Denture Cleansers: A Material For Removing Deposits From A Denture
Denture Cleansers: A Material For Removing Deposits From A Denture
Denture Cleansers: A Material For Removing Deposits From A Denture
Dr Thulfiqar
Dental Material
Block 4
5) Enzymatic
Contain proteolytic enzymes
Function through the digestion of human muco-
protein components of deposits
An anti-bacterial component may be present in the
form of EDTA (ethylene-diamine-tetra-acetic-acid)
The denture should be well-washed after cleansing
6) Hypochlorite
Generally dilute solution of sodium hypochorite
The aqueous solution of Cl which results has marked
oxidizing, bleaching & antibacterial properties.
Thus, attack on denture deposits is expected to be
mainly confined to the organic material, where the
bleaching effect may also be useful.
However, bleaching of acrylic may result with
improper use
Anti-fungal properties may be useful in conditions
relating to candida albicans.
Corrosive attack (due to Cl-) on metal frameworks
may result, as with some of acid cleansers, but a
corrosion inhibitor may be included in the formulation
(eg sodium hexametaphosphate)
The occasional use of domestic bleaching solutions
may be acceptable, if use in an appropriate dilutions,
however, care must be exercise about the possibility
of corrosion of metal framework and bleaching of
General technique (Similar to the oxygenating types):
Overnight soak – Brush – Rinse
As with oxygenating cleansers, the % available
chlorine (in this case) can be calculated via the same
Many denture cleanser contain as active ingredient:
i. Perborate (borax)
ii. Bleach (hypochlorite)
iii. Persulfate (sulphur)
Many elderly pt in long term care hospitals cannot
adequately brush their denture because of disease,
dementia & poor dexterity.
This allow multiplication of candida sp. & bacteria,
which could serve as reservoirs for disseminating
An allergic rx to persulfates may not occur after 1st use
or even after many years.
Symptoms of an allergic rxn may not appears for
several minutes, even hours after use
Symptoms: Irritation, tissue damage, rash, hives,
gum tenderness, breathing problem & low BP
Persulfates are used in most denture cleansers as part
of cleaning & bleaching process
Persulfates are irritant compound
Misuse of denture cleansers
Consume as mouthwash – chew, swallow, gargle
Results in: abdominal pain, vomiting, seizures,
breathing problem, low BP