Role of ROS in Metabolic Diseases and Chronic
Role of ROS in Metabolic Diseases and Chronic
Role of ROS in Metabolic Diseases and Chronic
Macromolecular “Toxicity”
In DM and obesity, the prevalent metabolic state is the one described by the term
“glucolipotoxicity,” in which excess extracellular glucose and fatty acids (FAs) exert various
damaging effects. Excess glucose increases oxidative stress through several biochemical
mechanisms, including glyceraldehydes autoxidation, protein kinase C activation, glycation,
methyl glyoxal and sorbitol production, hexosamine pathway, and oxidative
phosphorylation[50].Likewise,excessFAleadstoperipheral insulin resistance and accumulation of
lipid in nonadipose tissue locations as the liver, heart, and pancreas, potentially resulting in
failure of these organs. At the cellular organelles level, lipotoxicity has been recently linked to
both oxidative and ER stress [51]. Thelinkbetweenexcessglucoseandlipid“thatis,macromolecules”
cell stressors and inflammation was recently demonstrated in adipocyte where excess glucose
and saturated FA, through ROS generation and activation of the nuclear transcription factor NF-
κB, induced inflammation as manifested by upregulation of active inflammatory mediators
involved in monocyte adhesion and chemotaxis. The Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) was implicated in
mediating the effect of excess saturated FA—but not excess glucose— on the expression of
these inflammatory mediators [52]. Moreover, and in contrast to excess saturated FAs,
polyunsaturated FA were reported to exert anti-inflammatory effect on adipocytes that were
linked to the nuclear receptor PPARγ [52]. These observations were supported by in vivo studies
on experimental animals [53–55], but not yet in human.
Role of ROS in Insulin Resistance
Insulin resistance (IR) is not only a key feature of T2DM, but is also a characteristic of a wide range of clinical conditions such as obesity,
metabolic syndrome, pregnancy, and sepsis [56]. IR can also occur, both in vivo and in vitro, as a consequence of certain
experimental treatments with inflammatory cytokines such as tumor-necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) or with glucocorticoids such as
dexamethasone, both treatments have obvious clinical implications. As a matter of fact, it is well established that elevated levels of
TNF-α and/or glucocorticoids are detected in patients with the above-mentioned IR-associated clinical states [57–60]. Several factors
have been demonstrated to play a role in IR. ROS hold a unique position among these factors, based on studies conducted on cell
lines or in vivo. When the murine adipocyte cell line 3T3-L1 was treated with the ROS H2O2
orwithROSinducers,itclearlydevelopedresistanceto insulin [61, 62]. Moreover, markers of oxidative stress have
beensignificantlyassociatedwithobesity,IR,DM,andsepsis [63, 64]. Similarly, conditions that increase ROS levels, for
example,diseaseswithprimarydefectsaffectingROSbalance such as familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, were found to be associated
with IR [65]. Albeit strong, the association between ROS and IR in various pathologic settings did not initially imply a cause-effect
relationship; it just elucidated a strongassociationstate.Nevertheless,suchacausaleffectwas
demonstratedfewyearsagobyHoustisandcolleagues.Using two approaches, cell lines (3T3-L1) and animal model of genetic obesity
(ob/ob mice), the authors have undoubtedly demonstrated that increased levels of ROS were indeed the cause for TNF-α- or
dexamethasone-induced IR determined
bytheloweredglucoseuptakerate.Experimentalintervening by either pharmacological agents or in transgenic animals designed to
decrease ROS levels was shown to substantially prevent the IR status [56]. c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase (JNK) activation, which was
detected upon stimulating the cell line with TNF-α or dexamethasone, was suggested to mediate the ROS-induced IR and was
demonstrated to be linked to differential translocation of two important transcription factors; the pancreatic and duodenal
homeobox-1 (PDX-1; which will be translocated from the nucleus to the cytosol thereby suppressing insulin biosynthesis) and the
Forkhead transcription factor Foxo1, which will be translocated in the opposite direction, from the cytosol to the nucleus, thereby
contributing to insulin resistance by enhancing gluconeogenesis[66].Becausethesphingolipidceramidewas reported to be increased in
TNF-α- and dexamethasoneinduced IR in 3T3-L1 cell line and in diabetic muscle, it was
suggestedasapotentialROSsourceininsulinresistance[67– 69].
Role of ROS in Mitochondrial
Dysfunction and in Diabetes Mellitus
Normally, the β-cells of the pancreas adapt their insulin secretion to the fluctuations in blood glucose concentration sensed by their glucose sensor, glucokinase.
Duringhyperglycemia,therateofinsulin-dependentglucose utilizationbyglycolysisintheβ-cellswillincrease.Compared to other cell types, the β-cells manifest an unusually
high proportion of glucose-derived carbon skeleton entering the mitochondriaintheformofpyruvatethatwillthenenterthe
tricarboxylicacid(TCA)cycle.MitochondrialETCpromotes ATP generation, which will then be exported to the cytosol. Under high ATP:ADP ratio, the β-cells plasma
membrane will be depolarized, and the potassium-ATP channels (KATP) will be closed allowing the opening of voltage-sensitive Ca2+ channels. Increased intracellular
Ca2+ is the key trigger for exocytosis and insulin release from the secretory granules [70, 71]. This is referred to as stimulus-secretion coupling in the β-cells or glucose-
stimulated insulin secretion (GSIS), as it was initiated by glucose utilization. The pivotal role of normal mitochondrial ETC in the pancreatic β-cells glucose homeostasis has
been established by a number of elegant studies over the past 30 years. Exposing the mitochondria to poisons or to restricted oxygen supply has established the finding
that blockade of the mitochondrial ETC inhibits GSIS from β-cells [72]. This was later confirmed in experiments using rho0 β-cells, where the mtDNA-encoded subunits of
the ETC enzymes are suppressed, while insulin biosynthesis and cell viability are preserved. The mitochondrial dysfunction in these cells and the consequent loss of
mitochondrial ATP production have resulted in loss of GSIS [73–75]. The lost response was restored by introducing normal mitochondria into the rho0 β-cells, confirming
the mitochondrial origin of the defect [73]. The stimulus-secretion coupling in the β-cells was further studied in transgenic animals with β-
cellstargeteddeletionofthenuclearencodedmitochondrialtranscription factor (TFAM), which is the major transcription factor controlling the mtDNA genes expression. The
βcells of this animal model manifest diabetic phenotype with both the ATP production and GSIS greatly diminished [76]. These animals represent a model for human
mitochondrial diabetes, a rare form of DM, that is maternally inherited, caused by mutations in the mtDNA, and usually associated with other pathological findings as
bilateral sensory-neural deafness [77]. In patients with T2DM, the form of disease that affects almost 90% of all diabetic patients, some reports have demonstrated a
decrease in the copy number of mtDNA in skeletal muscles and in peripheral blood cells [78, 79]. As previously mentioned, accumulation of ROS in the mitochondria
(due to excessive production and/or defective defense mechanisms) is accompanied by mitochondrial dysfunction;thiswasfoundtobeanage-relatedprocess[80].
Apparently, with advanced age the β-cells will be particularly susceptible to ROS damage, based on their low expression of the antioxidant protective enzymes, which
will allow for the buildup of damaging effect of ROS [81, 82]. The mitochondrial uncoupling protein UCP2 is considered as a negative regulator of insulin secretion.
Overexpression of UCP2 in β-cells diminishes ATP production and GSIS [46]. Likewise, deletion of UCP2 in mice enhances pancreatic islet ATP generation and GSIS.
Furthermore, increased UCP2 in obesity was suggested to be one of the links between obesity and β-cell dysfunction in obesityinduced T2DM [47]. However, the role of
UCPs is not fully understood, and specifically their response to the state of glucolipotoxicity that is highly manifested in uncontrolled DM and obesity requires further
studies. It is increasingly acknowledged that diabetic complications are also strongly linked to a state of oxidative stress. Diabetic retinopathy, being a major cause of
blindness among adults worldwide, has been the focus of intensive research, which demonstrated that oxidative stress plays a vital role in its pathogenesis. In a recent
review article, Zhu and Zou have presented data published from research studying the pigment-epithelium-derived factor (PEDF), which is a small secreted glycoprotein
that was shown to exert protectiveeffecton the retina based on its antioxidant properties in addition to other functions as the neurotrophic, antiangiogenic,
antivasopermeability, anti-inflammatory, and antifibrosis properties. Therefore, PEDF or its peptide derivatives might represent a potential therapeutic approach in the
prevention and/or treatment of diabetic retinopathy, an area that still needs further assessment [83].
Role of ROS in Obesity and Obesity-
Associated Comorbidities
Obesity—defined as a body mass index of 30Kg/m2 or higher—is a chronic disease with serious adverse
consequencesandiscurrentlyaleadingcauseofpreventabledeaths worldwide. It is an established independent risk factor for CVD [84]. Obesity is also
associated with a state of chronic inflammation in the adipose tissues as well in other organs, wheretissue-
infiltratingmonocytes/macrophagesincreasein numberandinactivity.Severalactivemediators,chemotactic molecules, cytokines, and adipokines,
augment the chronic inflammatory state and result in the excessive production of ROS causing systemic oxidative stress. This is considered a
potential mechanismlinking obesity, vascularabnormalities, and the elevated risk of atherosclerosis and CVD. One of the main sources of ROS in those
situations is believed to be the NADPH oxidase (Nox), a multiprotein complex that is expressed both in phagocytes and endothelial cells. Feeding mice
high-fat diet for 22 weeks to cause dietinduced obesity was associated with activation of Nox. The latter is believed to elevate the expression of TLR in
the vascular tissues, and probably in adipocytes as well. TLR4, which is the receptor for endotoxin and lipid, and its intracellular signaling
consequences induce overexpression of proinflammatory cytokines, asTNF-α and IL6, and of transcription factors such as NF-κB. Therefore, Nox-
induced elevated TLR4 expression and signaling might be involved in the obesity-induced inflammation and insulin resistance. Such findings propose
the components of Nox system as potential novel therapeutic targets for obesity-associated comorbidities [84]. In recent years, novel roles have been
assigned to the ROS as they relate to the central nervous system control over our body weight. The site of these new roles for ROS is the hypothalamus,
where there are neurons controlling our satiety and others controlling our hunger behavior. Such
roleshavebeenimplicatedascontributingfactorsunderlying diverse findings such as the age-related decrease ability to lose weight and the caloric
restriction-induced longevity. Interesting findings demonstrated that different hypothalamic neurons have distinct preference to fuel utilization, so that
glucose is the preferred fuel for proopiomelanocortin (POMC) neurons that are responsible for satiety, while FAs are preferred fuel to neuropeptide
Y/Agouti-related protein (NPY/AgRP)neuronsresponsibleforfeeding.AlthoughROS areproducedinbothtypesofneuronsasaresultofoxidation of glucose
and FA, yet it was demonstrated that the ROS produced in the POMC neurons will be accumulating and hence impairing the POMC neurons over
time and this is thought to be responsible, at least in part, for our inability to lose weight as we get older. On the other hand, the ROS produced in the
NPY/AgRP neurons that are active during negative energy balance will be buffered by UCP2 and this is thought to play a role in the mechanism of
longevity induced by caloric restriction. This delicate neuronal system, although not completely well-understood, emphasizes the real need to be
extra cautious with the use of any antiobesity pharmacological approach attempting to promote satiety or suppress hunger at the hypothalamic
level [85, 86
Role of ROS in Inflammation
Recently, ROS were demonstrated to induce the assembly and activation of inflammasomes, which are multiprotein
cytoplasmic complexes involved in mediating cellular inflammation in response to various damaging agents [87–91]. One
of the major inflammasomes studied in depth is the NOD-likereceptor- (NLR-) related protein 3 nucleotide-binding domain,
leucine-rich repeat containing receptors-related protein 3 (NLRP3) inflammasome, which have been strongly linked to
aging and age-related diseases. The mitochondria
are believed to be the main source of inflammasomeactivating ROS, although other sources may exist. Excess ROS not
only will result in the assembly and activation of the NLRP3 inflammasome but will also inhibit the process of mitophagy,
which is a specialized type of autophagy responsible for removal of malfunctioning mitochondria.
Therefore,thedamagedmitochondriawillpersist,producing more ROS, and continuing the activation of inflammasome.
Alternatively, the cells containing these damaged mitochondria might undergo apoptosis; which is, surprisingly,
dependent on ROS as well. Likewise, the voltage-dependent anion
channels(VDACs)intheoutermitochondrialmembraneare also involved in both inflammation and apoptosis. Although it is
so far uncertain what will direct the cell to either chronic inflammation or apoptosis, it is expected that this type of decision
is under tight control [92]. In line with the strong association between ROS and chronic inflammation, it was reported that
ROS generation correlates with toxicity and pathogenicity of different types of pollutant, such as asbestos and silica
particles. In a recent study, Dostert et al. have demonstrated the key role of ROS in mediating the injurious effects of these
pollutants that may end in chronic inflammation or even tumor formation. Their findings indicate that upon particles
phagocytosis by the immune cells, Nox will be assembled and activated, which will produce ROS in an iron-dependent
process [93]. Again, Nox might not be the only source of ROS; other ROS producers may be involved. In any case, the ROS
will then activate the inflammasome complex formed of the protein NLRP3, the adaptor ASC, and the substrate
procaspase-1. The described stress-related response will end in caspase-1 formation and processing followed by secretion
of proinflammatory mediators, including IL-1β and IL-18 [92].
Role of ROS in Infection
. ROS production has been used by human cells to fight infection, both bacterial and viral.
Although the bactericidal effect of ROS is known since the 50s of the last century [94], active
research in this area is still ongoing, especially with the aim to discover novel agents targeting
bacterial strains with multiple antibiotic resistance, a serious clinical problem that is increasingly
encountered. Recentexperimentalmethodologieshavebeenappliedtothis area; for instance, a
genome-wide transcriptional profiling of the response of Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) to
cryptotanshinone, a medicinal plant-isolated chemical agent exhibiting antimicrobial activity
against a broad range of bacteria [95]. Cryptotanshinone (CT) demonstrated effective in vitro
antibacterial activity against all S. aureus strains tested. Affymetrix GeneChips were used to
determine the global transcriptional response of S. aureus to treatment with subinhibitory
concentrations of CT. Both antibacterial and active oxygen radical generation functions of CT
were positively correlated. Moreover, the S. aureus was found to undergo a defensive oxygen-
limiting state upon exposure to the drug. Hence, the authors suggested that both actions of
thedrug,theantibacterialandtheoxygenradicalgeneration, may be responsible for its
pharmacologic efficiency. This
type of studies is promising since it sets the platform for
The ROS involvement in viral infection has also been studied since quite a long
time (late 1980s and early 1990s) [96]; more research is still being conducted
and producinginterestingresults,especiallyinthefieldofhuman
immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1) infection and treatment. HIV-1 infection is
known to be associated with a state of oxidative stress. Interestingly, HIV-1
treatment using highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) seems to worsen
the oxidative stress status. This was recently published by Mandas and
colleagues who have compared the HIV-1-infected patients treated with
HAART with untreated patients and with normal control. Moreover, optimal
adherence to the HIV-1 therapy further worsened the oxidative stress status as
compared to poor adherence [97]. More recently, higher oxidative stress status
was demonstrated in patients coinfected with HIV-1 and HCV as manifested by
higher oxidized glutathione level and more severe mitochondrial
DNAdamageascomparedtopatientswhoaremonoinfected with HIV-1