Ranjeet 20533
Ranjeet 20533
Ranjeet 20533
Implementing Microsoft Azure
Infrastructure Solutions
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Hello! Instructor introduction
• Instructor: <Name>
• <Title or other credentials, e.g.
Microsoft Certified Trainer>
• <Affiliation/Company>
• <A few words about my technical
and professional experience>
Hello! Student introductions
• Your name
• Company affiliation
• Title/function
• Windows Server 2012 experience
• Microsoft Azure or cloud services experience
• Your expectations for the course
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About this course: Audience
Module 1
Introduction to Microsoft Azure
Module 2
Implementing and managing Azure networking
Module 3
Implementing virtual machines
Module 4
Managing virtual machines
Module 5
Implementing Azure App Service
Course outline, continued
Module 6
Planning and implementing storage, backup, and recovery services
Module 7
Planning and implementing Azure SQL Database
Module 8
Implementing PaaS cloud services
Module 9
Implementing Azure Active Directory
Module 10
Managing an Active Directory infrastructure in a hybrid environment
Module 11
Implementing Azure-based management and automation
Microsoft Certification Program
VM name Use as
Windows 10 standalone client with the
Microsoft Azure management tools installed
Hyper-V Host
Microsoft Learning Azure Pass
• You will use the Microsoft Learning Azure Pass to provide access to
Microsoft Azure for demonstrations and labs