Technical Panel Handbook 2017: Spins
Technical Panel Handbook 2017: Spins
Technical Panel Handbook 2017: Spins
Handbook 2017
Rules – General (1)
• A Spin that has no basic position with 2 revolutions will
receive no Level and no value, however a spin with less
than three rotations is considered as a skating
movement and not a spin.
• The minimum number of revolutions required in a
position is two (2) without interruption. In case this
requirement is not fulfilled, the position is not
• Variations of positions of the head, arms or free leg, as
well as fluctuations of speed are permitted.
Rules – General (2)
• Positions:
• There are 3 basic positions:
– camel (free leg backwards with the knee higher than the
hip level, however Layback, Biellmann and similar
variations are still considered as upright spins),
– sit (the upper part of the skating leg at least parallel to the
– upright (any position with skating leg extended or slightly
bent which is not a camel position).
• Any position which is not basic is a non-basic position.
Rules – General (3)
• Layback Spin is an upright spin in which head
and shoulders are leaning backwards with the
back arched. The position of the free leg is
• Sideways Leaning Spin is an upright spin in
which head and shoulders are leaning
sideways and the upper body is arched. The
position of the free leg is optional.
Rules – General (4)
• In any spin change of edge can be counted only if done in a basic
• The change of foot in any spin must be preceded and followed by a
spin position with at least three (3) revolutions. If this requirement
is not fulfilled, the short part of the spin will be ignored including
any features.
• If the skater falls when entering a spin, a spin or a spinning
movement is allowed immediately after this fall (for filling time
purpose) with this spin/movement not being counted as an
• If the spinning centers (before and after the change of foot) are too
far apart and the criteria of “two spins” is fulfilled (there is a curve
of exit after the first part and the curve of entry into the second
part), only the part before the change of foot will be called and
considered for Levels features.
Rules – General (5)
• Spin combinations:
– Must include a minimum of two different basic
positions with 2 revolutions in each of these positions
anywhere within the spin;
– the number of revolutions in positions that are non-
basic is counted in the total number of revolutions.
– Changing to a non-basic position is not considered as
a change of position.
– A change of foot may be executed in the form of a
step over or a jump. The change of foot and the
change of position may be made either at the same
time or separately.
Rules – General (6)
• Spin in one position and Flying spin (means a spin with
a flying entrance and no change of foot and position):
– positions that are not basic are allowed, counted in the
total number of revolutions required by the Rules, but are
not valid for Level features.
– In spins in one position and flying spins the concluding
upright position at the end of the spin is not considered to
be another position independent of the number of
revolutions, as long as the skater is executing only the final
wind-up without any enhancements.
– When the spin is commenced with a jump, no previous
rotation on the ice before the take-off is permitted and a
step over must be considered by the Technical Panel in the
Base Value & by the Judges in the Grade of execution.
Rules – General (7)
Spin requirements
• For flying spins (with no change of foot and
only one position) of both Short Program and
Free Skating the following are required: a clear
visible jump. The sign “V” indicates that this
requirement is not fulfilled. The base values of
spins with the sign “V” are listed in the
column V of the SOV table.
Rules – Short program (1)
• The Short Program of the season 2017 – 2018 includes the
following 3 spins:
1. Flying spin:
– Seniors: Flying spin with landing position different than in the Spin in
one position;
– Juniors: Flying sit spin; any air position allowed.
2. Spin in one position
– Senior Men: Camel/Sit spin (position different from the landing
position of the Flying spin) with only one change of foot;
– Senior Ladies: Layback/sideways leaning spin or sit/camel without
change of foot (position different from the landing position of the
Flying spin);
– Junior Men: Camel spin with only one change of foot;
– Junior Ladies: Layback/sideways leaning spin or camel spin without
change of foot.
3. Spin combination with only one change of foot.
Rules – Short program (2)
The spins must have a required minimum number
of revolutions:
• eight (8) for the flying spin, the layback spin and a
sit/camel spin without change of foot,
• six (6) on each foot in the spin with a change of
foot and the spin combination, the lack of which
must be reflected by the Judges in their marking.
In the spin combination the change of foot is
Except flying spins, spins cannot be commenced
with a jump.
Rules – Short program (3)
Specific elements in Short Program
Ladies: layback/sideways leaning spin
• Any position is permitted, as long as the basic layback
or sideways leaning position is maintained for eight (8)
revolutions without rising to an upright position.
• The position of a “Biellmann Spin” can only be taken
and considered as a feature to increase the Level after
having successfully rotated these required 8
revolutions in the layback position (backwards and/or
• If in this “Biellmann Spin” the skater changes edge,
clearly increases the speed and/or executes (8)
revolutions without any changes, additional level
features can be awarded.
Rules – Short program (4)
Men: spin in one position with change of foot
• Senior & Junior: The spin must consist of only
one change of foot, which may be executed by a
step or a jump.
• Senior: The skater must choose the camel or the
sit position, but this position must be different
from the landing position of the Flying spin.
• Junior: Only the prescribed sit or camel position
is permitted.
• Senior & Junior: The spin must have at least 3
revolutions before and after the change of foot.
Rules – Short program (5)
Spin combination with change of foot
• Must have a minimum of two different basic
positions with 2 revolutions in each of these
positions anywhere within the spin. The number
of revolutions in positions that are non-basic are
counted in the total number of revolutions.
Changing to a non-basic position is not
considered as a change of position.
• Only one change of foot with not less than six (6)
revolutions on each foot. The change of foot may
be executed in the form of a step or a jump. The
change of foot and the change of position may be
made either at the same time or separately.
Rules – Short program (6)
Flying spin
The name of the flying spin corresponds to its landing
• Senior: Any type of flying spin is permitted with landing
position different than in the Spin in one position.
• Junior: Only the prescribed flying spin is permitted.
Senior and Junior: A step over must be considered by the
Judges in the Grade of Execution. The flying position may be
different from the landing position. A minimum of eight (8)
revolutions in the landing position.
No previous rotation on the ice before the take-off is
permitted. The required eight (8) revolutions can be executed
in any variation of the landing position.
Rules – Short program (7)
Flying spin and the spin in one position
• If in Senior Men and Ladies the landing
position of the Flying spin is the same that in
the Spin in one position, the last performed of
these two spins will not be counted, but will
occupy a spin box.
Rules – Free Skating (1)
A well balanced Free Skating program for Men and Ladies
(Senior and Junior) must contain maximum of 3 spins:
- one of which must be a spin combination,
- one a flying spin or a spin with flying entrance, and
- one a spin with only one position.
All Spins must be of a different character. Any Spin with the
same character (abbreviation) as the one executed before will
be deleted by computer (but will occupy a spinning box).
If no performed spin has a flying entrance, or if there is no
spin in one position, or no spin combination, the wrong
executed spin will be automatically deleted by thecomputer.
Rules – Free Skating (2)
• The spins must have a required minimum number of
revolutions: six (6) for the flying spin and the spin with
only one position and ten (10) for the spin
combination, the lack of which must be reflected by
Judges in their marking. This minimum number of
required revolutions must be counted from the entry
of the spin until its exit (except final wind-up in Spins in
one position and Flying spins).
• In the spin combination and spin in one position the
change of foot is optional. The number of different
positions in the spin combination is free.
Level features (1)
1. Difficult variations (count as many times as
performed with limitations specified below)
2. Change of foot executed by jump
3. Jump within a spin without changing feet
4. Difficult change of position on the same foot
5. Difficult entrance into a spin
6. Clear change of edge in sit (only from backward
inside to forward outside), camel, Layback and
Biellmann position
Level features (2)
7. All 3 basic positions on the second foot
8. Both directions immediately following each other in
sit or camel spin
9. Clear increase of speed in camel, sit, layback or
Biellmann position
10. At least 8 rev. without changes in position/variation,
foot or edge (camel, layback, difficult variation of any
basic position or for combinations only non-basic
11. Difficult variation of flying entry in flying spins/spins
with a flying entrance (see Clarifications)
Level features (3)
• Additional features for the Layback spin:
12.One clear change of position backwards-
sideways or reverse, at least 2 rev. in each
position (counts also if the Layback spin is a
part of any other spin)
13.Biellmann position after Layback spin (SP –
after 8 revolutions in layback spin)
Level features (4)
• Features 2 – 9, 11 – 13 count only once per program
(first time they are attempted). Feature 10 counts
only once per program (in the first spin it is
successfully performed; if in this spin 8 revs are
executed on both feet, any one of these executions
can be taken in favor of the skater).
• Any category of difficult spin variation in a basic
position counts only once per program (first time it is
• A difficult variation in a non-basic position counts
once per program in spin combination only (first time
it is attempted).
• In any spin with change of foot the maximum number
of features attained on one foot is two (2).
Spin with no change of position
• A “spin with no change of position”, in which
another basic position is executed with more
than two (2) revolutions, does not fulfill the
requirements of a spin with “no change of
position” and will be identified as a “spin
• However, the concluding upright position at the
end of the spin is not considered to be another
position independent of the number of
revolutions, as long as the skater is executing only
the final wind-up without any enhancements.
Spin combination with less than 2
revolutions in basic positions
• In Short Program a spin combination executed
with only 1 basic position with not less than 2
revolutions and in all other positions less than 2
revolutions will receive no Level.
• In Free Skating a clear visible attempt of a spin
combination which results in a spin with only 1
basic position with not less than 2 revolutions will
be called by the Technical Panel as a spin
combination no value.
Spin combination with all three basic
positions executed on the second foot
• In the spin combination, in order to be
counted as a Level feature, all three basic
positions must be executed on the second
• This feature can be awarded only if its
execution is not interrupted by a change of
foot and cannot be awarded after the second
change of foot.
Spin combination with only
two basic positions
• A spin combination with and without change
of foot which includes only 2 basic positions
with not less than 2 revolutions will have a
lower base value in comparison with a spin
combination with all 3 basic positions with not
less than 2 revolutions. The corresponding
base values are listed in the SOV in the “V”
Abbreviation and Calling procedure
Clear change of position backwards-
sideways or visa-versa (layback spin)
Entrance of the spin:
Difficult entrance 1
• “Entrance into a spin” is defined as the
preparation immediately preceding a spin and
may include the beginning phase of a spin.
• The entrance must have a significant impact on
the balance, control and execution of the spin
and must be performed on the first spining foot.
• The intended basic spin position must be reached
within the first 2 revolutions. This position can be
basic or (for spin combinations only) non-basic.
Entrance of the spin:
Difficult entrance 2
• A regular backward entry is no longer
considered as a difficult entry.
• If the entrance of a spin is not considered by
the Technical Panel as “difficult”, it is
considered as a transition and the “difficult
entrance” feature can still be awarded in a
later spin.
Entrance of the spin:
Difficult and flying entrance
Entrance of the spin:
Difficult and flying entrance
• A simple variation of position is a movement of a body
part, leg, arm, hand or head, which does not have an
effect on the balance of the main body core. A simple
variation does not increase the Level.
Categories of difficult variations (1)
• There are 11 categories of difficult variations:
• For CAMEL POSITION there are 3 categories
based on direction of the shoulder line:
– (CF) Camel Forward: with the shoulder line
parallel to the ice
– (CS) Camel Sideways: with the shoulder line
twisted to a vertical position
– (CU) Camel Upward: with the shoulder line
twisted more then a vertical position
Categories of difficult variations (2)
Categories of difficult variations (3)
Categories of difficult variations (4)
Crossfoot spin
Biellmann position
• Biellmann position is a difficult variation of an upright
position (UB) when the skater’s free leg is pulled from
behind to a position higher than and towards the top
of the head, close to the spinning axis of the skater.
Like other categories of difficult spin variations,
Biellmann position counts once per program (Short or
Free) – first time it’s attempted.
• In free skating a spin that starts with layback position
(at least 2 revs) and continues with Upright Biellmann
variation is still called a layback spin.
• Windmill (Illusion) is considered as a difficult
variation of non-basic position (NBP). This must
be done at least 3 times in a row to be counted as
a Level feature.
• Windmill (illusion) can be considered as a Level
feature for
• difficult variation of non-basic position or
• difficult entry or
• difficult change of position
only the first time it’s attempted.
Features in repeated variations
What is an attempt?
Similar variations in basic and
in non-basic positions
Free leg drops
Too long to reach basic position
Jump on the same foot within a Spin
• In any spin a clear jump started and landed on the
same foot will be counted as a feature only if the skater
has executed at least 2 revolutions in a basic or non-
basic position before and after the jump. The skater
must reach the basic position within the first 2
revolutions after the landing.
• This jump has no requirements to the air position, but
there must be a clear jump. The jump is considered as
a Level feature only when it “requires significant
• This jump can be performed even before the required
minimum number of revolutions in a spin in order to
be considered as a feature in both Short Program and
Free Skating.
Increase of speed
Edges and directions:
Clear change of edge - 2
• A clear change of edge can only be counted as a
feature, if there are at least 2 continuous
revolutions on one edge followed by at least 2
continuous revolutions on the other edge in the
same position (sit, camel, Layback or Biellmann).
• A change of edge within an upright or non-basic
position does not count as a feature.
• The change of edge counts as a feature that can
increase the Level only once in a spin of the Short
Program and once in a spin of Free Skating
Edges and directions:
Spinning in both directions
Number of revolutions:
8 revolutions
Change of foot
• Staying on the same foot
• A change of foot in a spin means spinning on
each foot. Any spin in which the skater
remains spinning on the same foot is not
considered as a change of foot spin.
• Simple change of foot
• A simple change of foot, e.g. a step or a small
hop does not require significant strength and
skill and does not increase the Level.
Change of foot executed by jump
Change of foot:
Toe Arabian as change of foot
• This change of foot is allowed, will be
considered as a change of foot executed by
jump and will count as a feature only in Free
• If performed in Short Program, such change of
foot will be considered as an error, will not
count as a feature and the GOE will be
reduced according to the ISU guidelines for
touching the ice with the free foot.
Change of foot
• Spin with a second change of foot
• A second change of foot (if attempted) in a
spin with change of foot is not allowed in
Short Program (wrong element) and does not
count as a feature for a higher Level in Free
Change of foot:
Spinning centres too far apart (spin in one
position and spin combination) - 1
• If in a spin with change of foot there is a curve
of exit after the first part and a curve of entry
into the second part, the consequences are as
• in Short Program - the spin is not fulfilling the
requirements and no value will be given;
Change of foot:
Spinning centres too far apart (spin in one
position and spin combination) - 2
• in Free Skating - the second part of the spin will
be ignored and the element becomes a spin in one
position with no change of foot or a spin
combination with no change of foot.
If there is only a curve of exit after the first part or
the curve of entry into the second part, this will
result in GOE reduction for “Change of foot poorly
executed” (this reduction does not relate to change
of foot together with change of direction).
Change of foot:
Number of features on one foot for spins
with a change of foot
• The maximum number of features that a skater can get
on one foot is 2.
• The features for difficult entry will be counted in the
quota of the foot before the change.
• The features “Change of foot executed by jump”,”
Spinning in both directions” and “All 3 basic positions
on second foot” will be counted in the quota of the
foot after the change.
• The feature for a crossfoot spin will be counted on the
foot on which the cross position was started.
Change of foot:
Spin in one position with change of foot :
less than 2 revolutions in a basic position
on one foot
V sign