Homework Choice Boards 1
Homework Choice Boards 1
Homework Choice Boards 1
¡Feliz aprendizaje!
Sra. Morales
Below are 16 fun ideas for an after-school adventure. See how many you can
complete in a
month with your family! Share pictures and stories with your teacher throughout the
*Be Kind*
Find 3 things Clean-up
Make a list of Make a fort out
outside and someone
10 things you of blankets
make a else’s mess
are thankful and play under
rubbing of their without saying
for in your it.
texture. anything.
*Be Kind*
Build a reading
Invite a friend With an adult, Make a puzzle
fort using a
over to play. take a walk and have
blanket, a
Let them outside, someone try
chair, and a
choose what backwards. to solve it.
you do.
Find 10 things
*Be Kind*
Make a list of in your house Launch rubber
Do your least
5 things that that are a bands with an
favorite chore
are great rectangular adult. Whose
without being
about being a prism. rubber band
asked and
kid. went farther?
before playing.
Think of
Make a secret
Pretend you’re something *Be Kind*
signal with a
a grasshopper. new Smile and say,
person in
Only move by to invent and “Hello!” to
your family
hopping when draw a everyone you
and use it all
you get home. diagram of pass today.
your creation.
Having a
skipping *Be Kind*
Look at your
contest with Draw a picture
Pick a book kitchen for 30
your family. of a beautiful
and read it seconds.
Who is place and
Below are 16 fun ideas for an after-school adventure. See how many you can
complete in a
month with your family! Share pictures and stories with your teacher throughout the
Make a paper
When it is *Be Kind*
boat and float
Use chalk to dark, go Help someone
it in a sink.
create an outside with an with a chore or
How many
outdoor mural. adult and look job that is not