 96.5
 Ice caps, Glaciers & Snow 24,064,000 68.7 1.74
 Ground water 23,400,000 -- 1.69
 Fresh 10,530,000 30.1 0.76
 Saline 12,870,000 -- 0.93
 Soil Moisture 16,500 0.05 0.001
 Ground Ice & Permafrost 300,000 0.86 0.022
 Lakes 176,400 -- 0.013
 Fresh 91,000 0.26 0.007
 Saline 85,400 -- 0.006
 Atmosphere 12,900 0.04 0.001
 Swamp Water 11,470 0.03 0.0008
 Rivers 2,120 0.006 0.0002
 Biological Water 1,120 0.003 0.0001
 Increasing industrialization and exploding population increased the demands of water supply
 Water is used in both productive and consumptive activities and contributes to rural and urban
livelihoods in complex ways. Crop and livestock production, agro-processing, fishing,
ecosystems, recreation and human health are all influenced by the quality and quantity of
available water.
 Water is difficult to treat, costly to transport and impossible to substitute and the consumption is
increasing day by day due to increase in population. The defecation and urination alongside
rivers, lakes, and other bodies of water are common, especially in developing countries and it is
also used for domestic and recreational purposes.
 We are experiencing water scarcity as a result of rising and competing demands for water due to
increasing population, the rapid expansion of irrigation, growth in industry and power
generation, and due to lack of investments in infrastructure or capacity. The available water
supply and its productive capacity are further strained by climatic change, land degradation,
deterioration of quality, and the need to preserve environmental flows to protect aquatic and
terrestrial ecosystems (Janmaat, 2004; Murgai et al., 2001; Postel, 1999).
 Hydrology means study of storage and movement of water in streams and lakes on the surface
of the earth, as well as in ground water aquifers in the subsurface.
 Agricultural irrigation use is clearly the largest category.
 Ground water hydrology is of great importance because of the use of aquifer systems for water
supply and because of the threat of contamination from leaking hazardous waste sites, which
occur at or below the ground surface.
 Hydrology deals with the origin and history of water. It yields information about the
environment through which water has circulated.
 Contaminants can be in the form of microorganism that barely visible in unaided eyes.
 A number of authors have reported a statistically significant deterioration in the
microbiological quality of water between the source and point of use in the home (Welch et al.,
2000; Genthe and Strauss, 1997; Simango et al., 1992).
 Water pollution is any chemical, physical or biological change in the quality of water that has a
harmful effect on any living thing that drinks or uses or lives (in) it.
 When humans drink polluted water it often has serious effects on their health. Water pollution
can also make water unsuited for the desired use. There are several classes of water pollutants.
 The first are disease-causing agents. These are bacteria, viruses, protozoa and parasitic worms
that enter sewage systems and untreated waste. A second category of water pollutants is oxygen-
demanding wastes; wastes that can be decomposed by oxygen-requiring bacteria.
Various kinds of impurities in water
 Another class of water pollutants is the nutrients; they are water-soluble nitrates and phosphates
that cause excessive growth of algae and other water plants, which deplete the water's oxygen
supply. This kills fish and, when found in drinking water, can kill young children.
 Water can also be polluted by a number of organic compounds such as oil, plastics and
pesticides, which are harmful to humans and all plants and animals in the water.
 A very dangerous category is suspended sediment, because it causes depletion in the water's light
absorption and the particles spread dangerous compounds such as pesticides through the water.
 Finally, water-soluble radioactive compounds can cause cancer, birth defects, genetic damage
and are thus very dangerous water pollutants.
 The concentration of dissolved constituents in groundwater is comparatively higher than surface
water. It is common thinking that the potable water has few numbers of dissolved inorganic
constituents but the real picture is quite different, as about 58 elements have been enlisted in the
Dissolved impurities:- The inorganic salts which dissolve in natural water are
usually bicarbonates, chlorides, sulphates and nitrates of sodium, potassium,
magnesium, calcium, aluminium and iron. Zinc and copper salts are also
sometimes present in traces.

a) Gases:- Several gases such as carbon dioxide, oxides of nitrogen and

sulphur, hydrogen sulphide and ammonia may dissolve in natural water. These
gases are present as pollutants in the atmosphere and dissolve in water during
the rain fall and thus changing the pH of water.
b) Organic matter:- Huge amount of domestic sewage and industrial wastes
are thrown into canals and rivers every year. These wastes contain organic
compounds which contaminates the natural resources of water.
c) Suspended impurities:- The surface water contains suspended particles of
sand, slit and minerals eroded from the land.
d) Pathogenic microorganisms:- Various pathogenic microorganisms such as
bacteria, viruses etc. also enter in to water bodies through sewage and other
 Many factors contribute to the quality of water. Pollution of surface and groundwater resources
occurs through Point and Diffuse sources.
Pollution from point sources
A) Industrial pollution:- In case of industrial units, effluents in most of the cases are discharged
into pits, open ground, or open unlined drains near the factories, thus allowing it to move to low
lying depressions resulting in groundwater pollution. Thus the magnitude of damage caused to
our water resources can be estimated from the fact that about 70% of rivers and streams in India
contain polluted water.
B) Pollution from domestic activities
 Inadequate treatment of human and animal wastes contributes to the high incidence of water
related diseases in the country. To date, only 14% of rural and 70% of urban Indian inhabitants
have access to adequate sanitation facilities.
 Therefore, water contaminated by human waste is often groundwater table from faulty septic
tanks or pit latrines. Septic systems that are improperly sited, designed, constructed, or
maintained can contaminate ground water with bacteria, viruses, nitrates, detergents, oils, and
 In India, 14 major river systems are heavily polluted due to about 50 million cubic meters of
untreated sewage discharged into them each year. The domestic sector is responsible for the
majority of the wastewater pollution in India. It is estimated that over 7267 million litres of
domestic wastewater per day is produced in the major 22 cities in the country. Comparative
chemometric studies of water quality parameters of drinking underground water of rural & urban
areas of district Jind, Haryana
Pollution from Diffuse sources :-

• The disposal of hazardous waste like chemicals used in household septic systems, paints
and paint thinners, disinfectants, medicines, photographic chemicals, and swimming pool
chemicals is also a source of water pollution.
• Similarly, many substances used in industrial processes also contaminate the drinking
water source.
• Disposal of radioactive wastes, oil spill by tanker accidents are also the point sources
sources of water pollution.
• The main sources of diffuse pollution may be anthropogenic activities, such as
agricultural applications of fertilizers and pesticides or of geo-chemical origin, such as
natural contamination of groundwater sources by fluoride, arsenic and dissolved salts.

A) Agricultural activities:- In agriculture (Ongley, 1998), there is rarely interaction

between agricultural managers and water quality managers with the result that the
database that is needed to assess agricultural impacts on water quality is never

Fertilizers and pesticides have entered the water supply through runoff and leaching to the
groundwater table and pose a hazard to human, animal and plant populations. Some of
these chemicals such as hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH), dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane
(DDT), endosulfan, methylmalathion, malathion dimethoate, etc. are considered as
extremely hazardous and are banned or are under strict control in developed countries.
B) Geological origin:-
Pollution of groundwater resources due to geological conditions has become a matter of
serious concern (Rao and Mamatha, 2004). Groundwater in certain geological
formations may not be of desired quality for potable use because of geochemical
Most of the critical quality related problems of ground water in India are cited as
geogenic largely due to major inorganic pollutants like fluoride and arsenic. Arsenic
problem prevails in 3136 habitations and fluoride is endemic in 36,988 habitations.
Arsenic contamination of groundwater invariably arises from natural geological and
environmental conditions. Arsenic arises in many ores and minerals and is frequently
present in combination with iron and manganese oxides; under various natural
conditions it can be rendered soluble and released into the groundwater.
Groundwater with high fluoride content is found mostly in calcium deficient
groundwater in many basement aquifers, such as granite and gneiss, in geothermal
waters and in some sedimentary basins.
Almost all of the states and about 200 districts in India have been identified as
endemic to fluorosis due to abundance in natural occurring fluoride bearing minerals.
The fluorosis problem is severe in India as almost 80% of the rural population depends
on untreated groundwater for potable water supplies (Rao and Mamatha, 2004).
C) Faecal pollution :- The level of faecal coliform bacteria in most rivers often exceeds
the WHO standards and is responsible for causing a number of gastrointestinal ailments
among the population. Faecal pollution of drinking water causes water borne diseases,
which wiped out entire population of cities (Farah et al., 2002).
 The most common source of water supply sources is either surface water or the
ground water. Surface water is the term used to describe the water on land surface
and it is produced by runoff of precipitation and ground water seepage.
 Water that seeps underground becomes "Groundwater" the major source of
drinking water for many people. In fact, the bulk of the world’s liquid fresh water
is actually groundwater.
 Water in the space between difference soil layers and cracks in rocks is termed as
underground water. It is similar to water being stored in a sponge. It is not visible
but can be drawn out.
 Rain water is the main source of ground water. When it rains, a part of the rain
water percolates into the soil and collects over the hard rock layer. The soil or rock
formations in the earth that contain water are called ground water aquifers.
 Thus, an aquifer is a geological formation or structure, which is porous and
permeable to the extent of maintaining a steady supply of sufficient amount of
water to the wells or springs.
 Comparative chemometric studies of water quality parameters of drinking
underground water of rural & urban areas of district Jind, Haryana .
 Saturation is a state in which all the free space or interstices are filled with water.
This level is referred to as ground water level.
 The level may be just below the ground level or many hundred meters below
ground surface. In rainy season, the ground water level comes up due to the filling
up of the free spaces (saturation) through the percolation of rain water.
 Ground water is the major source of drinking water in both urban and rural areas. Besides, it is
an important source of water for the agricultural and the industrial sector. Being an important
and integral part of the hydrological cycle, its availability depends on the rainfall and recharge
 Groundwater is a valuable resource but unfortunately, many people view groundwater as a
limitless resource protected from human activity..
 Fresh water which is a precious and limited vital resource needs to be protected, conserved and
used wisely by man. But unfortunately such has not been the case, as the polluted lakes, rivers
and streams throughout the world testify.
 According to the scientists of National Environmental Engineering Research Institute
(NEERI), Nagpur, India, about 70% of the available water in India is polluted (Yadav and
Kumar, 2010).
 Groundwater is an important resource for mankind's existence and economic development.
The entire world's water groundwater constitutes about 0.6%.
 But 50% Comparative chemometric studies of water quality parameters of drinking
underground water of rural & urban areas of district Jind, Haryana
 Groundwater is considered as a pure safe and dependable resource in comparison to surface
water because groundwater is protected from surface contamination by upper soil mantle
which removes pollutants.
 The surface water contains high organic matter and minerals which result in growth of
pathogenic bacteria and algae. Surface water continues to be contaminated with runoff from
agricultural fields, wastes from industries and domestic sewage (Durfor and Becker, 1964).
 In India about 180 km3 of groundwater is used annually for various purposes.
According to a projection the demand for water is likely to increase from 180
to 350 k3m by 2025 A.D. (Handa, 1988).
 Groundwater is used for agricultural, industrial, household, recreational and
environmental activities all over the world. In the last few decades, there has
been a tremendous increase in the demand for freshwater due to rapid growth
of population and the accelerated pace of industrialization.
 In India, most of the population is dependent on groundwater as the only
source of drinking water supply. Potable water is the water that is free from
disease producing microorganisms and chemical substances that are
dangerous to health.
 Majority of the rural common people do not have access to potable water and
therefore; depend on well, stream and river water for domestic use. In India,
there are over 20 million private wells in addition to the government tube
 The story of Comparative chemometric studies of water quality parameters of
drinking underground water of rural & urban areas of district Jind, Haryana
 As a result of increased industrial activities in our country during the post independence
period i.e. from the year 1947, India is today rated as one among the first ten industrial
countries of the world. The various process of industrialization, domestic uses and
urbanization are the principal sources of contamination of ground water quality in India. Due
to these causes water quality deteriorates and water becomes unsuitable for potable use.
 Ground water contamination is nearly always the result of human activity. In areas where
population density is high and human use of the land is intensive, ground water is especially
 Groundwater is polluted by natural as well as anthropogenic sources. Natural sources of
pollution include acid rain and salts from rocks etc. Now in the era of Comparative
chemometric studies of water quality parameters of drinking underground water of rural &
urban areas of district Jind, Haryana
 Now a days the scientists from all over the world are suggesting that the dumping of
hazardous waste including radioactive waste from nuclear reactors in the underground wells is
the best way for hazardous waste disposal but if somehow the waste leaks into groundwater
than what would happen?
 The results will be very disastrous because once the ground water is polluted it becomes very
difficult rather nearly impossible to restore it.
 Although water is a universal and global issue, the problems and
solutions are often highly localized. With 2.4% of land and 4% of
water resources, India has to support 16% of world’s population and
15% of livestock. Behaviour of groundwater in the India subcontinent
is highly complicated due to occurrence of diversified geological
formations with considerable litho-logical and chronological
variations, complex tectonic framework, climate-logical
dissimilarities and various hydro-chemical conditions.
 While India is considered rich in terms of annual rainfall and total
water resources, its uneven geographical distribution causes severe
regional and temporal shortages. India’s rivers carry 90 percent of the
water during the period from June-November. Thus, only 10 per cent
of the river flow is available during the other six months. The
available resources of India including rainfall, surface water,
groundwater, water available for irrigation, domestic uses etc. are
presented in
Water Resources of India. (Source: central Water Commission, 2015) of India

Average Annual Rainfall :- 4000 BCM

Annual Rainfall (2015) :- 3566 BCM
Mean Annual Natural Run-Off :- 1869 BCM
Estimated Utilisable Surface Water Potential :- 690 BCM
Total Replenishable Ground Water Resources :- 433 BCM
Ground Water Resources Available for Irrigation:- 369 BCM
Ground Water Available for Domestic, Industrial & Other Purposes:- 71 BCM
Ultimate Irrigation Potential 140 Mha From Surface Water :- 76 Mha
Ultimate Irrigation Potential 140 Mha From Ground Water :- 64 Mha
Storage Available Due to Completed Major & Medium Project:- 253 BCM

 In the states of Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Rajasthan, annual ground water consumption is more
than annual ground water recharge. Experts believe that India is fast moving towards a crisis of
ground water overuse and contamination (Kulkarni et al., 2014).
 Ground water overuse or overexploitation is defined as a situation in which, over a period of
time, average extraction rate from aquifers is greater than the average recharge rate.
 India is struggling hard to provide its citizens with all basic amenities, but clean drinking water
is not available to great number of people mainly because of Comparative chemometric studies
of water quality parameters of drinking underground water of rural & urban areas of district Jind,
 Groundwater is the major source of water supply for drinking and other purposes in the rural
areas of India (Gupta et al., 2009). In India ponds, rivers and groundwater are used for domestic
and agricultural purposes (Bhandari and Nayal, 2008).
 India is now the biggest user of groundwater for agriculture in the world. 89% of ground water
extracted is used in the irrigation sector (MWR- Annual Report 2013-14).
 This is followed by ground water for domestic use which is 9% of the extracted groundwater.
Industrial use of ground water is 2%. 50% of urban water requirements and 85% of rural
domestic water requirements are also fulfilled by ground water (World Bank, 2010).
 Ground water contamination is the presence of certain pollutants in ground
water that are in excess of the limits prescribed for drinking water (MWR,
2015). The commonly observed contaminants include arsenic, fluoride,
nitrate and iron, which are geogenic in nature.
 Other contaminants include bacteria, phosphates and heavy metals which
are a result of human activities including domestic sewage, agricultural
practices and industrial effluents (Planning Commission, 2013).
 The sources of contamination include pollution by landfills, septic tanks,
leaky underground gas tanks, and from overuse of fertilizers and pesticides.
It has been pointed out that nearly 60% of all districts in the country have
issues related to either availability of ground water, or quality of ground
water, or both.
Geogenic contaminants Number of affected states Number of affected districts
Arsenic 10 68
Fluoride 20 276
Nitrate 21 387
Iron 24 297
 Use of waste water in agriculture increases nitrate contamination of groundwater (Chilton et
al., 1998), salts, metals and other contaminants in soil and threaten agricultural sustainability
(Chang et al., 2002).
 Improper crop management may change the status of nutrients in soil, leading to deficiency.
 Irrational extraction of water, without recharge or insufficient recharge increases salinisation,
making it unfit.
 Blind use of fertilizers, pesticides and over-productivity can easily create waste and barren
 Leaching from unprotected dug-wells and ponds in rural areas is also a rich source of
 Pollution from human settlements lacking appropriate sanitary infrastructure.
 Downward leakage of the wastes of Livestock and humans, and irrigation by wastewater may
exceed the contamination in shallow aquifers significantly.
 Nearby industrial units or drainage carrying industrial wastes may further deteriorate the
 If the problem persists, downward leakage of shallow aquifers may cause contamination of the
deeper aquifers in the long term.
 Slow and delay in treatment and lack of proper water management in rural areas may further
aggravate the water contamination by reaction products, by products, etc.

 Haryana is a small state located in North West of India, bordered by

Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Uttrakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Delhi, and
Rajasthan. The Haryana State is a landlocked state in northern India. It
is between 27°39' to 30°35' N latitude and between 74°28' and 77°36'
E longitude covering an area of 44,212 sq. km. It is bordered by
Punjab and Pradesh to the north and by Rajasthan to the west and
south. The river Yamuna defines its eastern border with Uttar Pradesh.
Haryana surrounds the country's capital Delhi on three sides, forming
the northern, western and southern borders of Delhi.
 Haryana is now a leading contributor to the country's production of
food grains and milk. Agriculture is the leading occupation for
residents of the state with the flat arable land irrigated by submersible
pumps and an extensive canal system. Haryana contributed heavily to
the Green Revolution that made India self-sufficient in food
production in the 1960s.
 In Haryana state, ground water occurs both under confined and unconfined
conditions in the alluvial formation. On the basis of Geohydrological
conditions as well as groundwater movement and surface drainage pattern, the
entire Haryana state is divided into the following basins:

1) Yamuna basin; (a) Upper, (b) Lower

2) Ghaggar Basin; (a) Upper, (b) Lower
3) Inland Alluvial Basin
4) Krishnawati Basin
5) Sahibi Basin
6) Landoha Nala Basin
7) Kanti Sub Basin (Loharu Satnali area)

There are four irrigation systems in the state namely:

1) Western Yamuna canal,
2) Bhakra canal,
3) Agra canal and
4) Ghaggar canal
Behaviour of Ground Water Level
 In order to assess the quantitative change in ground water resources, water levels as
a routine were monitored by ground water observation wells (GWOWs). In
summers, 2% area of state fall in very shallow water levels i.e. water logging
conditions (0-2m) particularly in Jhajjar, Sonipat and Rohtak. 15% area mainly in
the central part has shallow water levels (2-5m). 23% of area of the state has
moderate water levels (5-10m) and 30% of the area falling in Karnal, Kurukshetra,
Jind, Fatehabad, Sirsa Hissar, Bhiwani, Rewari, Mahendragarh, Gurgaon and
Faridabad districts has moderate deep water levels (10-20m) however 25% area
reported from Comparative chemometric studies of water quality parameters of
drinking underground water of rural & urban areas of district Jind, Haryana
 Ambala, Kurukshetra, Kaithal, Karnal, Panipat, Sonipat, Jind, Fatehabad, Sirsa,
Bhiwani, Rewari, Mahendragarh, Gurgaon and Faridabad districts have deep water
levels of 20-40m. 6% area falling in Bhiwani and Mahendragarh districts &
isolated patches in Kaithal, Kurukshetra, Fatehabad and Sirsa districts have very
deep water levels (>40m). The behavioural pattern of depth of water level various
seasons is presented below

Behavioural pattern of depth of water level Season

% Area covered 0-2m 2-5m 5-10m 10-20m 20-40m > 40m
Summer 2 15 23 30 25 6
Rainy 2 25 22 28 20 4
Winter 2 12 29 29 22 6
Water Quality Analysis of Haryana State
 Chemical analysis shows that ground water is slightly alkaline with pH ranging between 7.05 (Rasulpur, block
Sadaura district Yamunanagar) and 9.15 (Mangaiana, block Dabwali district Sirsa). Salinity is found to vary widely
with a minimum value of 238 μS/cm at Mauzabad, block Pataudi (Gurgaon) and a maximum value of 14640 μS/cm
at Nagina (Mewat district).
 Among anions, carbonate though generally absent in ground water is found in significant amount from upto 199
mg/L at Lahori, block Madlauda in district Panipat. Bicarbonate varies from 12 to 922 mg/L at Rukhi, block Gohana
(Sonipat district), chloride varies from 7.0 mg/L at Barwasni in Sonipat district to 4930 mg/L at Nagina (Mewat
district) and sulphate varies from nil to 2833 mg/L at Rasalia Khera (Block Dabwali in Sirsa district).
 However, exceptionally high concentrations of 4028mg/L of sulphate are also encountered in Mewat district
(Nagina). Nitrate, an indicator of domestic, irrigation and industrial contamination, is found at many locations. Its
concentration in State varies from below detection limit to 1876mg/L at Dadri in Bhiwani district. Fluoride is found
to be present in all the districts and it varies from nil to 15.72 mg/L at Mohana in Sonipat district. In about 18.9% of
the samples, it is found more than the drinking water limit of 1.5 mg/L (BIS 2012). Phosphate has not been detected
in most of the locations but the highest concentration of 2.78 mg/L has been observed in well water of Bhunderi
(Sonepat district).
 Among cations, calcium is found to vary from 2.1 mg/L (Rukhi in Sonipat district) to 601 mg/L at Nagina (Mewat
district) whereas magnesium generally varies from nil to 1216mg/L at Nagina in Mewat district. Sodium is found to
range between 4.5 mg/L (Kalri Jagir, district Karnal) and 2400 mg/L at Nagina in Mewat.
 Potassium in ground waters is normally below 10 mg/L and its higher concentration indicates contamination from
point as well as non-point sources. In Haryana, potassium in shallow waters is found to range from traces to as high
as 790 mg/L at Jhamaula in Jind district.
 Silica determined as SiO2 varied from 8.4 to 41 mg/L. Hardness reported as CaCO3 varies between 50 mg/L at
Mauzabad in Gurgaon district and 3603 mg/L at Gagiachajat in Rewari district, indicating wide variation. However,
very hard water with conc. as high as of 6505 mg/L is also encountered at Nagina in Mewat district.
Salinity:- Generally, salinity of groundwater occurring in areas falling under semi-arid and
arid agro climatic zone is moderately to fairly high. At some places, such as Farruknagar
and Sultanpur, the EC is so high that salt can be manufactured by solar evaporation. For
drinking purposes and for irrigation use, high salinity is one of the major ground water
quality problems in these areas. Districts of Gurgaon, Bhiwani, Rohtak, Kaithal,
Mohindergarh, and Sonipat have more than 30% of the ground water with EC above 3000
while EC of ground water in the districts of Karnal, Kurukshetra, and Yamunanagar is
below 3000.
Fluoride:- A small amount of fluoride in drinking waters has been found beneficial in
reducing dental decay. However, large amounts in drinking waters result in staining of
tooth enamel and still larger concentration may lead to crippling skeletal fluorosis. The
maximum permissible range of fluoride in drinking waters fixed by BIS is 1.5 mg/L. 24
percent of wells in Haryana have fluoride in ground water outside the maximum
permissible range of 1.5 mg/L.

Nitrate:- Presence of nitrate above 5.0 mg/L in ground water reflects contamination at
some stageof its percolation and circulation. Spatial distribution of nitrate indicates that
nitrate is less than 45 mg/L (Permissible limit of BIS) in majority of the areas. The districts
of Ambala, Bhiwani, Faridabad, Fatehabad, Gurgaon, Jhajjar, Jind, Kaithal, Mahendergarh,
Mewat, Panchkula, Panipat, Rewari, Rohtak, Sirsa and Yamunanagar districts have nitrate
contents even more than 100mg/l.
 Iron:- Water with iron more than 1.0mg/L is not suitable for domestic use, whereas
desirable concentration of iron in water for domestic use is below 0.30mg/L. Water with
iron ranging between 0.30 and 1.0mg/L is permitted for use only when there is no other
suitable source of water is available. Central Ground Water Board during 2001 has
found iron in ground water samples collected from GWOWs located in the districts of
Ambala, Yamunanagar, Jind, Sonepat and Hissar stations ranging from zero to 12.96
mg/L. Majorities of places have ground water with iron above 1.0mg/L.
 Arsenic:- Problems due to high arsenic in ground water have acquired global attention.
Considering its harmful effects on human health, Central Ground Water Board devoted
international water year, 2003, towards determination of arsenic in shallow ground
waters. Ambala, Bhiwani, Mahendergarh, Jhajjar,Palwal and Sirsa have Arsenic
concentration more than the desirable limit of >0.01mg/L. Central Ground Water Board
has reported only 4 wells located at Balana in district Ambala, Chorpur and Garhi ka
Rajan in district Karnal and Samain in district Fatehabad having arsenic more than the
permissible level of 0.05mg/L.
Suitability for Drinking
 The suitability of drinking water is evaluated by the parameters like
salinity, nitrate, sulphate, fluoride, hardness and alkalinity. The ground
water at several places in the southern and western parts of Haryana
State is not suitable for drinking either due to one or more constituent
exceeding the maximum permissible limits.
 The ground water in the districts of Ambala, Jind, Kaithal, Karnal,
Kurukshetra, Palwal, Panipat, Panchkula, Rohtak, Sonepat and
Yamunanagar are mostly suitable for drinking. Faridabad, Gurgaon
Hissar, Gurgaon, Mahendergarh, and Rewari districts have 30-50%
water samples of potable quality as per BIS 2012 standards.
 Bhiwani, Fatehabad, Jhajjar, Mewat and Sirsa districts have less than
30% ground waters having chemical parameters within the permissible
limits thus ground water is mostly unsuitable for drinking due to one or
more of these constituents exceeding the maximum permissible limits.
Suitability for Irrigation
 The suitability of ground water for irrigation is assessed based on EC, SAR and
RSC values of waters. The ground waters in the districts of Ambala, Fatehabad,
Kaithal, Karnal, Kurukshetra, Panchkula, Panipat, Rohtak and Yamunanagar are
mostly of C1, C2, C3 salinity and S1, S2 sodicity classes and are suitable for
 The ground waters from southern and western part of Haryana comprising of
districts of Bhiwani, Faridabad, Gurgaon, Hissar, Jhajjar, Jind, Mahendergarh,
Mewat, Rewari, Sirsa, and Sonipat fall under C4S1, C4S2, C3S3, C3S3, C4S2,
C4S3 and C4S4 classes. Use of such waters for irrigation under normal conditions
may lead to both high to very high salinity as well as sodium hazards.
Ground water Pollution in Major Cities of Haryana

 Shallow ground water occurring in northern and north-eastern

parts is suitable for drinking as well as for irrigation.
 Shallow ground water occurring in central parts has intermediate
quality and is permitted for drinking use.
 Shallow ground water occurring in southern and western parts is
not suitable for drinking as well as for customary irrigation due to
high concentrations of either salinity or nitrate or fluoride.
 Elevated Arsenic content in ground water is one of the most
serious concerns.
Jind District, Haryana
 Jind district lies in the North of Haryana between 29o03' to 29o51' North latitude and 75o53'
to 76o45'. It is bounded by Patiala in the North and Sangrur district of Punjab in the
 Jind district has four tehsils i.e., Narwana, Jind, Safidon and Julana as can be seen in Figure
2.4. In order to streamline the rural development, these tehsils have been further subdivided
into seven blocks namely Narwana, Uchana, Alewa, Jind, Julana, Pilukhera and Safidon as
can be seen in Figure 2.5. As per 2011 census the total population of the district is 1,334,152.
Out of total population 713,006 are males and 621,146 are females. The male and female
ratio of the district as a whole was 1000:838. In Jind district 77.1% of the population is
settled in 307 villages and the rest 22.9% of population is concentrated in urban area.
Literacy rate in rural and urban areas of Jind district is 68.85 and 80.11% respectively as per
census data 2011.
Canal system and Irrigation in Jind District
 The area of Jind district is irrigated by two canal systems i.e., The Western
Yamuna canal and the Bhakra canal. The Narwana and Barwala link canals of
Bhakra canal system interlink these two systems. Western Yamuna Canal
takes off from the Yamuna at Tajewala head works (Ambala district).
 The Sirsa branch bifurcates from the main Western Yamuna canal at Indri
(Karnal district) and joint by Narwana branch of Bhakra canal near Budhera.
About 49.0 km further down the Hansi Branch takes off from main branch of
Western Yamuna canal at village Munak. Sirsa Branch irrigates area in the
Northern part of Jind district by Narwana branch of the Bhakra canal and its
distributaries i.e., Hansi sub branch, Jakhali, Rajound, Sudkain Dhanauri etc.
 The area of the district irrigated by the Sirsa branch is approx. 143744ha.
Hansi branch enters in the district near Anta village in Saffidon Tehsil with
the augmentation of water supply from Bhakra canal. It irrigates the southern
part of the Jind district through Buthra Branch and Sunder sub branch. The
area irrigated by Hansi branch system is approx. 63326 ha. Narwana Branch
link canal irrigates some area of Jind district in its tail reaches. The district is
also irrigated through Khanauri and Haripur minors. The area irrigated by
these distributaries is approx. 5000 ha. (Source: Irrigation Dept. Canal)
Rainfall and Climate
 The climate of Jind district is mainly dry with very hot summer and
cold winter except during monsoon season when moist air of oceanic
origin penetrates into the district. There are four seasons in a year.
The hot weather season starts from mid March to last week of the
June followed by the south west monsoon which lasts upto
September. The transition period from September to October forms
the post- monsoon season. The winter season starts late in November
& remains upto 1st week of March.
 The normal annual rainfall of the district is 515 mm. The south west
monsoon sets in from last week of June and withdraws in end of
September, contributes about 84% of annual rainfall. July and August
are the wettest months. Rest 16% rainfall is received during non-
monsoon period in the wake of western disturbances and thunder
storms. Generally rainfall in the district increases from southwest to
Ground Water Scenario in Jind District
 The ground water occurs in a thick zone of saturation in the alluvium
both under confined and unconfined conditions. The shallow aquifers,
which are unconfined in nature, are being tapped chiefly by open dug
well and shallow tubewell. The deeper aquifers, which are underlain by
extensive confining clays, occur under confined conditions.
 A buried river channel of Ghaggar has been located in the eastern part of
the area. In Safidon-Jind tract tubewells have been constructed within a
depth of 80 to 100 m bgl encountering fresh water zones with 25m to
35m of granular material comprising coarse sand, gravel and pebble.
 The depth of water level ranges from 2.47 to 27.06 mbgl in pre monsoon
period. Pillukhera, Alewa, Kalwan, Pipartha, and Jhamala indicated a
declining trend in water level due to over exploitation of groundwater
and these regions require careful management of surface water and
conjunctive use of surface water and groundwater.
Ground Water Resources in Jind District
Block Net annual Existing Existing Provision Net annual Category
ground water gross gross for ground
availability ground ground domestic & water
(ham) water draft water draft industrial availability
for for all uses requiremen for future
irrigation (ham) t supply to irrigation
(ham) 2025 (ham) developmen
t (ham)

Alewa 6288 7017 7175 158 -887 Over


Jind 18735 15544 17067 1983 1208 Critical

Julana 8297 7117 7131 174 1006 Semi-critical
Narwana 14507 17428 17971 543 -3464 Over

Pilukhera 9854 7872 7987 142 1840 Semi-critical

Saffidon 13854 13957 15072 1115 -1218 Over

Uchana 10179 8470 8470 164 1587 Semi-critical

Total 81714 77363 80873 4278 73
Total 663 samples have been taken from 314 villages of Jind District to analyze the
Physico-chemcial properties of ground water quality. For the sake of simplicity and
convenience, the observations and results have been studied blockwise. Jind district is
sub divided into 4 sub districts (Tehsils), 7 blocks and comprises 314 villages. Jind
district has 6 major cities. The 7 blocks in Jind district are Alewa, Jind, Julana,
Narwana, Pillukhera, Safidon and Uchana. The map of Jind is presented in Figure
Water Quality Monitoring in Uchana Block
Comparison of drinking water samples of Alewa Block of District Jind with BIS and WHO
BIS Standards

Range of Samples
IS:10500:1991 WHO
Standard Permissible
Min. Max. Mean Variance Desirable Limit
Deviation Limit
Temperature, Odour, Taste and Appearance: Unobjectionable and Agreeable
6.5 –
pH 7.20 8.63 7.89 0.36 0.13 6.5 – 8.5 6.5 – 8.5

EC 0.708 3.870 1.676 0.758 0.575 - - 0.30

TDS 484 2440 1075 472 223135 500 2000 500

TH 200 1350 557 281 78982 300 500 100

Ca2+ 38 288 114 58 3385 75 200 75
Mg2+ 24 151 65 31 980 30 100 30
TA 195 870 382 158 24857 200 600 100

Cl– 111 493 259 98 9671 250 1000 250

F– 0.0 11.0 2.0 2.2 4.9 1.0 1.5 1.5
Na+ 96 386 207 79 6214 200

K+ 3 121 23 24 585 - - 100

SO42– 34 325 130 75 5642 150 400 500

PO43– 0.0 6.9 2.1 1.8 3.2 5
NO3 – 2 85 25 19 355 45 - 50
Water Quality Monitoring in JIND Block

Comparison of drinking water samples of Jind Block of District Jind with BIS and WHO
BIS Standards

Range of Samples
WHO Limit
Standard Permissible
Min. Max. Mean Variance Desirable Limit
Deviation Limit

Temperature, Odour, Taste and Appearance: Unobjectionable and Agreeable

pH 7.40 8.80 7.96 0.34 0.11 6.5 – 8.5 6.5 – 8.5 6.5 – 6.8

EC 0.503 2.604 1.363 0.553 0.305 - - 0.30

TDS 321 1649 856 337 113814 500 2000 500

TH 120 825 412 166 27618 300 500 100
Ca2+ 28 162 82 33 1105 75 200 75

Mg2+ 12 106 50 20 419 30 100 30

TA 130 720 340 129 16594 200 600 100

Cl– 30 556 208 131 17189 250 1000 250
F– 0.0 5.0 2.0 1.2 1.5 1.0 1.5 1.5
Na+ 30 369 158 76 5717 200
K+ 2 75 13 13 179 - - 100

SO42– 18 332 149 77 5980 150 400 500

PO43– 0.3 5.4 2.1 1.1 1.3 5

NO3– 1.5 95 19 20 392 45 - 50

Water Quality Monitoring in Julana Block

Comparison of drinking water samples of Julana Block of District Jind with BIS and WHO
BIS Standards
Range of Samples

WHO Limit
Standard Desirable Permissible
Min. Max. Mean Variance
Deviation Limit Limit

Temperature, Odour, Taste and Appearance: Unobjectionable and Agreeable

pH 7.41 8.41 7.93 0.23 0.06 6.5 – 8.5 6.5 – 8.5 6.5 – 6.8

EC 0.452 2.539 1.369 0.585 0.342 - - 0.30

TDS 305 1630 873 365 132880 500 2000 500
TH 173 1062 469 239 57178 300 500 100
Ca2+ 35 217 95 49 2407 75 200 75
Mg2+ 23 129 56 28 772 30 100 30
TA 125 540 307 104 10824 200 600 100
Cl– 58 440 221 93 8638 250 1000 250
F– 0.4 5.0 1.9 1.1 1.2 1.0 1.5 1.5
Na+ 27 276 156 67 4507 200
K+ 1.3 43 10 11 121 - - 100
SO42– 16 410 190 101 10211 150 400 500
PO43– 0.8 17.1 2.7 3.2 10.2 5
NO3– 1.9 55 22 15 230 45 - 50
Water Quality Monitoring in Narwana Block

Comparison of drinking water samples of Narwana Block of District Jind with BIS and WHO
BIS Standards
Range of Samples

WHO Limit
Standard Desirable Permissible
Min. Max. Mean Variance
Deviation Limit Limit

Temperature, Odour, Taste and Appearance: Unobjectionable and Agreeable

pH 7.32 8.73 7.96 0.33 0.11 6.5 – 8.5 6.5 – 8.5 6.5 – 6.8

EC 0.303 3.140 1.163 0.503 0.253 - - 0.30

TDS 189 2018 733 315 99471 500 2000 500
TH 88 1205 370 161 25915 300 500 100
Ca2+ 19 314 78 43 1868 75 200 75
Mg2+ 10 142 45 20 398 30 100 30
TA 80 485 249 87 7552 200 600 100
Cl– 38 350 152 76 5725 250 1000 250
F– 0.0 9.0 1.5 1.5 2.2 1.0 1.5 1.5
Na+ 32 281 102 61 3699 200
K+ 0.5 51 11 9 85 - - 100
SO42– 12 386 145 78 6034 150 400 500
PO43– 0.0 6.2 0.9 1.1 1.3 5
NO3– 2 73 23 16 262 45 - 50
Water Quality Monitoring in Pillukhera Block
Comparison of drinking water samples of Pillukhera Block of District Jind with BIS and WHO
BIS Standards

Range of Samples
IS:10500:1991 WHO
Standard Permissible
Min. Max. Mean Variance Desirable Limit
Deviation Limit
Temperature, Odour, Taste and Appearance: Unobjectionable and Agreeable
6.5 –
pH 7.65 8.47 8.07 0.23 0.05 6.5 – 8.5 6.5 – 8.5

EC 0.238 4.445 1.264 0.814 0.662 - - 0.30

TDS 221 1422 732 326 106456 500 2000 500

TH 97 815 389 187 34819 300 500 100

Ca2+ 20 163 79 37 1400 75 200 75
Mg2+ 11 100 47 22 504 30 100 30
TA 100 560 278 113 12881 200 600 100

Cl– 45 400 191 101 10145 250 1000 250

F– 0.0 6.3 1.8 1.5 2.2 1.0 1.5 1.5
Na+ 32 287 151 78 6087 200

K+ 3 65 13 16 271 - - 100

SO42– 15 255 85 52 2725 150 400 500

PO43– 0.1 5.2 1.4 1.2 1.3 5
NO3– 1.3 108 13 22 465 45 - 50
Water Quality Monitoring in Safidon Block
Comparison of drinking water samples of Safidon Block of District Jind with BIS and WHO
BIS Standards

Range of Samples
IS:10500:1991 WHO
Standard Permissible Limit
Min. Max. Mean Variance Desirable Limit
Deviation Limit
Temperature, Odour, Taste and Appearance: Unobjectionable and Agreeable

pH 7.49 8.78 8.03 0.30 0.09 6.5 – 8.5 6.5 – 8.5 6.5 – 6.8

EC 0.383 2.560 1.224 0.635 0.404 - - 0.30

TDS 258 1621 782 392 153843 500 2000 500

TH 90 830 381 197 38780 300 500 100

Ca2+ 19 171 80 42 1728 75 200 75
Mg2+ 11 97 46 25 609 30 100 30
TA 120 650 302 130 16831 200 600 100

Cl– 43 470 225 97 9355 250 1000 250

F– 0.0 10.0 2.2 2.3 5.3 1.0 1.5 1.5

Na+ 21 398 194 87 7497 200

K+ 0.4 55 12 11 130 - - 100

SO42– 20 287 114 66 4419 150 400 500

PO43– 0.1 3.8 1.1 0.8 0.6 5
NO3– 0.9 66 16 17 301 45 - 50
Water Quality Monitoring in Safidon Block

Comparison of drinking water samples of Uchana Block of District Jind with BIS and WHO
BIS Standards

Range of Samples
IS:10500:1991 WHO
Standard Permissible
Min. Max. Mean Variance Desirable Limit
Deviation Limit
Temperature, Odour, Taste and Appearance: Unobjectionable and Agreeable

6.5 –
pH 6.98 8.57 7.90 0.31 0.10 6.5 – 8.5 6.5 – 8.5

EC 0.246 3.220 1.548 0.644 0.415 - - 0.30

TDS 162 1998 983 398 158319 500 2000 500

TH 90 1147 490 198 39099 300 500 100
Ca2+ 18 233 98 39 1556 75 200 75
Mg2+ 10 140 58 25 603 30 100 30
TA 55 890 368 150 22586 200 600 100
Cl– 60 850 257 140 19554 250 1000 250
F– 0.0 5.5 1.8 1.3 1.7 1.0 1.5 1.5
Na+ 44 500 190 91 8279 200
K+ 2 220 25 35 1198 - - 100
SO42– 22 328 116 66 4368 150 400 500
PO43– 0.0 11.0 1.2 2.2 4.9 5
NO3– 4 132 35 26 670 45 - 50
Classification of Drinking Water in Villages of different Blocks of District Jind on the basis of
Total Hardness.
(Scale based on Matalas and Reiher, 1967 & Sawyer and McCarthy, 1967)
TH Number of Samples Block-wise
Description Alewa Jind Julana Narwana Pillukhera Safidon Uchana Jind
Mg/L District
< 75 Soft 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
75-150 0 1 0 2 4 4 2 13
151-300 Hard 4 23 10 22 6 15 4 84

> 300 Very Hard 26 48 21 44 19 24 35 217

TOTAL 30 72 31 68 29 43 41 314



Pillukhera below 75
above 300


0 20 40 60 80
Ratio of Water Samples in Villages of different Blocks of district Jind on the basis
of Total Hardness.
Classification of Drinking Water in Villages of different Blocks of District Jind on the basis of
Total Dissolved Solids.
(Scale based on Matalas and Reiher, 1967)
TDS Description Number of Samples Block-wise
Alewa Jind Julana Narwana Pillukhera Safidon Uchana
< 300 Good 0 0 0 2 3 2 1
300-500 Fair 1 11 61 12 6 12 3
500-900 Average 12 29 10 41 9 14 15
900-1200 Poor 7 21 7 9 8 8 12
1200-2000 Very Poor 9 11 8 3 3 7 10
>2000 Unacceptable 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
TOTAL 30 72 30 68 29 43 41



Below 300
Narwana 300-500
Julana 900-1200
Jind Above 2000


0 20 40 60 80

Ratio of Water Samples in Villages of different Blocks of district Jind on the basis of Total Dissolved Solids.
0% 4%


Moderate Hard
Very Hard
69% 1% 3%


Drinking water quality of Jind District
on the basis of Total Hardness. Average
23% Poor
Very Poor


Drinking water quality of Jind District on

the basis of Total Dissolved Solids.
Mean Values of different parameters of drinking water of villages studied of the district Jind


Mean Values of different Parameters in Villages studied (Block-wise and Jind District)

Alewa Jind Julana Narwana Pillukhera Safidon Uchana Jind District

pH 7.89 7.96 7.93 7.96 8.07 8.03 7.90 7.96 0.31

EC 1.676 1.363 1.369 1.163 1.264 1.224 1.548 1.346 0.634

TDS 1075 856 873 733 732 782 983 847 378
TH 557 412 469 370 389 381 490 426 204
Ca2+ 114 82 95 78 79 80 98 87 43
Mg2+ 65 50 56 45 47 46 58 51 24
TA 382 340 307 249 278 302 368 314 131
Cl– 259 208 221 152 191 225 257 209 113
F– 2.0 2.0 1.9 1.5 1.8 2.2 1.8 1.8 1.6
Na+ 207 158 156 102 151 194 190 159 83
K+ 23 13 10 11 13 12 25 14 19
SO42– 130 149 190 145 85 114 116 135 79
PO43– 2.1 2.1 2.7 0.9 1.4 1.1 1.2 1.6 1.7
NO3– 25 19 22 23 13 16 35 22 20
Units of all the parameters are mg/L except EC (µS)





Alewa Jind Julana Narwana Pillukhera Safidon Uchana

Comparison of Mean pH values of Drinking Water in Different Blocks of district Jind

Alewa Jind Julana Narwana Pillukhera Safidon Uchana

Comparison of Mean Electrical Conductivity values of Drinking Water in Different

Blocks of district Jind






Alewa Jind Julana Narwana Pillukhera Safidon Uchana

Comparison of Mean Total Dissolved Salts values of Drinking Water in Different Blocks of district Jind






Alewa Jind Julana Narwana Pillukhera Safidon Uchana

Comparison of Mean Total Hardness values of Drinking Water in Different Blocks of

district Jind






Alewa Jind Julana Narwana Pillukhera Safidon Uchana

Comparison of Mean Calcium ions values of Drinking Water in Different Blocks of district Jind







Alewa Jind Julana Narwana Pillukhera Safidon Uchana

Comparison of Mean Magnesium ions values of Drinking Water in Different Blocks of

district Jind
Alewa Jind Julana Narwana Pillukhera Safidon Uchana

Comparison of Mean Alkalinity values of Drinking Water in Different Blocks of district Jind






Alewa Jind Julana Narwana Pillukhera Safidon Uchana
Comparison of Mean Chloride ion values of Drinking Water in Different Blocks of
district Jind



Alewa Jind Julana Narwana Pillukhera Safidon Uchana
Comparison of Mean Fluoride ions values of Drinking Water in Different Blocks of district Jind





Alewa Jind Julana Narwana Pillukhera Safidon Uchana

Comparison of Mean Sodium ions values of Drinking Water in Different Blocks of district Jind.





Alewa Jind Julana Narwana Pillukhera Safidon Uchana

Comparison of Mean Potassium ions values of Drinking Water in Different Blocks of district
Jind. 200
Alewa Jind Julana Narwana Pillukhera Safidon Uchana

Comparison of Mean Sulphate ions values of Drinking Water in Different Blocks of district




Alewa Jind Julana Narwana Pillukhera Safidon Uchana

Comparison of Mean Phosphate ions values of Drinking Water in Different Blocks of district
Jind. 40







Alewa Jind Julana Narwana Pillukhera Safidon Uchana
Comparison of Mean Nitrate ions values of Drinking Water in Different Blocks of district
5 Max
4 Mean
3 S. D.
Alewa Jind Julana Narwana Pillukhera Safidon Uchana

Comparison of Min, Max, Mean and S. D. of pH values of Drinking Water in Different Blocks
of district Jind.
2.5 Max
2 Mean
1.5 S. D.
Alewa Jind Julana Narwana Pillukhera Safidon Uchana

Comparison of Min, Max, Mean and S. D. values of Electrical Conductivity of Drinking Water
in Different Blocks of district Jind.


1500 Min
S. D.


Alewa Jind Julana Narwana Pillukhera Safidon Uchana
Comparison of Min, Max, Mean and S. D. values of Total Dissolved Solids of Drinking Water in
Different Blocks of district Jind.


600 Mean
S. D.


Alewa Jind Julana Narwana Pillukhera Safidon Uchana

Comparison of Min, Max, Mean and S. D. values of Total Hardness (TH) of Drinking Water
in Different Blocks of district Jind.


150 Mean
S. D.


Alewa Jind Julana Narwana Pillukhera Safidon Uchana

Comparison of Min, Max, Mean and S. D. values of Total Calcium ions of Drinking Water in
Different Blocks of district Jind.




100 Min
S. D.


Alewa Jind Julana Narwana Pillukhera Safidon Uchana
Comparison of Min, Max, Mean and S. D. values of Total Magnesium ions of Drinking
Water in Different Blocks of district Jind.


200 Max
150 Mean
100 S. D.


Alewa Jind Julana Narwana Pillukhera Safidon Uchana

Comparison of Min, Max, Mean and S. D. values of Total Calcium ions of Drinking Water in
Different Blocks of district Jind.



100 Min
60 S. D.


Alewa Jind Julana Narwana Pillukhera Safidon Uchana

Comparison of Min, Max, Mean and S. D. values of Total Magnesium ions of Drinking
Water in Different Blocks of district Jind.
500 Max
400 Mean
300 S. D.
Alewa Jind Julana Narwana Pillukhera Safidon Uchana

Comparison of Min, Max, Mean and S. D. values of Total Alkalinity (TA) of Drinking Water in
Different Blocks of district Jind.
500 Max
400 Mean
300 S. D.

Alewa Jind Julana Narwana Pillukhera Safidon Uchana
Comparison of Min, Max, Mean and S. D. values of Chloride ions of Drinking Water in
Different Blocks of district Jind.



4 S. D.

Alewa Jind Julana Narwana Pillukhera Safidon Uchana
Comparison of Min, Max, Mean and S. D. values of Fluoride ions of Drinking Water in Different
Blocks of district Jind
200 Mean
150 S. D.
Alewa Jind Julana Narwana Pillukhera Safidon Uchana
Comparison of Min, Max, Mean and S. D. values of Sodium ions of Drinking Water in
Different Blocks of district Jind.


S. D.


Alewa Jind Julana Narwana Pillukhera Safidon Uchana

Comparison of Min, Max, Mean and S. D. values of Potassium ions of Drinking Water in
Different Blocks of district Jind
250 Max
200 Mean
150 S. D.
Alewa Jind Julana Narwana Pillukhera Safidon Uchana
Comparison of Min, Max, Mean and S. D. values of Sulphate ions of Drinking Water
in Different Blocks of district Jind.
8 Mean
6 S. D.
Alewa Jind Julana Narwana Pillukhera Safidon Uchana

Comparison of Min, Max, Mean and S. D. values of Phosphate ions of Drinking Water in
Different Blocks of district Jind.


60 Mean
S. D.


Alewa Jind Julana Narwana Pillukhera Safidon Uchana

Comparison of Min, Max, Mean and S. D. values of Nitrate ions of Drinking Water in
Different Blocks of district Jind.
Correlation Coefficients among different drinking Water Quality Parameters of all the
villages studied of the district Jind
pH EC TDS TH Ca2+ Mg2+ TA Cl- F- Na+ K+ SO42- PO43- NO3-

pH 1.0000

EC -0.1521 1.0000

TDS -0.1829 0.9230 1.0000

TH -0.2325 0.8416 0.9099 1.0000

Ca2+ -0.2085 0.7981 0.8637 0.9539 1.0000

Mg2+ -0.2105 0.8278 0.8946 0.9721 0.9230 1.0000

TA -0.1215 0.8230 0.8945 0.7582 0.7275 0.7386 1.0000

Cl– -0.1829 0.7331 0.7955 0.6844 0.6302 0.6795 0.8287 1.0000

F– 0.1485 0.2253 0.2166 0.1637 0.1420 0.1312 0.2558 0.1897 1.0000

Na+ -0.1241 0.1263 0.6699 0.5768 0.5416 0.5724 0.7447 0.7795 0.2328 1.0000

K+ -0.0998 0.2595 0.2807 0.2188 0.2021 0.1910 0.3006 0.3483 0.0329 0.2590 1.0000

SO42– -0.1578 0.5092 0.5685 0.5262 0.5396 0.5308 0.4963 0.4046 0.0898 0.2917 0.0548 1.0000

PO43– -0.0484 0.0096 -0.0103 -0.0233 -0.0367 -0.0226 -0.0309 0.0088 0.0028 0.0684 0.0108 0.0090 1.0000

NO3– -0.0951 0.2444 0.2762 0.2522 0.2312 0.2571 0.2635 0.2680 -0.0793 0.2111 0.2557 0.0776 -0.0535 1.0000
The present study represents a comprehensive investigation of the current status of
groundwater quality of Jind district over a period of more than two years. Some water quality
parameters have already exceeded the limit and some parameters are approaching towards the limit
because of leaching, percolation and other such phenomenon. It is therefore need of hour to take
necessary measures to control the groundwater pollution. The excess use of ground water resources
in the Jind district has led to contamination of groundwater quality.
•It is necessary to restrict and ban the construction of any new tubewell.
•Artificial recharge to ground water should be taken up in the urban and rural area to
avert the further lowering of ground water level.
•Detailed geophysical study is required for the delineation of fresh water zones in the
•A modern agricultural management has to be taken into account for effective water
management techniques.
•The modern methods of irrigation like sprinkler, drip irrigation etc. should be used.
•Local populace to be educated regarding consequences of mining of ground water and
need for its effective/economic use.
•Municipal and sewage water should be treated before it is released to the water
•Proper planning should be implemented before allowing any body to draw the water
from under ground.
•People awareness campaign should be made by the government and non-government

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