Assure Model

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 Is an instructional design model that has the goal

of producing more effective teaching and learning.

 Assure model is an instructional materials which is

used to assist teachers in carrying out a proper

 Is an IDS(Instructional System Design) process that

was modified to be used by teachers in the regular

 The IDS process, is one in which teachers and

trainers can use to design and develop the most
appropriate learning environment for their
 A – Analyze Learners

 The first step in the process is that the teacher should

analyze the attributes of her learners. There should be a
focus on those learner characteristics which are
associated with the learning outcomes desired.
 The analysis of your learners should
 The general attributes of your learners,
such as age, academic abilities, gender,
interests, etc.
 Prior competencies

 Learning styles, such as auditory, visual,

and tactile
 S – State Standards and Objectives

 After the analysis of the learner attributes, the teacher

must state standards and objectives for the learning
module. This statement consists of a specification of
what the learners will be able to do as a result of the
 The objectives can be used in assessing the success of
the students, perhaps for the grading process. Also, you
can use them to let the learners know what they will
accomplish through the class.
 The mark of a good set of learning objectives is
conformity to the ABCDs of well-stated learning
objectives. They are as follows:

 Audience – For whom is the objective intended?

 Behavior – What is the behavior or performance to be
 Conditions – What are the conditions under which the
behavior or performance will be observed?
 Degree – To what degree will the knowledge or skill be
 S – Select Strategies, Technology,
Media, and Materials

 The second “s” in the acronym stands for select

strategies, technology, media, and materials. Given what
your learning objectives are, it’s necessary to pick
instructional strategies, technology, and media that will
bring about the results that you want.

 Learning is at its best when the teacher merely leads the

student into discovering the correct answer to a problem
themselves. An effective teacher is merely a facilitator to
the process of learning
 U – Utilize Technology, Media, and

 This step in the ASSURE process concerns making a

plan as to how you will utilize the technology, media, and
materials that you have selected. As with all of the
instructional steps, you must make sure that your plans
contribute towards producing the objectives that you
have laid down.
 It’s important to follow the “five p’s” process to
achieve this:

 Preview the Technology, Media, and Materials

-This means that it’s important to plan ahead of time just how
you’re going to use them. It’s good to do a dry run of your
lesson before you actually teach it. Make sure that the whole
lesson will go smoothly and seamlessly.

 Prepare the Technology, Media, and Materials

-You need to gather together all of the things that you will
need to teach your lesson. They must be working
properly. For example, if you are making a power-point
presentation, then you’ll need to create the text and
graphics for each screen.
 Prepare the Environment

-There is some minimal preparation required to set up the learning

environment. Simple things like making sure that you have enough
desks are important. Also, if you have control over the situation, you
should make sure that there are no sources of noise that will disturb
the students.

 Prepare the Learners

-First, you need to clearly inform the learners as to what the

learning objectives are. This will help the learners create a
mental map of what they need to absorb. Next, it’s important
to tell the students how they will be assessed. You need to tell
them what their assignments will be, how they will be graded,
if there are tests, etc. Also, you should explain to the students
what the benefits of learning the material are.
 Provide the Learning Experience

- You then actually carry out the lesson. This is where all of
your planning takes effect. You should be prepared to
carry out the lesson with every prior step of the process
in mind. This will insure your success as a teacher.
 R – Require Learner Participation

 This step actually belongs within earlier steps. It requires

that you make plans to how you are going to actively
engage your students in the material that you are
teaching. This needs to be figured out both at the class
level and the individual level.

 The most basic step that you can take is requiring

participation of the students in class discussions. A more
sophisticated approach would require that students
prepare questions and comments at home to bring into
the class. You might try even allowing individual students
to lead classes or discussions in the style of a seminar.
 Beyond this, you need to plan exactly how the students
will participate in the learning process generally
speaking. How will they learn the information and
techniques included in a lesson? This plan needs to be
more specific than just saying that they will listen and
absorb the material. Maybe you will encourage a specific
kind of note-taking or other learning strategies.
 E – Evaluate and Revise

 The final step in the ASSURE process is just as crucial

as all of the others. In this step, you evaluate the impact
of your teaching on student learning. This includes an
evaluation of your teaching strategies and the
technology, media, and materials that you used. The
following questions are useful to ask during this
 Did your lesson meet the learning objectives that you
planned? How will you determine whether the students
reach the objectives? Is your way of assessing the
students in line with your learning objectives?

 Can this lesson be improved? How? How are you going

to assess the weaknesses in your presentation?

 Was your choice of media and materials a good one?

How will you assess the effectiveness of these tools?

 Is it possible that other technologies, media, and

materials would have done a better job?
 The final step in your evaluation should focus on
feedback from your students. Was their experience
positive overall? Do they feel that they have reached
your objectives and their own personal objectives? How
will you determine whether or not your performance was
 Allows the use of external resources and technology other
than simple lecturing using textbooks.
 Focus on step by step instructions for instructors to see the
pros and cons of the lesson.
 Provides lesson planning foundation while allowing creativity
from the instructors.
 Students can use computer software to make revisions to
their homework quick and easy.
 Students needs and levels of abilities are taken into
consideration while setting the curriculum. As well the
kind of technology needed.
 Students are active participants no more passivity when
learning is taking place.
 Online information can be distributed by certain
organization for advertisement.
 Online information can be unreliable and biased.
 Some technologies like tablets and computers maybe in
limited quantities. Instructors may not be able to obtain a
copy for every student in class.
 Technology maybe doing the teaching instead of the
 Evaluation is the last step in the model although its good
to know what worked and what did not. Maybe the on
going evaluation one is better to be done.

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