Orange Line Improvements Project Power Point

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Item 2018-0246

Orange Line BRT Improvements

Planning and Programming Committee
July 18, 2018

Recommended Actions

1. Conceptual project description
2. Determination that the Project is Statutorily Exempt, pursuant to
California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Section
15275 (a)

 AUTHORIZING the Chief Executive Officer to file a CEQA

Notice of Exemption (NOE) for the Project with the Los
Angeles County Clerk

Orange Line BRT
Improvements Project
 Goals and Objectives
 Enhance safety at Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) crossings
 Improve BRT travel times

 Schedule Commitment
 Measure M Groundbreaking in 2019; Opening in 2025
 Twenty-Eight by ‘28 Project List

 Funding and Cost

 Measure M and the recently awarded SB-1 Local Partnership Grant Program provides up
to $361 million funding for this project
 Current ROM Cost Estimate: $320M to $393M

 Measure M Consistency Finding

 Safety gating of intersections provides safety benefits and is consistent with future LRT
 Aerial busway grade separations provides for critical separation as described in Measure
 Class I bike path grade separations provide safer crossings at Van Nuys and Sepulveda
 Accommodates future regional transit projects 3
Recommended Project
• Gating at up to 35 crossings
• Grade separation and BRT aerial station at
Van Nuys, with closure of Tyrone Ave
• Grade separation and BRT aerial station at MOL BRT
Sepulveda Blvd
• Bike/pedestrian path grade separation at
Van Nuys and Sepulveda

Community Outreach

 Community update in June 2018

 Two community open house meetings &
live webcast (over 190 attendees)
 Surveys at MOL Stations (400

 What we heard
 Broad public support for Orange Line
 Concerns/Issues to be addressed:
• Safety and security on buses and at stations
• Traffic impacts due to gating operations
• Bus overcrowding and more frequency

Equity Benefits
Serves Disadvantaged and Low-Income
 Majority of the Project corridor is located within a
disadvantaged and/or low-income community
 Project will improve bus travel times and safety

Provides Access to Opportunity

 Provides better transit access and mobility
 Supports LA City-led Transit Neighborhood Plans

Next Steps

Preliminary Engineering Design

Pilot Gate
East San Fernando Valley (ESFV) and Sepulveda
Project Coordination
Ongoing Community Engagement
Match project costs with available revenues

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