DeNora - Amit Soral

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World Leader in Electrochemical Science,

Technology & New Market applications

De Nora Network
• De Nora Group with its branches in Italy,
India, China, Japan, Singapore, Brazil,
Germany and USA is the world leader in
coating of anode and cathode for chlor
alkali plants.
• De Nora India is a De Nora Group company
located in Goa and has complete technical
back up from Industrie De Nora – Milan,
Denora India Limited - Goa
Besides Chlor Alkali Electrode coating - ,
we have following other products:
1. Cathodic Protection Anodes
2. Electrochlorination Systems : for on site
hypochlorite generation, by sea water or
artificial brine.
3. Eletrowinning cells : for precious metals
4. Anodes for surface finishing.
De Nora India coating activities

53,000 SQM
of coating executed so far in chlor alkali
Membrane electrolysers of various
technologies in India i.e. Uhde, De Nora,
CEC, Asahi Glass & Lurgi.

Out of which major recoating jobs executed

for Uhde technology.
De Nora India : Capacity
Up gradation
• To cope up with the increasing recoating
volume, De Nora India have expanded &
upgraded the facilities at Goa factory.

• New additional furnace, upgraded surface

preparation system, New jigs for pan leak
test etc. have been installed
New Developments in Anode
and cathode coating
• Why Anode and Cathode Activation (Coating)
is needed?
• Evolution of the concept of cathodic activation
over time and recent trends.
• Zero gap cells
• Voltage Reduction Solution
• Anode coating: Expected coating life, Reasons
of anode coating failures.
• New developments
Why Anode and Cathode
Activation (Coating) is
Anode Activation
• Anode activation is mandatory for
producing chlorine, since bare
Titanium does not evolve Chlorine.
Cathode Activation
• The cathode activation is mainly
related to a consistent operating
voltage of the electrolyser, thereby
reduction of energy consumption.
Cathode Activation
Key issues:
• Improved Cathodic Potential
• Good stability to assure constant and
consistent voltage saving.
• Lifetime matching with the Anode coating
& Membranes replacement .
Cathode Activation
Cathode coating evolution :
1. Iron: Initially iron cathodes were used for
less concentrated (NaOH 20%) catholyte
2. Nickel Raney:
- High Robustness towards current reversal
- High surface area
- But low catalytic activity

Cathode Activation
Cathode coating evolution :
3. Thermal Noble metal Oxides:
- It is well known and well established
- Having High catalytic activity.
- Having High stability during
- Requires Polarization rectifier during
shut down.
Cathode Activation
4.Platinum based high performance
- Improved energy saving.
- consistent operating potential.
- High Robustness against current
Finite Gap Cells
• During shut down dissolved active Cl2
forms ClO-which is aggressive towards
cathode coating
• NaOH flushing across catholite minimizes
corrosion effects of ClO-
• Polarization rectifier is required for thermal
Noble metal coatings family

•Advantage: It is an opportunity for power saving

•Disadvange: Cathodic coating aggression by ClO-
is magnified since cathode is now at zero gap to the
•Zero gap is a valuable opportunity for power
savings but this technology must be coupled with
with Denora)
An on-site, in-situ applied cathode coating for
chlorine membrane cells which
instantaneously lowers the cathode hydrogen
over potential.
Anode Activation (Coating)

• Anode activation is mandatory for

producing chlorine, since bare Titanium
does not evolve Chlorine.
• The anode activation Performance is
measured in terms of Electrode Potential
Deactivation Mechanism
Expected Life: Deactivation

Expected Life: Effect of
current density
Anode Coating Failures
• Day by day Killers:
1. “Blanketing": It causes increase in cell voltage
as a consequence of deposition of Organic
Compounds, Manganese, Strontium,
Barium,Silica etc. on the anode activated
2. Flourides: damage coating
3. Wear rate: Well known effect, it is a progressive
loss of catalytic layer.It is negatively affected by
operating current density,
Anode Coating Failures
• “Sudden death” Killers:
Membrane damage: It causes pH raising.
The strong alkaline pH has
electrochemical etching effect on the
activated anode surface, initially damage
the coating and subsequently damage the
anode substrate.
Anode Activation: New
• Next Generation of anode electrodes:
Research in Progress to achieve:
• Operation at Higher current density
(8 kA/m2 or above).
• Improvement in electrode potential.
• Increase robustness to decrease
wear rate.
Thank you for your
Kind Attention
The information contained in this paper is based upon sources believed to be
accurate and reliable. While the author has exercised reasonable care to
ensure the accuracy of the information presented, no representation or
warranties are made as to the accuracy of the information contained in this
paper. As such, it is solely up to the reader to independently determine the
accuracy of the information presented. The opinions of the author are not
endorsed by or necessarily representative of those of Industrie De Noraor its
management including its directors and officers.

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