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HW# 2 /Tutorial # 2

WRF Chapter 16; WWWR Chapter 17

ID Chapter 3
• Tutorial #2 • Homework # 2 (Self
• WRF#16.2;WWWR#17.13, practice)
WRF#16.1; WRF#16.12;
WRF#17.39; WRF#16.22. • WWWR #17.15,
• To be discussed during the 17.26
week 29 Jan. – 2 Feb., 2018. • ID # 3.57
• By either volunteer or class
HW# 2 /Tutorial # 2
Hints / Corrections
• Tutorial #2 • Homework # 2
• #17.39: Line 2: The fins are made of • #17.15: You may model the whole heat
aluminum, they are 0.3cm thick each. transfer process as the series/parallel
connection of 5 resistors: R1 internal
convective transfer + R2: Plaster + R3 (Pine
Studs) and R4 (Fiberglass) in parallel + R5:
External convective transfer. The problem
does not specify which is the “inside” and
which is the “outside”. Please fix the side
next to the plaster to be the inside (R1: hence
a temperature of 25oC is maintained here) and
the opposite side to be outside (R5: a
temperature of -10 degree C is specified here).

• # 17.26: Generate heat uniformly at a rate of

5170 kJ/sm3. the fuel is placed in an
environment having a temperature of 370K.
Steady-State Conduction
One-Dimensional Conduction
Steady-state conduction, no internal generation of energy

 2T  0

For one-dimensional, steady-state transfer by conduction

i = 0 rectangular coordinates
i = 1 cylindrical coordinates
i = 2 spherical coordinates
d  i dT 
x 0
dx  dx 



Equivalent resistance of the parallel resistors Ra and Rb is Rc

Adapted from Heat and Mass Transfer – A Practical Approach,
Y.A. Cengel, Third Edition, McGraw Hill 2007.

• Thus, insulating the pipe

• may actually increase the
• rate of heat transfer instead
• of decreasing it.

rcr ,cylinder  (m)
For steady-state conduction in the x direction without internal
generation of energy, the equation which applies is

Where k may be a function of T.

In many cases the thermal conductivity may be a linear function

temperature over a considerable range. The equation of such a
straight-line function may be expressed by

k = ko(1 + ßT)

Where koand ß are constants for a particular material

One-Dimensional Conduction With
Internal Generation of Energy
Plane Wall with Variable Energy
. .
q = qL [ 1 + ß (T - T L)]

The symmetry of the temperature distribution requires a zero

temperature gradient at x = 0.
The case of steady-state conduction in the x direction in a
stationary solid with constant thermal conductivity becomes
Detailed derivation for the transformation
Detailed Derivation for Equations 17-25

Courtesy by all CN5 Grace Mok, 2003-2004

Detailed Derivation for Equations 17-25

Courtesy by all CN5 Grace Mok, 2003-2004

Heat Transfer from Finned Surfaces
• Temperature gradient dT/dx,
• Surface temperature, T,
• Are expressed such that T is a function of x only.
• Newton’s law of cooling

Qconv  hAs Ts  T 

• Two ways to increase the rate of heat transfer:
– increasing the heat transfer coefficient,
– increase the surface area fins
• Fins are the topic of this section.

Adapted from Heat and Mass Transfer –

A Practical Approach, Y.A. Cengel, Third Edition,
McGraw Hill 2007.
Heat transfer from extended
For constant cross section and constant thermal conductivity
d 2q
 m 2
q 0 (A)
q  T  T ; m 
; A  Ac
• Equation (A) is a linear, homogeneous, second-order
differential equation with constant coefficients.
• The general solution of Eq. (A) is
q ( x)  C1emx  C2e mx (B)

• C1 and C2 are constants whose values are to be determined

from the boundary conditions at the base and at the tip of
the fin.
Boundary Conditions
Several boundary conditions are typically employed:
• At the fin base
– Specified temperature boundary condition, expressed
as: q(0)= qb= Tb-T∞
• At the fin tip
1. Specified temperature
2. Infinitely Long Fin
3. Adiabatic tip
4. Convection (and
combined convection).
Adapted from Heat and Mass Transfer –
A Practical Approach, Y.A. Cengel, Third Edition,
McGraw Hill 2007.
How to derive the functional dependence of
for a straight fin with variable cross section area
Ac = A = A(x)?
General Solution for Straight Fin with Three Different Boundary Conditions
In set(a)
Known temperature at x = L
In set(b)
Temperature gradient is zero at x = L
In set(c)
Heat flow to the end of an extended surface by conduction be
equal to that leaving this position by convection.
Detailed Derivation for Equations 17-36 (Case a).
Courtesy by CN3 Yeong Sai Hooi 2002-2003
Detailed Derivation for Equations 17-38 (Case b
for extended surface heat transfer). Courtesy by
CN3 Yeong Sai Hooi, 2002-2003
Detailed Derivation for Equations 17-40 (Case c for extended surface
heat transfer).
Courtesy by all CN4 students, presented by Loo Huiyun, 2002-2003
Detailed Derivation for Equations 17-46 (Case c for extended surface
heat transfer).
Courtesy by all CN4 students, presented by Loo Huiyun, 2002-2003
Infinitely Long Fin (Tfin tip=T) Adapted from Heat and Mass Transfer –
A Practical Approach, Y.A. Cengel, Third Edition, McGraw Hill 2007.

• For a sufficiently long fin the temperature at the fin

tip approaches the ambient temperature
Boundary condition: q(L→∞)=T(L)-T∞=0
• When x→∞ so does emx→∞
• @ x=0: emx=1 C2= qb
• The temperature distribution:
T ( x)  T x
 e  mx  e
hp / kAc

Tb  T
• heat transfer from the entire fin
q  kAc  hpkAc Tb  T 
dx x 0
Fin Efficiency Adapted from Heat and Mass Transfer –
A Practical Approach, Y.A. Cengel, Third Edition, McGraw Hill 2007.

• To maximize the heat transfer from a fin the

temperature of the fin should be uniform (maximized)
at the base value of Tb
• In reality, the temperature drops along the fin, and thus
the heat transfer from the fin is less
• To account for the effect we define
a fin efficiency
q fin
 fin 
Actual heat transfer rate from the fin

q fin ,max Ideal heat transfer rate from the fin
if the entire fin were at base temperature

or q fin   fin q fin,max   fin hAfin (Tb  T )

Fin Efficiency Adapted from Heat and Mass Transfer –
A Practical Approach, Y.A. Cengel, Third Edition, McGraw Hill 2007.

• For constant cross section of very long fins:

q fin hpkAc Tb  T  1 kAc 1
long , fin    
q fin,max hAfin Tb  T  L hp mL

• For constant cross section with adiabatic tip:

q fin hpkAc Tb  T  tanh mL
adiabatic , fin  
q fin,max hAfin Tb  T 
tanh mL
Afin = P*L 

q fin
q fin ,max
Fin Effectiveness Adapted from Heat and Mass Transfer –
A Practical Approach, Y.A. Cengel, Third Edition, McGraw Hill 2007.

• The performance of the fins is judged on the basis of the

enhancement in heat transfer relative to the no-fin case.
• The performance of fins is expressed q fin
in terms of the fin effectiveness efin
defined as Heat transfer rate q fin
from the fin of base e fin 
q fin q fin qno fin
area Ab
e fin   
qno fin hAb Tb  T  Heat transfer rate
from the surface qno fin
of area Ab
Governing Differential Equation for Circular Fin:
Temperature variation in the R (radial) direction only!
T = T(r)
Problem: Water and air are separated by a mild-steel plane wall. I is
proposed to increase the heat-transfer rate between these fluids by
adding Straight rectangular fins of 1.27mm thickness, and 2.5-cm
length, spaced 1.27 cm apart.
Two and Three - Dimensional
Analytical Solution
Analytical solution to any transfer problem must satisfy the
differential equation
•describing the process
•Prescribed boundary conditions
The steady-state temperature distribution in the plate of constant
thermal conductivity must satisfy the differential equation
We obtain an expression in which the variables are separated
Detailed Derivation for Equations 17-57

Courtesy by all CN6 Leow Sheue Ling, 2003-2004

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