Making My Way Career and Life Planning Resource For Gr. 7 and 8 Students
Making My Way Career and Life Planning Resource For Gr. 7 and 8 Students
Making My Way Career and Life Planning Resource For Gr. 7 and 8 Students
6 compulsory 2 optional
* Physical Education & Health
* Canadian Geography
* French
* English
* Mathematics
* Science
Course Types
Open • Designed to prepare you for further study in certain subjects
• Physical Education/Health, Arts, Business, Tech
& interests
Couse Selection Timelines
• Important steps and dates
Plan your high school
Explore occupations
Research post secondary
Set goals
Document and reflect on
your experiences
Discover your learning
Setting up a parent/guardian myBlueprint account
of students
completing 59
the OSSD
# of failures none 1
in grades 9
2 3 or more
and 10
Pathway Destinations
Where are students going after High School?
6% Apprenticeship
Destination of
20% College
students after 4 or 5
34% University
years of secondary
25% Workplace (without OSSD)
15% Workplace (with OSSD)
Regional and specialized programs provide
students with an opportunity to develop
and explore skills in a particular area of
interest. All students may apply for these
These sector-related programs are available to
students in grades 9 and 10 in some schools
that offer Specialist High Skills Major programs
for grades 11 and 12. It is a specialized program
that allows students to focus their learning in an
area of interest.
Students With Special Education Needs
in Mainstream Classes
Students in mainstream classes receive support in a variety of
a) Whole class instruction with specifically designed accommodations and/or
Communication Communication
Developmental Disabilities Developmental Disabilities
Gifted/Enhanced Gifted/Enhanced
GLD Vocational
English Language Learners
Who can take English as a second
language (ESL) courses?
• students born outside Canada from a non-English speaking
• students born in Canada who speak a second language or
• recently arrived students who need to upgrade or develop their
academic and language skills
English Language Learners
Who can take English literacy
development (ELD) courses?
• ELLs who need additional support to accelerate learning
English and mathematics
• Students who have missed/interrupted schooling before
coming to Canada
• If your teacher recommends this special one or two year
program, bussing may be provided
ESL/ELD Programs
Elementary Secondary
-is a support program -is a credit course
-up to 3 ESL/ELD courses can count towards
the 4 compulsory English credit
requirements for a diploma
-receive support through -courses are offered as part of the student’s
a) an intensive small group setting timetable, similar to English, math, or any
withdrawn from classes other subject
b) an ESL teacher co-teaching with a -ESL programs support the development of
classroom teacher academic vocabulary and success in all
c) a classroom teacher through subject areas
accommodations and/or modifications
Secondary ESL Courses
There are five levels of ESL courses:
Placement is based on
language proficiency, not
age or grade.
Sample Grade 9 Schedule
Period Semester 1 Semester 2
(76 minutes)