First Half Heme Onc Bae Presentation
First Half Heme Onc Bae Presentation
First Half Heme Onc Bae Presentation
+1 leukocyte esterase; +1 bacteria; pH 6.0; specific gravity 1.014; 3-5
RBC and 10-20 WBCs per high power field
Urine and blood toxicology screens negative
CT Head
-showed ill-defined hypodensities in white matter of frontal lobe,
extending into genu of corpus callosum and posterior periventricular
white matter
-extraaxial calcification (4 cm) overlying right frontal lobe (query:
partially calcified meningioma)
Imaging (continued)
MRI head and neck w/ and w/out contrast
-abnormal hyperintense signal in frontoparietal white matter (more
prominent in right than in left frontal lobe, extending into genu of
corpus callosum); no local mass effect or abnormal restricted diffusion
-small exophytic hypointense lesion along right frontal lobe suggesting
meningioma; mild bilateral prominence of parotid glands having
restrited diffusion
Lumbar puncture
-opening pressure: 9 cm of water, CSF was clear and colorless; no
CSF showed 4 red cells and 7 white cells per microliter, white-cell
differential count of 80% lymphocytes, 20% monocytes; protein level
97 mg/dl; glucose 53 mg/dl
Gram stain of CSF showed mononuclear cells, very rare
polymorphonuclear lymphocytes, and no organisms
Differential Diagnoses
Primary Psychiatric Disorders
+ mania, agitation, disinhibition, apathy to self-appearance