Non-Linear Convolution: A New Approach For The Auralization of Distorting Systems

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Angelo Farina, Alberto Bellini and Enrico Armelloni

Industrial Engineering Dept., University of Parma, Via delle Scienze 181/A
Parma, 43100 ITALY – HTTP://
Goals for Auralization
 Transform the results of objective electroacoustics
measurements to audible sound samples suitable
for listening tests
 Traditional auralization is based on linear
convolution: this does not replicates faithfully the
nonlinear behaviour of most transducers
 The new method presented here overcomes to this
strong limitation, providing a simplified treatment
of memory-less distortion
 We start from a measurement of the system
based on exponential sine sweep (Farina, 108th
AES, Paris 2000)
 Diagonal Volterra kernels are obtained by post-
processing the measurement results
 These kernels are employed as FIR filters in a
multiple-order convolution process (original
signal, its square, its cube, and so on are
convolved separately and the result is summed)
Exponential sweep measurement

 The excitation signal is a sine sweep with constant

amplitude and exponentially-increasing frequency
Raw response of the system

Many harmonic orders do appear as colour stripes

Deconvolution of system’s impulse response

The deconvolution is obtained by convolving the raw response with a suitable

inverse filter
Multiple impulse response obtained



The last peak is the linear impulse response, the preceding

ones are the harmonic distortion orders
Auralization by linear convolution

Convolving a suitable sound sample with the linear IR, the frequency
response and temporal transient effects of the system can be simulated
What’s missing in linear convolution ?

 No harmonic distortion, nor other nonlinear

effects are being reproduced.
 From a perceptual point of view, the sound is
judged “cold” and “innatural”
 A comparative test between a strongly nonlinear
device and an almost linear one does not reveal
any audible difference, because the nonlinear
behavior is removed for both
Theory of nonlinear convolution
 The basic approach is to convolve separately, and
then add the result, the linear IR, the second order
IR, the third order IR, and so on.
 Each order IR is convolved with the input signal
raised at the corresponding power:
M 1 M 1 M 1
y( n )   h1  i   x  n  i    h 2  i   x  n  i    h 3  i   x 3  n  i   .....
i 0 i 0 i 0

The problem is that the required multiple IRs are not the
results of the measurements: they are instead the diagonal
terms of Volterra kernels
Volterra kernels and simplification
 The general Volterra series expansion is defined as:
M 1 M 1 M 1
y( n )   h1  i1   x  n  i1     h 2  i1 , i 2   x  n  i1   x  n  i 2  
i1  0 i1  0 i 2  0
M 1 M 1 M 1
    h 3  i1 , i 2 , i 3   x  n  i1   x  n  i 2   x  n  i 3   .....
i1  0 i 2 0 i3 0

This explains also nonlinear effect with memory, as the system

output contains also products of previous sample values with
different delays
Memoryless distortion followed by a linear
system with memory

Noise n(t)

distorted signal
input x(t) Not-linear output y(t)
w(t) linear system

 The first nonlinear system is assumed to be memory-less,

so only the diagonal terms of the Volterra kernels need to
be taken into account.

 Furthermore, we neglect the noise, which is efficiently

rejected by the sine sweep measurement method.
Volterra kernels from the measurement results
The measured multiple IRs h’ can be defined as:
y( t )  h'1  sin var   h' 2  sin 2  var   h' 3  sin 3  var   ...

We need to relate them to the simplified Volterra kernels h:

y( t )  h1  sin var   h 2  sin 2  var   h 3  sin 3  var   ...

Trigonometry can be used to expand the powers of the sinusoidal terms:

1 1 3 1
sin2         cos 2      sin 3        sin       sin 3     
2 2 4 4

3 1 1
sin 4         cos 2        cos 4     
8 2 8

5 5 1
sin 5        sin        sin  3        sin  5     
8 16 16
Finding the connection point
Going to frequency domain by taking the FFT, the first
equation becomes:
Y()  H '1    X   H ' 2    X  / 2  H ' 3    X  / 3  ...
Doing the same in the second equation, and substituting the
trigonometric expressions for power of sines, we get:
 3 5   1 1 
Y( )   H1   H 3   H 5   X     H 2   H 4   j  X  / 2 
 4 8   2 2 
 1 5  1 1
   H 3   H 5   X  / 3   H 4  j  X  / 4   H 5  X  / 5  ...
 4 16  8 16

The terms in square brackets have to be equal to the

corresponding measured transfer functions H’ of the first
 Thus we obtain a linear equation system:
 3 5
 1H '  H 1   H 3   H5
4 8
 We can easily solve it,
 2

 H '2   j  1  H 2  H 4  obtaining the required Volterra

 1
 H '3    H 3   H 5
5 kernels as a function of the
 4 16 measured multiple-order IRs:
 1
 H ' 4  j   H4
  H1  H '1 3  H '3  5  H '5
H '5  1  H 5 
 16  H 2  2  j  H ' 2  8  j  H '4

 H 3  4  H '3  20  H '5

 H 4  8  j  H ' 4
 H 5  16  H '5

Non-linear convolution
As we have got the Volterra kernels already in
frequency domain, we can efficiently use them in a
multiple convolution algorithm implemented by
overlap-and-save of the partitioned input signal:
input x(t)

x2 x3 x4

Normal Squared Cubic signal Quartic

signal signal signal

h1(t)  h2(t)  h3(t)  h4(t) 

output y(t)
+ + +
Software implementation
Although today the algorithm is working off-line (as a mix of
manual CoolEdit operations and some Matlab processing), a more
efficient implementation as a CoolEdit plugin is being worked out:

This will allow for real-time operation even with

a very large number of filter coefficients
Audible evaluation of the performance
Original signal Linear convolution

These last two were compared in

a formalized blind listening test

Live recording Non-linear multi convolution

Subjective listening test
 A/B comparison
 Live recording & non-linear
 12 selected subjects
 4 music samples
 9 questions
 5-dots horizontal scale
 Simple statistical analysis of
the results
 A was the live recording, B
was the auralization, but the
listener did not know this

95% confidence intervals

of the responses
Statistical parameters – more advanced statistical methods
would be advisable for getting more significant results
Question Number Average score 2.67 * Std. Dev.
1 (identical-different) 1.25 0.76
3 (better timber) 3.45 1.96
5 (more distorted) 2.05 1.34
9 (more pleasant) 3.30 2.16

Final remarks
- The CoolEdit plugin is planned to be released in two months – it
will be downloadable from HTTP://
- The sound samples employed for the subjective test are available
for download at HTTP://
- The new method will be employed for realistic reproduction in a
listening room of the behaviour of car sound systems

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