Seed Certification
Seed Certification
Seed Certification
Manisha Thapliyal
Forest Tree Seed Laboratory
Silviculture Division
Forest Research Institute
Dehra Dun
1958 – OECD instituted scheme for certification of herbage seeds in
international trade
1966 - certification of cereal seed in international trade by Council of
OECD and rules estd. in 1970, to encourage use of seed of consistently
high quality for improvement of food production in participating
But Field Inspection must for checking purity and control the
identity of the seed from harvest to final processing and
packaging in a merchant’s ware- house
Definition by some foresters “Seed certification is the guarantee of seed
character and quality by an officially recognized organization usually evidenced
by a certificate, which includes such information as certification category,
genuineness of species and variety, year of collection, origin, purity, soundness,
and germinative capacity” .
Broad programme of seed certification scheme ‘ Certification of Forest
Reproductive materials in India’ under Indo-Danish Project
Categories of reproductive material (minimum standards)
Source identified reproductive material :(i) an area falling within the bounds of
a Seed – Zone as demarcated on the seed map and approved by the Designated
Authority and (ii) stand, within the control of State Forest Departments.
Selected reproductive material
Reproductive material approved for collection or raising as selected
reproductive material is derived from selected stands and cultivars which satisfy
the minimum requirements for basic material.
Reproductive Material from Untested Seed Orchards
Reproductive material derived from untested seed orchards satisfying
minimum requirements for basic material/single species seed orchard meant
for gene conservation
From seed orchards established to produce species hybrids or provenance
Tested Reproductive Material
(i) Reproductive Material approved for collection or raising as Tested
Reproductive Material, shall originate from seed orchards, stands with proved
genetic superiority to appropriate standards, in one or two characters
important to forestry.
(ii) Material can also be obtained from trees grown from a representative
sample of the original seed lot, which was used to establish the trials.
(iii) Superiority can be certified only in terms of the environment in which the
test has been carried out.
Seed zones
The term ‘ Seed Zones’ in connection with the collection of source identified
reproductive material, means a geographic area delineated on State Forest
Trees “ Seed Zone” map as approved by the Conservator of Forest,
Research (or equivalent authority)
‘Regions of Provenance’ under OECD Scheme
Seed sub zone :
Each Seed Zone, that has altitudinal variation of more than 600 meters, will
be further sub- divided into Sub- Zones, based on 600 meters increment as
Altitude above msl. Code
0- 600 m (00-06)
601-1200 m (06-12)
1201- 1800 m (12-18)
1801- 1200 m (18- 24)
2401-3000 m (24-30)
3001- 3600 m (30-36)
above 3600 m (36-99)
A.) For Selected Reproductive Material ( Seed Production Area)
Origin, Isolation, Uniformity, Volume Production, Form or Growth
Habit, Wood Quality, Health and Resistance
B.) For Seed Orchards
The objective, design, components, isolation and location must be
approved and registered with the Designated Authority
Characters To Be Assessed - Growth and resistance to pests and diseases of
known economic importance. Where the aim of the test is to assess survival
under extreme ecological conditions, growth may be less important.