"Quakers": Understanding The Religious Society of Friends

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The Religious Society of Friends

Taylor Gatta
Origins of
The Religious Society of Friends
The Religious Society of Friends was formed in England
around1650, by several people, most notably, George
The turmoil, economic injustice, and starvation caused by
the English Revolution or Civil War, along with the repeated
changes between Catholicism and Anglicism opened the
door for several new religious groups.
Fox and his followers intentions were to unify several
splintered Christian factions, however most of these
groups disappeared soon after the restoration of the
George Fox
George Fox
George Fox (1624-1691), was a nonconformist religious
reformer who at the age of 19, left home on a four year
search, seeking answers to questions which had
troubled him since his childhood.
He gradually became disillusioned with the leaders and
structure of the existing Christian denominations. Then at
the age of 23, he heard a voice, saying
"there is one, even Christ Jesus, who can speak to thy condition“
He felt a direct call from God to become an itinerant
preacher and promote the concept of the Inward Light, or
Inner Voice. He believed that an element of God's spirit is
implanted within every person's soul.
Teachings of George Fox
Fox preached the idea that everyone has an innate inner
capacity to comprehend the Word of God & express
opinions on spiritual matters.

Logical consequences of this belief were:

• 1. That every man and woman has direct access to God;
no priestly class or "steeple houses" (churches) are
• 2. That every person - male or female, slave or free is of
equal worth
• 3. That there is no need in one's religious life for
elaborate ceremonies, rituals, gowns, creeds, dogma, or
other "empty forms."
• 4. Following the inward light would lead to spiritual
development and towards individual perfection.
The Term “Quaker”
George Fox was a constant target for persecution
and imprisoned many times. Once, when he was
hauled into court, Fox suggested that the judge
"tremble at the word of the Lord"
The judge sarcastically referred to Fox as a
Quaker; the term stuck, and has become the
popular name for the Religious Society of Friends.

During the second half of the 17th century, over

3000 Quakers spent time in English jails for their
Religious beliefs; many hundreds died there.
Quaker influence in the New World
The first Quakers to arrive in America were viewed as
dangerous heretics in many of the colonies. They were
deported as Witches, imprisoned, or hung. They found a
safe haven in the colonies of Rhode Island,
West Jersey, and Pennsylvania.
Quaker influence in the New World
William Penn and other Quakers played a major
role in the creation of these colonies, noted for
their toleration of minority religious groups,
like the Jews, Mennonites, Muslims, and Quakers.
Quaker Facts part 1
Do not believe in Clergy, creeds, or sacraments,
every member is a minister.
They is no statement of religious doctrine
They do not celebrate outward ceremonies or
They believe that all great human experiences are
of a sacramental nature.
Quaker Practices
Quaker places of worship
Typical Meeting House
Quaker Practices
Quaker places of worship:

The meeting house is not a consecrated

structure, if there is anything holy about it, it
lives with the people who meet there.

When Friends meet, they feel a deep

connection between worship and
their daily life, the meeting is merely the
communal search for guidance.
Quaker Practices
Quaker services:
Quaker Practices
Quakers worship in groups called meetings, all
meetings are held in silence until someone
feels they have been truly moved by the Spirit
and share their experience.
Worship provides spiritual nourishment and
inspiration to serve the Divine and others.
Since there is no sacraments, they feel that
their whole life should be lived as
Quakers do not celebrate Christian holidays but
embrace there meanings everyday
Quaker Practices
There are different sizes of meetings:
– Smallest being friends and family at a home
– Preparative meetings which meet regularly for
– Monthly meetings which take care of business and
– Quarterly meetings are where several members
from monthly meetings for worship and business
– Yearly meetings are to conduct business with all
monthly meeting members with in its area
Quaker Practices
Quaker services:

The practice of sitting together in silence is often called

"expectant waiting." It is a time when Friends become
inwardly still, clearing the mind and body of those things
that usually fill our attention. This creates an opportunity to
experience the presence of the Holy Spirit. It is a time for
spiritual receptivity, blocking out non spiritual thoughts.

Each person finds his or her own ways of "centering down,"

or entering deep stillness during meeting.
Quaker Pratices
A basic concern held by Quakers is that ones
outward life needs to witness truth. They
practice these concerns through Testimonies.
– Equality
– Integrity
– Peace
– Simplicity
– Stewardship
Quaker Facts part 2
Quakers by Numbers

There are 358,900 Quakers in the world

Or 1 in every 189,862 people

There are 87,500 in the United States

Or 1 in every 3,559 people
Quaker Facts part 3
Famous Quakers
William Penn - founder of Pennsylvania
Betsy Ross - sewed the first American flag
Elizabeth Haddon - founder of Haddonfield, New Jersey
Johns Hopkins – merchant - founded Johns Hopkins University
Thomas Garrett. Underground Railroad, his house in Delaware was the
last stop before Pennsylvania and freedom.
Walt Whitman - American poet (Leaves of Grass, etc.), humanist
Daniel Boone - frontiersman and early organizer of Kentucky
Herbert Hoover - 31st president of the United States
Richard Nixon - 37st president of the United States
Edward R. Murrow - famous news broadcaster
James Dean - American actor; pop icon
Ben Kingsley - actor, received Best Actor Academy Award for Gandhi
David Byrne - singer, composer the Talking Heads
Dave Matthews, musician

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