Basic Electrical and Fire Safety
Basic Electrical and Fire Safety
Basic Electrical and Fire Safety
A volt is a measure of the electrical force that
seems to push the current along. Symbols
commonly used for voltage are "E" or "V".
An ampere is the unit used to measure the
amount of electrical current. Symbol for
amperage is "I".
An ohm is the unit used to measure the
opposition (a.k.a. resistance) to the flow of
electrical current. symbol for resistance is "R".
Series circuit
The current in a series circuit takes only one path.
Parallel" circuit
The current in a parallel circuit takes many paths.
electrical burns
arc burns
recognize hazards
evaluate risk
control hazards
Once electrical hazards have been recognized and evaluated, they must be
controlled. You control electrical hazards in two main ways:
De-energize by opening
Approach Boundaries
T h r e e " b o u n d a r i e s " a r e key to p r ote c t i n g
yo u r s e l f f r o m e l e c t r i c s h o c k a n d o n e to p r ote c t
yo u f r o m a r c f l a s h e s o r b l a s t s . T h e s e
b o u n d a r i e s a r e s e t by t h e N a t i o n a l F i r e
P r ote c t i o n A s s o c i a t i o n ( N F PA 7 0 E - 2 01 5 ) .
Appropriate and properly maintained tools
help protect workers against electric
hazards. It's important to maintain tools
regularly because it prevents them from
deteriorating and becoming dangerous.
Training Requirements
All employees should be trained to be
thoroughly familiar with the safety
procedures for their particular jobs.
Moreover, good judgment and common
sense are integral to preventing electrical