STA Temp
STA Temp
STA Temp
1. On chip variation
2. Time borrowing
3. Data to data checks
4. Non sequential checks
5. Clock gating checks
6. Power management
7. Back annotation
8. Sign off methodology
9. Statistical STA
10. Debugging STA results
11. Validating Timing Constraints
On chip variation
Apart from process, different regions in die can see different voltage and temp:
1. IR drop affecting local pwer supply
2. Voltage threshold variation
3. Channel length variation
4. Local temp hot spots
5. Variations in metal etch, thickness
How to model OCV?
STA can include OCV effects by derating derating delays of
specific paths. Make paths faster or slower by derating
cell/wire delays
Time borrowing
Cycle stealing, opening edge, closing edge
Example with no time borrowed
Example with time borrowed
Example with timing violation
Look more
Latch based designs are used in high peed designs.
Data to Data Checks
Constrained pin, related pin, zero-cycle checks, same-cycle
Non sequential checks
Non sequential setup check
Non sequential hold check
Non sequential check is similar to data to data check EXCEPT:
1. These checks are applied to cells or macros. This is specified as part of cell
library. No specific command to do the check in STA. Data to data check can
be applied to pins in a design.
2. Setup and hold values are obtained from cell libraries. This is not a fixed
value. It can come from a non linear delay model (NLDM). We can specify
only a single value for data to data check.
Gating block need not be a single cell but can be a logic block. For
clock gating to be inferred, gating and clock pin should fanout to one
output pin
Active high and Active low
Logic state of gating signal which activates the clock at output of gating cell.
Adding 5ns b/w Q and AND gate fixes hold. Hold time
requierement is large here.
Gotcha: For setup, consider the active edge after the data transition. If the next edge
is inactive edge, go to the active edge after it.
For hold, consider the inactive edge preceding data change. If it is active consider the
inactive edge after data change---Violation!!
Power management
Minimize total active power of the design
Minimize the power dissipation of design in standby mode
Clock gating, power gating, Multi Vt cells, Well bias