Slip Casting Penuangan Slip

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Slip casting

Stages involved :
Pouring of slurry/suspension/slip of cermic
body composition into a porous mould

Extraction of water into moulds through

pores or voids in mould
Forming of solid layer on surface of mould

Excess slip removed (except solid cast)

 Used for complex shaped products
which are not able to produced by
other methods
 For big/bulky products
 Including holloware (tembikar
berongga) such as teapots tembikar,
sanitarywares and “figurines” (bentuk-
bentuk lembaga).
Other advantages:
 High reproducibilty rate with smooth
surface and fine details to original
 Any form of ceramic suspension
(ampaian seramik) is possible as long as
the suspension is stable chemically with
right concentration
Disadvantages :
 Long processing time (depending on
thickness and complexity of cast)
 Need to dry cast and working mould
 Requires large working area
 Problem relating to prefential
alignment (penjajaran terpilih) when
using clay
Production of sanitarywares by
Slip Casting Method

Proses Penghasilan Tembikar

Sanitari Menggunakan Kaedah
Tuangan Slip
Type of Casting

Drain Casting Solid Casting

(Tuangan Lohong @ (Tuangan Pejal)
Tuangan Tunggang )
Drain Casting
 Slip pored into mouds
 Forming of cast layers
 Time for casting
 Excess slip drained out
 Partial drying – shrinkage
 Semi-wet Green body removed from mould
 Trimming of cast before glazing and firing
Slip poured into Draining of excess Trimming Finished
mould slip product

Drain Casting
Solid casting
 cast layers on both side walls of mould
 varying thickness
 mould set-up from a few pieces
Slip poured into mould

Finshed cast

Solid Casting
Tuangan lohong, contoh: hasilkan mangkuk tandas, figurines, tekoh dll.

Tuangan pejal, contoh: hasilkan sinki, figurines dll.

Requirement of slurry for
slip casting :
1. High solid content
2. Suitable slip viscosity

3. Suitable thixotropy
4. Stable, no chemical rxn and particles
always in suspension
3 properties of slip tested
before casting

 Slip density
 fluidity
 thixotropy
 The condition whereby the clay slip
show increase in viscosity when
undisturbed and when stirred, the
viscosity returns to original state
 Mechanism –due to agglomeration of
clay in suspension
 Presence of different charge on clay
particles results in different packing
Possible arrays of clay particles

“deck of cards” “pack of houses”

Face-to-face contact Face-to-side contacts
 Susunan akan runtuh bila ricihan dikenakan
(kelikatan slip menurun), dan bila tiada
gangguan, penyusunan semula berlaku

 Ciri tiksotropi minima diperlukan

bantu kadar tuangan

 Tiksotropi lebihan
masalah kecacatan.
 Ciri dimana buburan/slip mudah dialir
 Untuk kebendaliran sesuai dengan kepekatan
pepejal tinggi, penyahkelompok/penyahgumpal
 Contoh:
sistem air:tanahliat – 27 oz/pint mengandungi
52% air
Sistem slip dinyahkelompok – 35 oz/pint
mengandungi 30% air
 Penambahan penyahkelompok
mengurangkan penggunaan air walaupun
kepekatan pepejal tinggi dan
kebendaliran yang sesuai.

 Penyahkelompok bantu keadaan ‘rumah

daun terup’ kekal
 gunakan viskometer kilasan
 The values of fluidity and thixo
determined from degree of overswing
(darjah ayunan lampau ) of flywheel
 Example of suitable values for sanitary
casting :
 fluidity
– 270-330 degree
 Thixotropy (1 minit) – 10-60 degree

Thixotropy (5 minit) – 50-90 degree

Factors influencing
casting process
 Solid Concentration and rheology of slip
 Distribution of pore sizes in mould –
influencing suction and permeability of
 Permeability of cast layer
CAsting Rate
 Balance between mould absorption with
permeability of cast layer and mould

 Many methods to determine casting rate

controlled parameter

 Generally, flow of casting :

2( S  P)
Q 
X t
1 / K c [(1   c ) /(  1)]  1 / K m  m
 Important - the parabolic relationship:

Q  t1/2
 Water movement and forming of cast layer is
proportional to t1/2

Mould CAst

60 80 100
Part water to part plaster

Rintangan acuan & tuangan untuk slip kaolinit

Rintangan salingan

Relationship between resistance to water/plaster ratio

Form of casting
1. Bench Casting (Tuangan pangkin)

2. Battery Casting (Tuangan bateri/Tuangan

Battery casting – single cast in a row
Form of casting
3. Pressure Casting (Tuangan Tekanan)
 CAsting involved slight external pressure (~15 bar –
high csting pressure, ~5-6 bar – mild cst pressure).
 Use P.O.P mould but alternatively polymeric mould
 Robust mould and pressure increase casting rate
 Polymeric mould – can be washed (back-wash or
flush method)
Advantage of pressure casting
Kelebihan tuangan tekanan:
 High quality cast
 Less skin defect
 Longer mould life
 Deform shape reduced
 Change of mould – easy

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