CHAPTER 8 - Shunt Capacitor Bank Protection

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Capacitor Bank Protection

Capacitor Bank Protection

Dr S Krishnamurthy

1.1 Overview of Series and Shunt Capacitor banks

Capacitor Bank Protection

4.1 Externally fused
4.2 Internally fused
4.3 Fuseless
4.4 Capacitor Bank configurations (Connections) : (a) ungrounded Wye,
(b)Ungrounded double wye, (c) grounded wye and (d) grounded double wye
7. Several types of relaying schemes are applied on large capacitor banks to
provide system protection
7.1 Overcurrent protection
7.2 Overvoltage protection 2
7.3 Loss of bus voltage protection
7.4. Breaker failure protection
8.1 Unbalance Protection for Ungrounded, Single-Wye Banks
8.2 Unbalance Protection for Ungrounded, Double-Wye Banks

Capacitor Bank Protection

8.3 Unbalance Protection for Grounded, Single-Wye Banks
8.4 Unbalance Protection for Grounded, Double-Wye Banks
9. Mid-Rack Phase to Phase Faults
10. Special Protection Scheme for Very Large EHV Capacitor Banks
11. Summary on Shunt Capacitor Protection Methods

1. Introduction
Capacitor unit rating
IEEE std C37.99 -2000
The capacitor unit is made up of individual capacitor elements, arranged in
series/parallel connected groups within a steel enclosure.
 The internal discharge device is a resistor that reduces the unit residual voltage to

Capacitor Bank Protection

50V or less in 5 minutes
 Capacitor voltage ratings vary from 240V to 24940V
 Capacitor sizes vary from 2.5 kvar to 1000kvar
The capacitor should be capable of
 110% of rated terminal rms voltage
 180% of rated rms current
 Reactive power range between (100 - 115)%
 Internal temperature of 25 and 40 degree for normal and hottest location
 Capacitor are intended to operate at or below
rated voltage & frequency, since
 The reactive power generated by the capacitor
kVar  2 f V2
 This is the main disadvantage of SCB (Shunt 4
Capacitor Bank), ie., increase in the square of
the capacitor voltage will increase in the
reactive power generated by the capacitor
1. Introduction
1.1 Overview of Series and Shunt Capacitor banks

a) Series Capacitor banks

Capacitor Bank Protection

 Series Capacitor banks in long high- voltage transmission
lines reduce the total impedance between large power
 This increases the power- transfer capabilities and enhances
b) Shunt Capacitor banks
 On modern power systems, shunt capacitors are utilized at all
voltage levels.
 Shunt capacitors are used to supply a portion of the reactive
requirements of the power system and loads connected to the
 Shunt capacitors also provide for voltage and power factor
 Electrical loads connected to power systems typically operate
at a lagging power factor.

Capacitor Bank Protection

 The overall power factor of load connected to a specific circuit
on a power system will depend on the nature of the load that
is involved.
 Industrial load tends to have a lower lagging power factor
than residential load, because of the higher percentage of
rotating machinery that is associated with industrial load than
with residential load.
• Application of synchronous condensers is relatively expensive
and, as such, is not used to a great extent.
• Shunt capacitors are therefore used extensively on power
systems for supplying var support.
 Shunt capacitors are connected as required throughout the
power system.

Capacitor Bank Protection

 Shunt capacitors have been utilized at the distribution level for
many years. In recent years, larger shunt capacitor banks have
been applied at the higher voltage levels.
• Fixed capacitor banks would then be connected to the
distribution line based on the voltage profile that exists along
the line during light load conditions.
• The size and location of the capacitors would be based on
maintaining a satisfactory (relatively) flat voltage profile along
the line such that satisfactory voltage levels are supplied to
customers during light load conditions.
• Switched capacitor banks are then applied on the line to
obtain a satisfactory voltage profile for heavy load conditions.
• Switched banks are often controlled by time clocks with
voltage override.
• At the sub-transmission level, shunt capacitors are installed
to supply reactive load that is supplied directly from the

Capacitor Bank Protection

subtransmission system and to supply reactive losses that are
incurred on the subtransmission system during heavy load
• These capacitor banks may be a combination of fixed and
switched banks and are located on the system to reduce
reactive losses in an efficient manner and to maintain a
satisfactory voltage profile throughout the subtransmission
system for all load conditions

 Capacitor ‘‘units’’ are the basic building blocks of capacitor
banks. A capacitor unit is enclosed in a case with a number of

Capacitor Bank Protection

internally connected series groups of capacitors.
 Each group is made up of a number of individual capacitor
‘‘packs’’ that are connected in parallel.
 A typical arrangement of a capacitor unit is illustrated in Figure

 Pole-mounted distribution capacitor banks are made up of
one or more parallel connected capacitor units per phase.

Capacitor Bank Protection

 The bank may be connected in wye or delta.
 Protection for distribution capacitor banks is normally
provided by installing a fuse in each incoming phase wire to
the bank.
 Large capacitor banks for use at high-voltage levels are made
up of numerous capacitor units connected in parallel groups
with a number of such groups connected in series in each
 The capacitor units for such large banks can be ‘‘externally
fused,’’ ‘‘internally fused,’’ or ‘‘fuseless.’’
 In externally fused banks, a fuse is installed on each
capacitor unit.
 Internally fused banks utilize a fuse on each capacitor pack 10
that is internal to the unit.
 Fuseless banks do not use any fuses on the units or packs.
The large banks can be classified into
4.1 Externally fused
4.2 Internally fused
4.3 Fuseless
4.4 Capacitor Bank configurations


Capacitor Bank Protection

4.1 Externally fused Capacitor units
Y – connected Capacitor Bank
 Units in an externally fused bank have a few elements in parallel but many
elements in series .
 An individual fuse, externally mounted between the capacitor unit and the
capacitor bank fuse bus, typically protects each capacitor unit.
 A failure of a capacitor element welds the foils together and short circuits
the other capacitor elements connected in parallel in the same group. When
an element fails (welds together), the entire row of elements shorts out.
 The remaining capacitor elements in the unit remain in service with a higher 12
voltage across them than before the failure and an increased in capacitor
unit current.
4.2 Internally fused

 Internally fused units are manufactured with many elements in parallel.

 When an element fails (welds together), the fuse of the faulty elements
blows, disconnecting the faulty element from the other parallel elements).
 With many elements in parallel, lost capacitance is small and the increase
in voltage across the healthy parallel units is also small.
4.2 Internally fused

Capacitor Bank Protection

Each capacitor element is fused inside the capacitor unit.
The fuse is a simple piece of wire enough to limit the
current and encapsulated in a wrapper able to withstand
the heat produced by the arc.
Upon a capacitor element failure, the fuse removes the
affected element only. The other elements, connected in 14
parallel in the same group, remain in service but with a
slightly higher voltage across them.
4.3 Fuseless Shunt Capacitor Banks
Key advantages of fuseless
capacitor banks are:
 No internal fuse losses
resulting in heating and loss
of life
 No internal fuses to fail
 Improved protection
sensitivity since the loss of
an element is more
 Simpler internal construction
of the units since there is no
need for fuses to be wired
into the circuit
 Simpler external construction of the
bank since there is no need for fuses to
be wired into the circuit
 Less likelihood of cascade failures of 15
elements due to overvoltage
 Lower losses due to the absence of
4.3 Fuseless Shunt Capacitor Banks
 Based on modern-day high-quality dielectrics, fuseless units are similar in
construction to externally fused units (few elements in parallel, but many

Capacitor Bank Protection

elements in series).
 When an element fails (welds together), the entire row of elements shorts
out .
 However, unlike the fused installations, there are now no fuses to blow,
and the effect of a failed element on the bank is permanent.
 Because there are no fuses in this bank, we can visualize the bank in
terms of elements rather than units.

Fuseless shunt capacitor

bank and series string

The fuseless design is not usually applied for system voltages less than about
34.5 kV. The reason is that there shall be more than 10 elements in series so that 16
the bank does not have to be removed from service for the failure of one element
because the voltage across the remaining elements would increase by a factor of
about E (E – 1), where E is the number of elements in the string.
4.4 Capacitor Bank configurations (Connections)
Fusing and protection are the two aspects that determine the

Capacitor Bank Protection

optimum bank configuration for a given capacitor voltage

Fig. shows the four most common wye-connected capacitor
bank configurations
4.4 Capacitor Bank configurations (Connections)
 Capacitor bank in Substations – Y
 Distribution capacitor banks – Y or ∆
Types of capacitor bank connections shown in Figure below:

Capacitor Bank Protection

a) ∆ (2400V, distribution L-L voltages , no over voltage occurs across capacitor
units when isolation of the failure unit)
b) Grounded Y (34.5 KV and above , low impedance path to ground for lighting
surge currents , and surge voltages; low impedance path for harmonic
c) Ungrounded Y ( do not permit 3rd harmonic currents or capacitor discharge
current during ground faults)
d) Ungrounded double Y ( used when capacitor bank too large 4650 kvar per
group for explusion fuses)
e) Grounded double Y ( used when capacitor bank too large 4650 kvar per group
and two neutrals are directly connected together with single ground)

4.4 Capacitor Bank configurations (Connections)
4.4.1 Grounded/Ungrounded Wye
Most distribution and transmission-level capacitor banks are wye

Capacitor Bank Protection

connected, either grounded or ungrounded.
Characteristics of a grounded bank are as follows:
 Provides a low impedance to ground for lightning surge currents
 Provides a degree of protection from surge voltages
 Reduces recovery voltages for switching equipment (approximately
twice normal peak voltage)
 Provides a low impedance to ground for triplen and
 other harmonic currents
Characteristics of an ungrounded bank are as follows:
 Does not provide a path for zero-sequence currents, triplen, and
other harmonic currents
 Does not provide a path for capacitor discharge currents during
system faults 19
 Requires the neutral to be insulated to full line voltage
 The sizes of these banks typically vary from about 20 to over 400 MVA.
As large banks represent a greater investment than the smaller sized

Capacitor Bank Protection

banks that are dispersed throughout the distribution systems, they
warrant more sophisticated protection.
 Fused banks are made up of a number of series connected groups of
capacitor units. A group consists of a number of units connected in
 Fuseless units offer advantages of smaller size, greater simplicity,
lesser losses, low probability of case rupture, no possibility of nuisance
fuse operations, and the possibility of achieving more sensitive
 The most common types of large capacitor banks that have been
applied in the past are externally fused banks connected in wye.
 Fuseless designs have been made possible with the development and
use of film=foil dielectric materials in the capacitor design. Use of such
material assures that, when a pack fails, it will create a short with a 20
weld that is solid enough to carry rated current.
The design of large capacitor banks and their associated

Capacitor Bank Protection

protection is developed to obtain operating characteristics that
meet the following criteria:
1. The loss of any single capacitor unit within the bank should not
cause the voltage of other units to exceed 10% of its rating.
Protection should function to initiate an alarm to set off when one
or more units have failed and the voltage applied to any other
unit within the bank does not exceed its 10% overvoltage rating.
2. Protection should function to initiate a trip of the capacitor
bank when units have been lost to the extent that the overvoltage
on any other unit within the bank may exceed its 10% overvoltage

 A typical arrangement for an externally

Capacitor Bank Protection

fused bank is shown in Figure below. S is
equal to the number of series groups
connected in one phase of the bank and
P is equal to the number of capacitor
units per group.
 Voltage across other units in a group
when fuses have blown is given by the
following formula:
S  P
Vpu 
SP  n  1  n

Where FIGURE : Arrangement of

one phase of an
Vpu is the per unit voltage across externally fused, wye- 22
capacitor units in a group with n open grounded, capacitor bank
fuses in the group.
Protective systems are applied on large capacitor banks to
provide the following functions:

Capacitor Bank Protection

1. Protect the capacitor bank from excessive damage due to
failure within the capacitor bank itself
2. Protect the capacitor bank from damage due to power
system conditions that may be harmful to the bank
3. Protect the power system from damaging stresses that may
be imposed on the system by the capacitor bank
The protection outlined in (1) is referred to as ‘‘bank’’
protection and the protections outlined in (2) and (3) are
referred to as ‘‘system’’ protection.
Alarming is initiated upon loss of a unit or packs within the
bank. Tripping is initiated when the unbalance is of an extent
that damage to capacitor bank units is likely due to 23
overvoltage or a fuse malfunction.

 Settings need to be selected appropriately for initiating an

alarm and trip based on the criteria previously discussed.

Capacitor Bank Protection

 Application of capacitor bank unbalance protection using
neutral current sensing techniques presents several
1. Neutral current values for which relay action is required are
very low. Instrument transformer and relay performance can
be problematic when currents of such low magnitude need
to be measured to initiate operation of the scheme.
2. A natural unbalance will exist within capacitor banks
because of manufacturing tolerances and the unbalance
that typically exists in the voltages throughout the power
system network.
• Figure below illustrates a typical
connection of a voltage

Capacitor Bank Protection

differential relay in one phase of
a capacitor bank.
• In such a scheme, the bus voltage
is compared in the relay to a
voltage at some tap point among
groups within the bank.
• The midpoint of the bank is often
chosen for this tap point.
• The relay input voltages are
adjusted within the relay or by
the potential transformer ratios
to account for the difference in
primary voltage that is expected FIGURE: Connection of a
on the high-side bus and at the voltage differential relay in 25
tap point. one phase of an externally
capacitor bank.
7. Several types of relaying schemes are applied on large
capacitor banks to provide system protection
7.1 Overcurrent protection:
 Phase and neutral overcurrent relaying

Capacitor Bank Protection

connected on the high side of the capacitor
 This relaying protects the bank and the system
from damage that can be caused by severe
phase-to-phase or phase-to-ground faults on the
 The time–over-current phase relay should be set
with a pickup of about 135% of the capacitor 1
bank rating. 3S  2
 Instantaneous overcurrent phase relays must be IN 
S 1
set higher than the maximum expected transient S
inrush and outrush currents. sin gle grounded Y, I 
 Neutral overcurrent relays should be set as low sin gle ungrounded Y, I 
1.5S  F
as possible without causing nuisance tripping on 6S
system faults or transients. Double ungrounded Y, I  26
6S  5F
S  Number of seriessec tions / phase
(a) Capacitor bank protection using phase OC relay (51) F  Number of series groups flashed over
(b) Capacitor bank protection using bank fuses VNS  neutral to ground voltagein per unit
7 Several types of relaying schemes are applied on
large capacitor banks to provide system protection
7.2 Overvoltage protection:
High voltages may exist at the capacitor high side because of

Capacitor Bank Protection

abnormal or unusual operating conditions.
The capacitor bank itself may be a contributing factor to the
overvoltage condition.
A three-phase overvoltage can be applied on the high side of
the capacitor bank to protect the bank and system from such
overvoltage conditions.
Setting should be coordinated with the voltage design limits of
the system and the capacitor bank.

7. Several types of relaying schemes are applied on
large capacitor banks to provide system protection
7.3 Loss of bus voltage protection:
 It is sometimes desirable to trip the capacitor when voltage is lost at

Capacitor Bank Protection

its high-side bus. Such tripping may be necessary to prevent
undesired transients that may result if the bank is reenergized by
automatic reclosing schemes applied on the power system.
 An under voltage relay that monitors bus potential is used to provide
loss of voltage protection.
 A time delay is applied on under voltage tripping to provide
sufficient time to override voltage drops because of faults on the
 The time delay must be fast enough to trip the capacitor before
automatic reclosing is initiated on the power system.
7.4. Breaker failure protection:
Conventional breaker failure protection can be applied to provide
isolation of the bank when the capacitor breaker fails to open or 28
8. Unbalance Protection Methods
Unbalance protection provides protection against faults within an SCB.
For this protection, we use either voltage or current measuring

Capacitor Bank Protection

The particular protection depends on the fusing method (externally
fused banks use the fuse as the first line of protection), the size of the
bank, the method of grounding, and the required insulation of the
Following are examples of the more common unbalance protection
8.1 Unbalance Protection for Ungrounded, Single-Wye Banks
8.2 Unbalance Protection for Ungrounded, Double-Wye Banks
8.3 Unbalance Protection for Grounded, Single-Wye Banks
8.4 Unbalance Protection for Grounded, Double-Wye Banks

8. Unbalance Protection Methods
8.1 Unbalance Protection for Ungrounded, Single-Wye Banks
 The simplest method for this application is to measure the bank zero-
sequence voltage. (ANSI code 59  Over Voltage Relay)

Capacitor Bank Protection

 The voltage-sensing device can be a voltage transformer, capacitive
potential device, or resistive potential device.
 Fig. shows three methods to measure the zero-sequence voltage. Fig. (a)
shows a broken delta connection to measure 3V0,
 Fig. (b) shows a PT between the bank neutral and ground to measure
V0, and
 Fig. (c) shows a compensated neutral unbalance method.
 Unlike the first two methods, the compensated neutral unbalance
method removes the system unbalance.

8. Unbalance Protection Methods
8.1 Unbalance Protection for Ungrounded, Single-Wye Banks
Fig. (c) shows a compensated neutral unbalance method.

Capacitor Bank Protection

8. Unbalance Protection Methods
8.2 Unbalance Protection for Ungrounded, Double-Wye Banks
 Splitting the bank into two equal wye sections and measuring the
neutral current (Fig. [a]) or voltage (Fig. [b]) provides for protection

Capacitor Bank Protection

that is insensitive to system voltage unbalance.
 The measurement is insensitive to this unbalance because the
protection senses the neutral current or voltage differentially, i.e.,
both wye sections are affected equally by any system voltage

8. Unbalance Protection Methods
8.3 Unbalance Protection for Grounded, Single-Wye Banks
 Fig. (a) shows unbalance voltage protection using busbar PTs and PTs connected to tap

Capacitor Bank Protection

 Unbalances in the bank change the tap point voltage with respect to the busbar voltage,
causing the relay to operate.
 Fig. (b) shows an example of a phase unbalance differential current
 measurement whereby a CT is connected between two equal strings of the same phase.
 Notice that this application can be grounded or ungrounded.
 When we make the connection between the two strings near the mid-point of the strings,
the connection is known as an H-bridge. The protection is insensitive to system

8. Unbalance Protection Methods
8.3 Unbalance Protection for Grounded, Single-Wye Banks
Voltage Differential Protection

Capacitor Bank Protection

(a) Single Grounded Y-Connected Capacitor Banks

Fig. (a) shows unbalance voltage protection using busbar PTs and
PTs connected to tap points.
Unbalances in the bank change the tap point voltage with respect to
the busbar voltage, causing the relay to operate.
8. Unbalance Protection Methods
8.4 Unbalance Protection for Grounded, Double-Wye Banks
 Unbalance Protection for Grounded, Double-Wye Banks Fig. (a)
shows unbalance current and Fig. (b) shows unbalance voltage

Capacitor Bank Protection

 In Fig. (a), a CT is installed in the neutral of each wye-connected
bank and the neutrals connect to ground.
 The CTs are cross-connected to form a differential measurement,
then connected to an overcurrent element.
 In Fig. (b), the protection uses two PTs per phase connected to
similar tap positions on the two phases.

8. Unbalance Protection Methods
8.4 Unbalance Protection for Grounded, Double-Wye Banks

In Fig. (b), the protection uses two PTs per phase connected to

Capacitor Bank Protection

similar tap positions on the two phases.

Voltage Differential Protection

(b) Double Grounded Y-Connected Capacitor Banks
9. Mid-Rack Phase to Phase Faults

Capacitor Bank Protection

 A mid-rack fault between 2 phases as shown in Fig. above is
possible and will go undetected.
 This fault does not cause an unbalance of the neutral voltage
(or neutral current if grounded) as the healthy voltage is
counter balance by the 2 other faulty phase voltages.
 The most efficient protection for mid-rack phase to phase
faults is the negative sequence current. 37
 Tripping shall be delayed to coordinate with other relays in the
10. Special Protection Scheme for Very Large EHV Capacitor Banks

Capacitor Bank Protection


(a) Functional Diagram

10. Special Protection Scheme for Very Large EHV Capacitor Banks

Capacitor Bank Protection

(b) DC Schematic (Primary Tripping)

(c) DC Schematic (Backup Tripping)
11. Summary on Shunt Capacitor Protection Methods

Capacitor Bank Protection


 Fuses used to protect pole-mounted distribution capacitor

banks are applied to protect capacitor units from case

Capacitor Bank Protection

 A ruptured case can result in the spilling of dielectric fluid,
which can ignite and burn, potentially causing damage to
other adjacent cans and represents a safety hazard to
personnel and to the general public.
 A vacuum switch or other suitable disconnecting device may
also be installed on the capacitor bank to switch it in and out
of service.
 With the typical size of distribution capacitor banks ranging
between 300 and 1800 KVAR, and with modern individual
units available in sizes up to 300 KVAR and more, banks can be
constructed by using one or two units per phase.
 Series capacitor banks are removed from service by closing a switch
which is installed to bypass the bank.
 This allows the transmission line to remain in service for failures in

Capacitor Bank Protection

the bank.
 As the series capacitor is part of the transmission line, and can be
bypassed at any time by automatic control, the protection provided
on the associated transmission line must be applied and set with
consideration given to conditions with the capacitor bank in service
and out of service.
 Series capacitor banks are constructed with the same basic capacitor
 units may be externally fused, internally fused, or fuseless.
 A major protection concern with series capacitors is the potential for
damage to the bank as a result of over voltages caused by fault
current flow through the bank during power system faults.
 Closing of the bypass switch is too slow to provide protection against
such over voltages.
 Devices that have an immediate response to the increase in voltage
during the fault condition need to be applied to provide the required 42
14. Conclusion
Application of large capacitor banks on power system s began to
evolve into more common usage about the time that solid stage

Capacitor Bank Protection

relays were developed .
Considerable problems were experienced by some of the early
installations of large banks because of the sensitivity of the
settings require d.
Tolerances within the relays were such that environmental
conditions at the relay location were sufficient to cause the opera
ting characteristics of the relay to change sufficiently such that
misoperations were common .
In some instances, unbalances that evolve within the capacitor
bank itself were not adequately accounted for when designing
the protective systems, resulting in many false operations.
Even today, a large number of trips on large capacitor banks could
not be traced to a specific problem in the bank. Use of
microprocessor based relays has mitigated the relay sensitivity
and d rift problem to a large extent.
14. Conclusion
Microprocessor relaying has also allowed for more logic
sophistication to be designed into the protection logic to

Capacitor Bank Protection

enhance the opera ting security of the scheme.
It is also common to find a large number of blown fuses or
considerable damage at banks when a tripout is investigated.
This is probably caused by the large amount of stored energy
that exists within the bank and significant amount of transient
surges that are possible when switching or failures occur.

1. J Lewis Blackburn and Thomas J Domin, Protection Relaying Principles
and Applications, third Edition, CRC press Taylor and Francis group,
2006. (Chapter 9: Transformer, Reactor, and Shunt Capacitor

Capacitor Bank Protection

Protection, pg.No 376-391)
2. Satish Samineni, Casper Labuschagne, and Jeff Pope Schweitzer
Engineering Laboratories, Inc “Principles of Shunt Capacitor Bank
Application and Protection”,. 64th Annual Georgia Tech Protective
Relaying Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, May 5–7, 2010.
3. ANSI=IEEE Standard C37.91, Guide for Protective Relaying Applications
to Power Transformers, IEEE Service Center.
4. ANSI=IEEE Standard C37.99, Guide for Protection of Shunt
Capacitors, IEEE Service Center.
5. ANSI=IEEE Standard C37.109, Guide for the Protection of Shunt
Reactors, IEEE Service Center.
6. ANSI=IEEE Standard C57.12, General Requirements for Liquid-
Immersed Distribution,Power and Regulating Transformers, IEEE
Service Center.
7. Shunt Capacitor bank fundamentals and protection by Gustavo
Brunello et al., 2003 conference for protective relay Engineers

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