Morport 12 Des 17

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Morning Report

Tuesday, 12th December of 2017

2nd Team
 Name: Mrs. H
 Age : 60 Years Old
 Address: Naasir Street No.12, Cawang
 Educational Background : High School
 Status : Married
 Nation : Indonesian/Javanese
 Religion : Moslem
Chief Complain : Fatigue since 3 hours ago.
Chief Complain : Fatigue since 3 hours ago.
Physical Examination
 LOC: E4 M6 V5
 BP: 120/80 mmHg
 HR: 110x/min
 RR: 23x/min
 T: 37,7°C
General Examination
 Head: Normocephaly
 Eye: conjunctiva anemic -/-
 sclera icteric -/-
 ENT: normal
 Mouth: normal
 Neck: No lymph node enlargement
 Thorax:
 Ins: Symmetrical respiratory movements
 Pal: Symmetrical vocal fremitus
 Per: Sonor sounds all over lung platform
 Aus: lungs sounds vesicular
Rhonchi -/-, Wheezing -/-, Heart sound I & II regular, Murmur -
/-, Gallop -/-
 Abdominal:
 Ins: Appeared flat
 Aus: Intestinal sounds (+), 7x/min
 Per: Timpanic, percussion pain (-), acites (-)
 Pal: Pressure pain (-), release pain (-), defense muscular (-)
 III RL / 24 hours
 MM/
 Pumpitor inj 1x1 IV
 Ondansentron 4mg 2x1 IV
 Ceftriaxone 2gr 1x1 IV
 New Diatabs 2 tabs every diarrhea
 Pro-hospitalized
Acute Gastroenteritis
Acute Abdomen

Intraluminal Extraluminal Gastrointestin Paralytic Blunt Miscellaneous

Obstruction Obstruction al Ileus Trauma

Foreign Body Hernia Appendicitis Sepsis Accident Lead poisoning

Bezoar Intussusceptio Crohn disease Pneumonia Battered child Sickle cell
Fecalith n Ulcerative Pyelonephritis syndrome disease
Gallstone Volvulus colitis Peritonitis Familial
Parasites Duplication Vasculitis Pancreatitis Mediterranean
Stenosis Peptic ulcer fever
Cystic fibrosis Cholecystitis
Tumor disease Porphyria
Tumor Renal stones
Mesenteric cyst Meckel’s DKA
Fecaloma Gallstones
SMA syndrome AGE Addisonian
PID crisis
Pyloric stenosis Lymphadenitis Testicular
Ovarian Torsion
 History
 Symptoms
 Nausea, emesis, retching
 Abdominal pain
 Bowel movements
 Timing
 Age
 Onset
 Relation to feeds
 Focus of infection, other affected individuals
 Physical examination
 Temperature, heart rate, blood pressure, pain
 Abdominal examination
 Auscultation before palpation
 Palpation
 Masses
 Tenderness
 Auscultation for bowel sounds
 Objectives
 Assess the degree of dehydration
 Prevent spread of the enteropathogen
 Selectively determine etiology and provide specific therapy
 Mild (3-5%)
 Normal or increased pulse
 Decreased urine output
 Thirsty
 Normal physical exam
 Moderate (7-10%)
 Tachycardia
 Little/no urine output
 Irritable/lethargic
 Sunken eyes/fontanelle
 Decreased tears
 Dry mucous membranes
 Skin- tenting, delayed cap refill, cool, pale
 Severe (10-15%)
 Rapid, weak pulse
 Decreased blood pressure
 No urine output
 Very sunken eyes/fontanelle
 No tears
 Parched mucous membranes
 Skin- tenting, delayed cap refill, cold, mottled
 Treatment
 Calculate deficits
 Water: % dehydration x weight
 Sodium: water deficit x 80 mEq/L
 Potassium: water deficit x 30 mEq/L
 Treat mild-moderate dehydration with oral rehydration
 May treat severe dehydration with intravenous fluids
 Hyponatremic v. isotonic v. hypernatremic
 Enteropathogens
 Non-inflammatory vs. inflammatory diarrhea
 Non-inflammatory
 Enterotoxin production
 Destruction of villi
 Adherence to GI tract
 Inflammatory
 Intestinal invasion
 Cytotoxins
 Chronic diarrhea
 Giardia lamblia
 Cryptosporidium parvum
 Escherichia coli: enteroaggregative, enteropathogenic
 Immunocompromised host
 Non-infectious causes: anatomic, malabsorption,
endocrinopathies, neoplasia
 Bacterial
 Inflammatory diarrhea
 Aeromonas
 Campylobacter jejuni
 Clostridium dificile
 E. coli: enteroinvasive, O157:H7
 Plesiomonas shigelloides
 Salmonella
 Shigella
 Vibrio parahaemolyticus
 Yersinia enterocolitica
 Bacterial
 Non-inflammatory
 E. coli: enteropathogenic, enterotoxigenic
 Vibrio cholerae
 Viral
 Rotavirus
 Enteric adenovirus
 Astroviruus
 Calcivirus
 Norwalk
 Parasites
 Giardia lamblida
 Entamoeba histolytica
 Strongyloides stercoralis
 Balantidium coli
 Cryptosporidium parvum
 Cyclospora cayetanensis
 Isospora belli
 History
 Stool examination
 Mucus
 Blood
 Leukocytes
 Stool culture
 Examination for ova and parasites
 Recent travel to an endemic area
 Stool cultures negative for other enteropathogens
 Diarrhea persists for more than 1 week
 Part of an outbreak
 Immunocompromised
 May require examination of more than one specimen
Antimicrobial therapy
 Aeromonas
 Dysentery-like illness, prolonged diarrhea
 Campylobacter
 Erythromycin, azithromycin
 Clostridium dificile
 Metronidazole, vancomycin
 E. coli
Antimicrobial therapy
 Salmonella
 Cefotaxime, ceftriaxone, ampicillin, TMP/SMZ
 Infants < 3 months
 Typhoid fever
 Bacteremia
 Dissemination with localized suppuration
 Shigella
 Ampicillin, ciprofloxacin, ofloxacin, ceftriaxone
 Vibrio cholerae
 Doxycycline, tetracycline
 Antidiarrheal medication
 Alter intestinal motility
 Alter adsorption
 Alter intestinal flora
 Alter fluid/electrolyte secretion
 Antidiarrheal medication generally not recommended
 Minimal benefit
 Potential for side effects
 Contact precautions
 Education
 Mode of acquisition
 Methods to decrease transmission
 Exclusion from day care until diarrhea subsides
 Surveillance
 Salmonella typhi vaccine

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