CG CM 650 PCM 1st Sem SY2018 - 19
CG CM 650 PCM 1st Sem SY2018 - 19
CG CM 650 PCM 1st Sem SY2018 - 19
CM 650
Module 1
Introduction to Principles of Construction Management
Module 3
Construction Industry Contributions to the Economy
Module 4
Construction Market Demand, Structure & Growth
Module 5
Construction Industry Services
Module 7
Construction Industry Structure
Module 9
Project Control
Module 10
Construction Policy Environment
Module 11
Construction Industry Regulation
The basic materials to be used for this course are the
Philippine Construction Industry Report and Construction
Project Management.
Additional Readings:
Civil Engineering Law (RA 544)
Architectural Law (RA 9266)
New Electrical Engineering Law (RA 7920)
Mechanical Engineering Law (RA 8495, as amended)
Electronics & Communications Engineering Law of the Philippines (RA 5734)
Law Regulating the Environmental Planning Profession in the Philippines (PD
Geodetic Engineering Law (RA 4374)
Plumbing Law (RA 1378)
Guidelines on the Procurement of Consulting Services for Government Projects
(NEDA Consultancy Guidelines)
RA 9184, Government Procurement Bill and IRR
Rules and Regulations for the Licensing of Contractors (RA 4566)
National Building Code and its IRR
National Structural Code of the Philippines
Fire Code
Philippine Electrical Code
Philippine Environmental Impact Statement System (PD 1586)
Recommended Readings:
Academic Integrity
Cheating, plagiarism and other forms of intellectual dishonesty are absolutely
prohibited under the PUP Rules and Regulations. You are covered by these rules. In
the events of infractions, you will be expelled and dishonorably discharged from
the University. Please be advised accordingly.
Your final grade will be determined by your performance on your Assignments and
final examination:
Assignment 60%
Final Examination 30%
Class Standing 10%
Total 100%
Assignment #1
1. Define the meaning of the construction industry? How does this defer
from your own definition? Discuss and give details.
2. In what particular scope of construction industry services will
construction project management be needed? Explain how this is so.
3. Describe some of your construction project management experience.
4. Name at least three economic and three social contributions of the
construction industry to the economy? Define the importance of the
construction project manager in increasing the contributions of the
construction industry to the economy.
5. What are some of the technical and managerial knowledge required of
the construction project managers to carry out their jobs? What are some of the
skills needed by a construction project manager in vertical and horizontal
6. Name at least five differences between a construction project manager
practicing in the Philippines and one who works abroad (e.g., Asia). Explain why
you think so.
Assignment #2
1. What is a construction project manager? Define the role of the construction project
manager in the project types and each of the five stages of the construction project
life cycle.
2. What are some of the issues and concerns presently affecting the following:
a. Construction project managers
b. Contractors
c. Engineering and design professionals
d. Construction workers
e. Construction materials and manufacturers
f. Equipment suppliers and lessors
g. Engineering and construction educators
3. What are some of the challenges faced by the following in this new century?
a. Construction project managers
b. Contractors
c. Engineering and design professionals
d. Construction workers
e. Construction materials and manufacturers
f. Equipment suppliers and lessors
g. Engineering and construction educators
Assignment #3
1. Discuss the Philippine industry sector
1.1. Output
1.2. Input
2. Discuss the Industry Clients Sector
2.1. Public Owners
2.2. Private Owners
3. Discuss the major types of governmental project owners
3.1. Infrastructure Agencies
3.2. Non-infrastructure Agencies
4. Discuss Contracting Sector
4.1. Formal Subsector
4.2. Informal Subsector
5. Population and geography
5.1. Registered number of licensed contractors
5.1.1. 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, up to 2016
6. Licensed Contractors by Region
6.1. 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, up to 2016
Assignment #3 (continuation)
12. Discuss Materials Sector distribution of these facilities and the annual
installed capacity by geographical area
12.1. Cement
12.2. Aggregates
12.3. Reinforcing Steel Bars
12.4. Galvanized Iron Sheets
12.5. Lumber
13. Discuss Equipment Sector
13.1. Lessors
13.2. Importers
13.3. Manufacturers
14. Discuss Financing Sector
14.1. Owner Financing
14.1.1. Government Projects
14.1.2. Non-government Projects
15. Contractor Financing
Assignment #4
Date Activities
July 15, 2018 Orientation
Unit 1 Role of the Construction Industry in National Development
Module 1 Introduction to Principles of Construction Management
Module 2 Economic Importance, Nature & Characteristics of Construction
August 5, 2018 Module 3 Construction Industry Contributions to the Economy
Module 4 Construction Market Demand, Structure & Growth
August 26, 2018 Unit 2 Construction Industry Structure
Module 5 Construction Industry Services
Module 6 Construction Project Life Cycle, Phases & Organization
September 16, 2018 Module 7 Construction Industry Structure