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University of Benghazi: Faculty of Engineering and Oil - Al Wahat Department of Petroleum Engineering

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University Of Benghazi

Faculty of Engineering and oil – Al

Department of Petroleum
course GS 205 course GS 205
Mr. Ali Al. Elzwie (MSc) Applied Geophysics
Geology + Physics = Geophysics
• The science of geophysics applies the
principles of physics to the study of the Earth.
Geophysical investigations of the interior of
the Earth involve taking measurements at or
near the Earth’s surface that are influenced
by the internal distribution of physical

• Analysis of these measurements can reveal

how the physical properties of the Earth’s
interior vary vertically and laterally.
• Introduction

• Role of Applied Geophysics in Field of Oil and Gas Exploration

• Magnetic Method: Gravity Method: Seismic Method): Electric

Methods, geophysical calculation, geophysical data
processing, application of geophysical methods for
hydrocarbon exploration.

• Engineering
• Environmental
• Groundwater
• Mining
• Oil and Gas Exploration
• Geophysical techniques measure physical phenomena:

– Gravity
– Magnetism
– Elastic waves
– Electricity

• Which are sensitive to sub-surface physical properties:

– Density
– Magnetic susceptibility
– Seismic wave velocity and density
– Resistivity
Active and passive
• Passive
Measure naturally occurring phenomena
– Gravity field
– Magnetic field
– Seismic arrivals – earthquakes
• Active
Transmit a signal into the subsurface and record
what comes back.
– Seismic arrival – explosions
– Electrical current
Seismic Surveying
seismic methods are the most important techniques
because of their routine and widespread use in the
exploration for hydrocarbons.

Seismic methods are particularly well suited to the

investigation of the layered sequences in sedimentary
basins that are the primary targets for oil or gas.
Seismic Prospecting Methods
Geophysical Parameter

travel time from source to receiver compute wave velocity

Geological Information
layer boundaries
Seismology makes use of the travel times and velocities of seismic
waves (also earthquake waves) to study the nature of the interior of
the Earth.
Classification of seismic methods are based on energy source of
the seismic waves:
1. Earthquake seismology

Natural shock waves from earthquakes are studied to make

deductions about the physical properties and structure of the
earth’s interior.

2. Controlled-source seismology
(Explosion seismology or seismic prospecting)

Seismic waves are generated by artificial explosions at selected

sites to obtain information about regional or local structure.
Seismic Surveying – the basics

• Seismic surveying involves generating seismic waves and

recording the energy reflected from subsurface horizons.

• Energy is produced at a seismic source, and is recorded at a

geophone (or, a hydrophone…).

• The output from a geophone is called a ‘trace’.

Seismic Energy
Geophysicists use seismic energy to see deep into the earth
Wave Types
Body waves Surface waves
 Penetrate body of earth  Propagate along surface
Main tools for imaging Not useful for imaging

 P waves  S waves
– Compressional – Transverse
– Main tools for imaging – Do not propagate in fluids
P-waves are a type of body wave that is the first wave to arrive at the seismograph,
called seismic waves in seismology, that can travel through a continuum. The
continuum is made up of gases (as sound waves), liquids, or solids, including the
Earth. P-waves can be produced by earthquakes and recorded by seismographs. The
name P-wave is often said to stand either for primary wave, as it has the highest
velocity and is therefore the first to be recorded; or pressure wave,[1] as it is formed
from alternating compressions and rarefactions.

Oscillate back and forth in the direction of propagation

S-wave moves as a shear or transverse wave, so motion is perpendicular to the
direction of wave propagation. The wave moves through elastic media, and the main
restoring force comes from shear effects.

Its name, S for secondary, comes from the fact that it is the second direct arrival on
an earthquake seismogram, after the compressional primary wave, or P-wave,
because S-waves travel slower in rock. Unlike the P-wave, the S-wave cannot travel
through the molten outer core of the Earth.

Surface WAVES: S wave (S = secondary…shear)

Potential Paths
• When doing a seismic refraction survey, a recorded ray can come from
three main paths
– The direct ray
– The reflected ray
– The refracted ray
• Because these rays travel different distances and at different speeds,
they arrive at different times
• The direct ray and the refracted ray arrive in different order depending
on distance from source and the velocity structure.

Shot Point (i.e. the Source) Receiver

Direct Ray

ic ic
Layer 1
Layer 2
Reflection and Refraction

Seismic Refraction
Seismic Reflection
Trace shape of seismic
2D and 3D seismic surveys are most often used in oil and gas exploration.

A 2D seismic profile represents a “slice” of the earth and provides an image of the
structure solely along the seismic line, while 3D seismic provides a three-
dimensional set of seismic data.

The advent of 3D seismic transformed the exploration industry by enabling a much

more detailed image of the geological structure comparing with 2D surveys. On the
other hand, shooting and interpretation of 3D seismic are more costly and time
consuming projects.

􀂾 Seismic data is an image of the earth below the surface of

the ground.
􀂾 Seismic data shows different rock formations as layers of
􀂾 􀂾 Different rock types, and the fluids in the rocks, cause
seismic reflection events.
􀂾 􀂾 Seismic data is collected in the field, processed in a
computer center, and interpreted by a geophysicist and

1. Seismic data allows oil and gas companies to develop a clear understanding of
the subsurface rock structure and other geologic rock properties.

2. Wells can then be drilled in the best place to achieve the maximum production.

3. Seismic methods are designed mainly for stratified rocks with relatively
uncomplicated structures.
Seismic data is used to visualise subsurface structure –
in this case a channel in the North Sea


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