Basic Electrical and Fire Safety

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Ma. Rosell Domingo, RN, MAN &
Anne Camille Peralta, RN, MAN

A volt is a measure of the electrical force that
seems to push the current along. Symbols
commonly used for voltage are "E" or "V".

An ampere is the unit used to measure the
amount of electrical current. Symbol for
amperage is "I".

An ohm is the unit used to measure the
opposition (a.k.a. resistance) to the flow of
electrical current. symbol for resistance is "R".

 Series circuit
The current in a series circuit takes only one path.

 Parallel" circuit
The current in a parallel circuit takes many paths.

 The severity of injury from electrical shock depends on the

amount of electrical amperage (current) and the length of
time the current passes through the body.

 The amount of internal current a person can withstand and

still be able to control the muscles of the arm and hand can
be less than 10 milliamperes (milliamps or mA).
 This table shows what usually happens for a range of currents
(lasting one second) at typical household voltages. Longer
exposure times increase the danger to the shock victim.

1 milliamp Just a faint tingle.

5 milliamps Slight shock felt. Disturbing, but not

painful. Most people can "let go."
However, strong involuntary movements
can cause injuries.
6-25 milliamps Painful shock. Muscular control is lost.
(women)† This is the range where "freezing
currents" start. It may not be possible to
9-30 milliamps (men) "let go."
50-150 milliamps Extremely painful shock, respiratory
arrest (breathing stops), severe muscle
contractions. Flexor muscles may cause
holding on; extensor muscles may cause
intense pushing away. Heart fibrillation
possible. Death is possible.

1,000-4,300 Rhythmic pumping action of the heart

milliamps ceases. Muscular contraction and nerve
(1-4.3 amps) damage occur; death likely.

10,000 milliamps Cardiac arrest and severe burns occur.

(10 amps) Death is probable.

15,000 milliamps 15,000 milliamps (15 amps)

(15 amps)

The most common shock-related, nonfatal

injury is a burn. Burns caused by electricity may
be of three types:

electrical burns

arc burns

thermal contact burns


Three-step process of the Electrical Safety


recognize hazards

evaluate risk

control hazards

The first step of the Electrical Safety Model

is recognizing the electrical hazards
around you. Only then can you avoid or
control the hazards. It is best to discuss
and plan hazard recognition tasks with
your co-workers.
The most frequent causes of electrical
injury/death are:
 contact with power lines
 lack of ground-fault protection
 path to ground missing or
discontinuous equipment not used in
manner prescribed
 improper use of extension and flexible

Evaluation is a judgment call, and it's based

on the perceived level of risk of injury. Risk
is determined by analyzing the probability of
an injury occurring and the severity of the
injury if it occurs. The greater the probability
and higher the severity, the greater the risk.

When evaluating risk, it is best to identify all

possible hazards first, then evaluate the risk
of injury from each hazard. Do not assume
the risk is low until you evaluate the hazard.
It is dangerous to overlook hazards.

Once electrical hazards have been recognized and evaluated, they must be
controlled. You control electrical hazards in two main ways:

 create a safe work environment and

 use safe work practices.

One way to implement this safety model is to conduct a job hazard

analysis (JHA). Below is a simple JHA using three columns:

 Column 1 . Break down the job into its separate steps.

 Column 2. Evaluate the hazard(s) inherent in each step.
 Column 3. Develop a hazard control to eliminate or mitigate hazards.

Task Hazards Precautions

De-energize by opening

Electric shock from exposed circuit breaker or removing

Removing the cover
live wires fuse

Test wires with appropriate

Possible other live wires in voltmeter to ensure all wires

Removing the GFCI
opening are de-energized

Check wiring diagrams to

Possible connecting wires
Installing the GFCI ensure proper connects

Replace cover and re-

energize Possible defective GFCI Test GFCI


 Inadequate Wiring Hazards

An electrical wiring hazard exists when:
• the wire is too small for the current it will
carr y: could cause a fire, or
• is not connected properly: could cause a
shock hazard.

 Exposed Electrical Par ts Hazards

Electrical hazards exist when wires or other live
electrical par ts are exposed .
• Wires and par ts can be exposed if a cover is
removed from a wiring or breaker box. The
overhead wires coming into a home may be
• Electrical terminals in motor s, appliances,
and electronic equipment may be exposed .
• Older equipment, or equipment that is being
ser vice, may have exposed electrical par ts. If
you contact exposed live electrical par ts, you
will be shocked.

 Approach Boundaries
T h r e e " b o u n d a r i e s " a r e key to p r ote c t i n g
yo u r s e l f f r o m e l e c t r i c s h o c k a n d o n e to p r ote c t
yo u f r o m a r c f l a s h e s o r b l a s t s . T h e s e
b o u n d a r i e s a r e s e t by t h e N a t i o n a l F i r e
P r ote c t i o n A s s o c i a t i o n ( N F PA 7 0 E - 2 01 5 ) .

• The Restricted Approach Boundar y . This is the

closest boundary to exposed live parts. Only a
Qualified Person wearing appropriate PPE, as
determined by the Shock Risk Assessment, may
enter. The Qualified Person must also have an
Energized Electrical Work Permit (EEWP). When
you're this close, if you move the wrong way, you
and your tools could touch live parts. • The Limited Approach Boundar y . An
Unqualified Person may enter this area, but
only if continuously supervised and escorted
by a Qualified Person, and advised of
potential hazards. Both persons must wear
appropriate PPE as determined by the Shock
Risk Assessment. A qualified person is
someone who has demonstrated the skills and
knowledge on the hazards and on the
construction and operation of equipment
involved in a task.

• The Arc Flash Boundar y . Only Persons wearing

appropriate PPE for the Arc Flash Boundary,
as determined by an Arc Flash Risk
Assessment, may enter.

 Overload Haz ards

Overloads in an electrical system are
hazardous because they can produce heat
or arcing. Wires and other components in
an electrical system or circuit have a
maximum amount of current they can
carr y safely. If too many devices are
plugged into a circuit, the electrical
current will heat the wires to a ver y high
temperature. If a tool uses too much
current, the wires will heat up .

 Overhead Powerline Haz ards

Most people do not realize that overhead
powerlines are usually not insulated. More
than half of all electrocuti ons are caused
by direct worker contact with energized
powerlines. Powerline worker s must be
especially aware of the danger s of
overhead lines.

 Defective Insulation Haz ards

Insulation that is defective or inadequate is an
electrical hazard. Usually, a plastic or rubber
covering insulates wires. Insulation prevents
conductor s from coming in contact with each
other and with people.

• Ex te nsion cord s: Extension cords may have

damaged insulation. Sometimes the insulation
inside an electrical tool or appliance is
damaged. When insulation is damaged,
exposed metal par ts may become energized if
a live wire inside touches them.

• Tools: Electric hand tools that are old,
damaged, or misused may have damaged
insulation inside. If you touch damaged power
tools or other equipment, you will receive a
shock . You are more likely to receive a shock
if the tool is not grounded or double-insulated.
Double-insul ated tools have two insulation
barrier s and no exposed metal par ts.

 Minimum Approach Distances

Altitude Correction Factor for
Minimum Approach Distances.
Minimum approach distances
ensure that workers do not
approach or take any
conductive object closer to the
energized parts. If the work is
performed at elevations
greater than 3,000 ft (900m)
above mean sea level, the
minimum approach distance
must be determined by
multiplying the distances by
the correction factor
corresponding to the altitude at
which the work is performed.

 Improper Grounding Hazards

When an electrical system is not
grounded properly, a hazard
exists because unwanted voltage
cannot be safely eliminated. The
most common OSHA electrical
violation is improper grounding
of equipment and circuitry. The
metal parts of an electrical
wiring system that we touch
(switch plates, ceiling light
fixtures, conduit, etc.) should be
grounded and at 0 volts .

Risk = Probability + Severity

To analyze and evaluate risk
we must determine both
probability and severity.
Probability is the likelihood
that an injury will occur.
Severity is the degree of harm
to the injured worker. You can
estimate probability; however,
severity is nothing more than
a matter of luck.

To control hazards, you must first

create a safe work environment, then
work in a safe manner. Generally, it is
best to remove the hazards altogether
and create an environment that is
truly safe. When OSHA regulations and
the NEC are followed, safe work
environments are created .

 Creating a Safe Work Environment

A safe work environment is created by
controlling contact with electrical
voltages and the currents they can
cause. Electrical currents need to be
controlled so they do not pass through
the body.

 Circuit Protection Devices

Circuit protection devices limit or stop the flow
of current automatically in the event of a
ground fault, overload, or short circuit in the
wiring system.
• Fuses and circuit breakers
• Ground-fault circuit interrupters
• Arc-fault devices

 Control Inadequate Wiring Hazards

You must choose the right size wire for the
current expected in a circuit. The wire must be
able to handle the current safely. The wire's
insulation must be appropriate for the voltage
and tough enough for the environment.
Connections need to be reliable and protected .

 Protection from Energized Parts

The best way to protect yourself when using
electrical tools or machines is to establish a
low -resistance path from the device's
metallic case to the ground. This requires
an equipment grounding conductor, a low -
resistance wire that directs unwanted
current directly to the ground.

 Protection Against Unexpected Startup

• Lockout/Tagout. Proper lockout/tagout
procedures protect you from the dangers
of the accidental or unexpected startup
of electrical equipment.

 Protection Around High Voltage Lines

Before working under or near overhead
power lines, ensure that you maintain a
safe distance to the lines and, for very
high-voltage lines, ground any equipment
such as cranes that can become energized.
If working on power lines, ensure that the
lines have been deenergized and grounded
by the owner or operator of the lines.

 Electrical Protective Equipment

Employees who work directly with
electricity should use the personal
protective equipment required for the jobs
they perform. This equipment may include
rubber insulating gloves, hoods, sleeves,
matting, blankets, line hose, and industrial
protective helmets designed to reduce
electric shock hazard.

 Tools
Appropriate and properly maintained tools
help protect workers against electric
hazards. It's important to maintain tools
regularly because it prevents them from
deteriorating and becoming dangerous.

 Training Requirements
All employees should be trained to be
thoroughly familiar with the safety
procedures for their particular jobs.
Moreover, good judgment and common
sense are integral to preventing electrical

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