POlice Operational Procedure
POlice Operational Procedure
POlice Operational Procedure
a. Spot Check/Accosting
a. Stopping Vehicles
b. Fleeing Vehicles
a. Initial Stage
Upon receipt of information involving
movement of armed person or persons, either
singly or in group, including unauthorized
movement of government troops, or in
immediate response to a reported commission of
crime perpetrated by armed persons, the PNP
shall immediately:
c. Fleeing Vehicles :
i. In the event that the motor vehicle did not
stop and it evaded the roadblock despite the
warning given, inform Headquarters or
adjacent units so that another roadblock can
be set-up;
ii. Fleeing vehicles shall not be fired upon
except by a sniper but only to disable the
iii. Inform Headquarters of the make or type,
plate number and color of the motor
vehicle to be accosted including the
number of occupants and, if possible, their
iv. State the reason(s) for flagging down the
suspected motor vehicle;
v. Give mobile car’s location and its direction
before making actual intervention; and
vi. Establish Hot Pursuit Operation.
g. Tipped Information
If the police officers have reasonable grounds
to believe that the subjects are engaged in illegal
activities, the tipped information is sufficient to
provide probable cause to effect a warrantless
search and seizure.
“It is not enough to do
good; one must do it the
right away.” (John
Thank you for listening.