Welcome To UCI Division of Continuing Education: Statement of Understanding (SOU)

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Welcome to UCI

Division of Continuing Education!


Statement of Understanding
What is the
Statement of Understanding?
• The Statement of Understanding (SOU) is a document which
outlines the basic policies (or rules) of our school.
• We want students to understand our rules so they can be
• Each quarter, we present these rules and ask every student to
sign the SOU to show that they understand.
• A copy of this document can be downloaded at our website
eslstudents.ce.uci.edu at any time.
Statement of Understanding (SOU)
Today we will discuss:
1. Attendance and Punctuality Policy (lateness policy)
2. Academic Policy (grades and failing classes)
3. Academic Honesty Policy (cheating policy)
4. Behavioral Policy (classroom behavior)
5. Electronic Devices Policy (cellphones in class)
6. No-Smoking Policy
7. Withdrawal Policy
8. Dismissal Policy
1. Attendance Policy
• If you are not in class, your teachers must mark you absent.
• All absences count towards your total.
• Absences cannot be excused or erased.
• However, our policy does allow for some absences so you can
take care of your personal needs outside of class.
• If you know you will be absent, please inform your teacher(s)
before your class(es) begin.
• Any student who is not willing or able to participate may be
marked absent for that class. In other words, you must be
willing to follow your teachers’ directions and do class
activities and have your class materials (books, paper,
pens/pencils, etc.) each day.
If you have to miss class because of . . .
1. A medical emergency or serious illness
2. An accident or other serious situation
3. A preplanned surgery
. . . please inform us immediately through one of the
methods below.
• Bldg. CE3 Front Desk Staff at 949.824.5991 or [email protected]
• Immigration Staff at [email protected]
• Attendance Staff at [email protected]
These email addresses are on our website –
Punctuality (Late) Policy
We expect students to be. . .
in the classroom (in your seat and ready) when class begins
If you are late to class:
• 1-14 minutes late = 1 tardy
• 15+ minutes late = 1 hour absence
• 3 tardies = 1 hour absence

Many “lates” add up quickly. Be careful!

Attendance Policy Cont.

How many hours can you be absent?

• ALL students can be absent a maximum of 39

hours per quarter.

• Any student who is absent for more than 39 hours

will receive a Dismissal notice and will be
dismissed immediately
Attendance Letters

If you are absent a lot, we will send you warning letters.

Warning letters come in two forms:

 Email
 Paper copy (given to you by your teacher in class)
Attendance Letters

Letter #1 (after 15 hours)

• Warning letter – Please be careful!

Letter #2 (after 25 hours)

• Final Warning letter – You are required to
meet with an academic advisor
Letter #3 (40 or more hours)
• Dismissal letter – You must leave our program!
Attendance Advice
• Try not to be absent!
• Save your hours for illness or emergencies
NOT- DMV, Disneyland, Las Vegas, dentist
appointments, etc.
• If you are sick, please stay home or see a doctor
Attendance Questions?
For more information
to check your attendance record:

Send an email to:

[email protected]
Please include - Your name and student ID #
2. Academic Policy
(Policy on failing classes)
• Most classes are graded in two parts
for example:
• Speaking and Listening (SL) levels 1 - 7
• Grammar and Writing (GW) levels 1 – 5
• Reading and Writing (RW) levels 6 – 7
• Your overall average determines your grade and
must be at least 70% to pass
Academic Policy Cont.
In a Grammar/Writing class, a student receives . . .
Grammar average 68%
Writing average 78%
Overall average = 73%
The overall average is above 70%, so this
student will pass their class!
Academic Probation

• If you receive a failing grade, e.g., a D or F in any class,

you will be on Academic Probation the next quarter.
This means you will:
- Retake the same class (with a different teacher)
• If you fail the same class twice, you may be dismissed
from the program.
3. Academic Honesty
(Policy on Cheating)
• Cheating is very serious in US schools
• Students who cheat can be dismissed from our school
What happens if you are caught cheating in our program?
1st offence - student may receive a “0” (zero) on that
assignment without the possibility of making
up the assignment;
2nd offence - student is required to meet with an
academic advisor;
3rd offence – student may be dismissed from the program.
Examples of Cheating

• Looking at another student’s test or quiz

• Copying homework from another student
• Doing someone else’s homework for them
• Allowing another student to look at your answers
More Examples of Cheating

• Having the answers to a test on a

Cheat Sheet, written on the desk or
your hand, etc.
• Using your cellphone or other device during a test
• Taking a picture of a test or quiz
• Anything that “looks like” cheating
4. Behavioral Policy
(How to act in class)
UCI Student Policy says that . . .
Any behavior which affects a teacher’s ability to teach or a
students ability to learn is a violation of university policy

Question for class

What kinds of student actions do you think could
interrupt or disrupt a class?
Disruptive Behaviors

• Speaking in native language • Asking questions not related

• Having side conversations to topic
• Speaking out of turn • Not following directions
• Using cell phones • Arguing with teacher
• Coming late • Other?
• Not working in class
5. Electronic Devices Policy
What are electronic devices?
Laptop computers iPhones/iPads
Cell phones Cameras
Electronic Dictionaries Other?

None of these should be used during class

without the teacher’s permission!
Electronic Devices Policy Cont.
OFF and AWAY Policy
• Please have your devices SILENCED and put AWAY
(in your bag, out of sight)
Review - What SHOULDN’T you do in class?
• Email, text, make or receive phone calls
• Play or make audio/video recordings or take pictures
6. Smoke-Free Policy
(No-Smoking Policy)
What is Smoke & Tobacco FREE?
• This sign means that smoking,
including cigarettes, e-cigarettes,
vapes, or any other smoking, is not
allowed anywhere on campus
– This includes sidewalks and parking lots

• Please do not to smoke AT ALL on

What if you are found smoking?
• A service officer patrols UCI Continuing Education to
make sure students are not smoking on campus
• If you are found smoking:
the first time -you will receive a verbal warning
the second time -you must pay a fine of $50
the third time -you must pay a fine of $100
the fourth time -you may be dismissed from the program
What if you don’t show your ID?

• According to UC Policy, you must be able to identify

yourself by providing the service officer or any
university employee with some type of identification
(student ID, passport, etc.) at all times
• If you refuse to identify yourself, give a false ID, or lie
to the service officer about who you are, you may be
dismissed from the program immediately
• If you are rude or disrespectful towards the service
officer, you may also receive additional penalty
7. Withdrawal Policy

Any student who plans to withdraw or transfer out before

the end of the 10-Week program . . .
- must see an International Student Advisor (Immigration
8. Dismissal

Let’s review ways to be dismissed from our program:

• Be absent more than 39 hours
• Fail the same class 2 times
• Academic dishonesty / cheating
• Behavioral issues
What happens if you are dismissed?
If you are dismissed . . .
• Your I-20 will be cancelled
• You must stop attending classes
• You will not receive a refund
• You may not receive grades
• You must return to your country or find another
school immediately (no 60-day grace period)
• You cannot return to the UCI ESL programs

Do you have any questions?

Our Website

The information from this presentation is on our website:

Thank you!

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