The Prayer Shield
The Prayer Shield
The Prayer Shield
Peter Wagner
Air is not more necessary to the lungs than
prayer to the preacher. – E. M. Bounds
History belonged to the intercessor. – Walter
God’s power is released through intercession.
Somebody must ‘pray the price’!
Prayer means talking to God. Intercession is
coming to God on behalf of another. All
intercession is prayer, but not all prayer is
Intercession then is going between or
standing in the gap.
Ezekiel 22:30 And I sought a man among
them who should build up the wall and stand
in the gap before Me for the land, that I
should not destroy it, but I found none.
Intercession is the act of pleading by one who
in God’s sight has a right to do so in order to
obtain mercy for one in need.
The standing of a person before God qualifies
or disqualifies the potential intercessor.
Esther is an intercessor.
Joshua is the general, Moses is the
Esther was humble, not arrogant. She was
submissive to authority. She was tuned in to
the voice of God and willing to obey what she
heard even at the risk of her life.
Stay in tune spiritually!
A special intimacy with God is high on the
profile of intercessors!
The highest rewards of the ministry of
intercession is to be received in live by the
Father and to see His power released for
good through their intercession.
God will do nothing on earth except in
answer to believing prayer. – John Wesley
..yet He is inactive, as if forgetting us, when
He sees us idle and mute. – John Calvin
“You and I can help decide which of these two
things – blessing or cursing – happens on
earth. We will determine whether God’s
goodness is released toward specific
situations or whether the power of sin and
Satan is permitted to prevail. Prayer is the
determining factor.’ – Jack Hayford
Jer. 15:1 Then the Lord said to me, Though
Moses and Samuel stood (interceding for
them) before Me, yet My mind could not be
turned with favor toward this people (Judah).
Send them out of My sight and let them go!
Intercessors are not manipulators of God and
some things God has set in concrete.
Exodus 32
1 Sam. 7
1 Sam 12:23 Moreover, as for me, far be it
from me that I should sin against the Lord by
ceasing to pray for you; but I will instruct you
in the good and right way. (Amp)
As for me, far be it from me that I should sin
against the Lord by failing to pray for you.
And I will teach you the way that is good and
right. (NIV)
Ceasing or failing to pray is sin against the
Heb. 7:25
James 5:16
Love on its Knees by Dick Eastman
Acts 12
Paul’s desire for prayer partners
◦ 1 Thess. 5:25
◦ Rom. 15:30 intercession as partnership (striving
together) in ministry
◦ 2 Cor. 1:11; acts 14:19,20
◦ Phils. 1:19
◦ Philemon 22
‘It is so thrilling for me to do this. When I pray for
these leaders, I participate with them and along
with them I receive the blessings of the fruits of
their ministry.’ John McAlister (Wagner’s
Fellowship in the gospel- phil. 1:5
The power of God is channeled through your
Intercessory prayer is warfare and the principal
way in which the warfare is carried on. The
warfare has to be won first and then worked out
in practice. – Edwin Stube
Paul’s prayer partners: Euodia and Syntyche
(Phils. 4:23)