Morning Report Monday, April 30Th 2011: Physician in Charge: Ia: DR Ames, DR Sigit Ib: DR Hidayat, Drheri Ii: DR Riza
Morning Report Monday, April 30Th 2011: Physician in Charge: Ia: DR Ames, DR Sigit Ib: DR Hidayat, Drheri Ii: DR Riza
Morning Report Monday, April 30Th 2011: Physician in Charge: Ia: DR Ames, DR Sigit Ib: DR Hidayat, Drheri Ii: DR Riza
Physician in Charge:
IA: dr Ames, dr Sigit
IB: dr Hidayat, drHeri
II : dr Riza
Summary of Data Base
Mrs. M/72 y.o
Chief complaint: Shortness of breath (SOB)
Patient suffering from SOB since 1 weeks before admission
gradually onset worsening since 3 days before admission
History had treatment by GP with 6 kind of drugs but didn’t any
improvement then admission in Budi Rahayu hospital for1 days
and got treatment levemir 0-18 iu sc, actrapid 8-8-8 iu sc,
Atropine 6x 1 ampul and nifedipine 3x5mg
History blood glucose was 306 when admitted in Budi Rahayu
History blood pressure was 180/… since 2 years ago didn’t
routinely controlled
ER 2-4-2011 (11.30 pm)
BP : 140/75
PR :25
RR :20
Dopamin drip 5-15 mikro/mnt
Physical Examination
General appearance: looked severe ill, GCS: 456,
BP: 130/750 mmHg ; HR: 25 bpm, reguler; RR : 20 x/mnt;
Head & Neck: an (-), ict (-), JVP R+2cm H20
Thorax :
Heart : ictus invisible, palpable at ICS VI cm lateral MCL S + 1cm lateral
Hematocrite 29,6
RBS 146 Limfosit 3100
Ureum 54.2 Na 130 136-145 mmol/L