General Electric "GE's Imagination Breakthroughs
General Electric "GE's Imagination Breakthroughs
General Electric "GE's Imagination Breakthroughs
General Electric (GE) is an American
multinational conglomerate incorporated
in New York.
Headquartered in Boston.
Founder: Thomas Edison
Business Type: Public
As of 2018, the company operates
through the following segments:
Technology leadership.
Commercial excellence.
Global expansion.
JACK WELCH Jeff Immelt
(Process Oriented) (Marketing Oriented)
CEO Jeff Immelt is Transforming GE From a Process Oriented Company into Marketing Oriented
Changes made by Jeff Immelt:
He found out that five leadership traits would be key to driving organic growth in
An external focus,
An ability to think clearly
Imagination and courage
Inclusiveness and connection with people
In-depth expertise.
Marketing Led
Fully Integrated
One of his IB’s Project was “THE EVO PROJECT” (Evolution Locomotive)
GE Transportation identified its 5 potential IBs.
Technically advanced
AC 6000 Failure coupled with the looming change in EPA regulations in the
industry put the locomotive industry under intense pressure.
Marketing group’s analysis, rising oil prices, increased rail traffic, and
tightening emission standards could make customers more open to Evo’s
GE regained the market
70% shares
They have Objective more growth from IB old line and mature portfolio
of businesses
Slow growth domestic markets already dominated by GE
GML approved as an IB
Dineen assigned Gokhan Bayhan as a marketing leader for the
Locomotive Unit
They had opportunity for GE to help them expand their railway system to
meet the needs of Kazakhstan fast growing china trade
Sales, Engineering and Marketing worked together to test and
approve the GML Concept
Under Comte the new marketing team have a active role in the business
In April 2006 Locomotive Management Team have a presentation at
transportation growth playbook session 1 review.
Initial ideas behind the GML Concept were beginning to seem questionable to
resolve the concern commissioned a “Tiger Team” of six people from
engineering, product management and marketing and gave them two weeks
to recommend changes about the GML Concept
Gokhan Bayhan assembled data on customers, competitors and market
After two weeks analysis the Tiger Team had a conclusion that’s the GML
Concept too complex and too expensive to serve the market efficiently
They proposed that GML Modular Approach replaced by platform
concept in which five different families of Locomotives would serve
90% of the global market demand
With strong Analysis and data to support the team proposal a clear commitment to
invest in it ,the New GML Concept quickly accepted and became one of
transportation's official IB
Soon GE received an additional large order from a mining company in Australia and
before year end it won a tender for 40 more locomotive in Egypt
China Effect drives a big surge in demand for all forms of transportation. Around the
world GDP is growing, globalization thus, GE best understand the customer needs
and respond with a great product
GE would commit to transferring the assembly operation to Kazakhstan in the second
half of 2008 .This facility become the regional source of locomotive sold to other
countries in the CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States)
Transportation P&L planned to any new locomotive sales with a service contract to
renew worn components locally rather than replacing them with imported new parts it
save the customer money and bring employment to country
They grew the marketing staff from 14 to 32 and moving out of Erie where they could
be closer to the customer and they deployed seven regional marketing strategies
GLF Project into three integrated IBs
They conclude that hybrid locomotive, the right solution for the customer
,for the market as well as GE
The plans for hybrid centered on diesel electric engine that would capture
the energy in a series of sophisticated batteries and its reducing fuel
consumption to 15% but battery technology was not able to achieve the
proposed customer benefits
As a result three years into program there is no clear evidence that hybrid
IB would be able to meet any of its original stated objectives
They suggest that hybrid should join the lapsed IB. All the opportunities
on the product line extension, the opportunity cost for hybrid project was
very high. This option would mean postponing