Homework Choice Boards 1

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Each day your student works incredibly hard to become a better

reader, writer, mathematician and so much more. For this reason, we
will be using a HOMEWORK CHOICE BOARD. The board is
separated into two sections the MUST DO and the FREE CHOICE.
MUST READ for 30 minutes daily even on Flip Grid-Students will answer questions by
Saturdays and Sundays. recording themselves on the website
MUST RECORD 2 book titles in their FLIP GRID CODE
agenda. whartonbooks (Password-WhartonBooks)
duallanguage (Password-DualLanguage)
MUST RECORD STEPS in agenda. duallanguage2 (Password-DualLanguage2)
(15 minutes – 1 step)
Xtramath-Students will practice their math
fact fluency.
Sumdog-Students will answer math questions
to unlock a game.
Freckle-Students will answer math questions
to unlock a game.
Science/Social Studies Homework-This choice
will be given once a week and it recorded in
their agenda.

I know that afterschool can be a busy time, which is why I use

choice boards. Please reach out to me with any questions or
Happy Learning!
Ms. Morales
Estimados Padres,

Cada día su estudiante trabaja increíblemente fuerte para

convertirse en un mejor lector, escritor y matemático. Por esta
razón, he decido incorporar diferentes opciones de tareas. Esta
tabla está dividida entre las tareas que deben hacer todos los días y
las tareas que son opcional.
DEBEN LEER por 30 minutos los 7 días Flip Grid-Los estudiantes responden preguntas
de la semana. mientras se graban usando la página de web
Deben escribir 2 títulos en su agenda. FLIP GRID CODIGOS
whartonbooks (contraseña-WhartonBooks)
Deben escribir sus pasos en su agenda. duallanguage (contraseña-DualLanguage)
duallanguage2 (contraseña-DualLanguage2)
(15 minutos = 1 paso)
Xtramath-Los estudiantes practican la suma y
recta para mejorar su fluidez.
Sumdog-Los estudiantes contestan preguntas
para poder jugar diferentes juegos.
Freckle-Los estudiantes contestan preguntas
para poder jugar diferentes juegos.
Science/Social Studies Homework-Esta opción se
les dará una vez a la semana y será escrita en su

Sé que después de la escuela puede ser un momento de mucho

trabajo, por eso utilizo tableros de elección. Por favor,
comuníquese con nosotros si tiene alguna pregunta o

¡Feliz aprendizaje!
Sra. Morales
Below are 16 fun ideas for an after-school adventure. See how many you can
complete in a
month with your family! Share pictures and stories with your teacher throughout the

*Be Kind*
Find 3 things Clean-up
Make a list of Make a fort out
outside and someone
10 things you of blankets
make a else’s mess
are thankful and play under
rubbing of their without saying
for in your it.
texture. anything.

*Be Kind* Make Find 15 things

Make a list of something old in your house
10 things you or recyclable or outside that
are thankful into something start with the
for at school. new. letter “W”.

Make a secret *Be Kind*

handshake Make a list of Count how
Re-read your
with a friend or 10 things you many birds
favorite book.
a person in are thankful you see today.
your family. for outside.

Draw your *Be Kind*

favorite place Make a list of
Play hide-and- Clean your
in your house. 10 things you
seek inside of room before
Make sure to are thankful
your house! being asked.
use lots of for in your
Below are 16 fun ideas for an after-school adventure. See how many you can
complete in a
month with your family! Share pictures and stories with your teacher throughout the
*Be Kind*
Draw a picture Make a list of
of yourself Find 5 coins Read while
all the things
reading your and make you are in the
you can do
favorite book. rubbings of bathtub. Be
Give the with a piece of
their fronts and careful to keep
picture to your paper. Be
school their backs. your book dry!
Create a
Create a word
*Be Kind* beautiful Make a tall
search with 4
Smile at every picture only tower out of
words. Have
person you using circles, the pillows in
someone try
see today. squares, and your house.
to finish it.

*Be Kind* Play Simon

Find things in
Turn off all the Make a flower Says with
your house
lights and read out of paper everyone is
that start with
with a and give it to your house.
all the letters:
flashlight. someone You are
A to Z.
special. ‘Simon’ first!
Draw a person
out of 2
Take a walk
Dress up in circles, 2 *Be Kind*
around your
someone triangles, and Write a thank
house like it is
else’s clothes. 3 rectangles. you note to
Below are 16 fun ideas for an after-school adventure. See how many you can
complete in a
month with your family! Share pictures and stories with your teacher throughout the
Sit in your Pretend to be
Become a
*Be Kind* favorite place Michelangelo.
teacher. Teach
Write a in the house. Tape a piece
an adult how
thank-you note For 5 minutes of paper to the
to do underside of a
to a custodian make a list of
something you table and draw
at your school. everything you
are great at! upside down.
*Be Kind* Hide a special
Watch the
Make music Write a item around
clouds and
using 5 things thank-you note your house
make a list of
from your to a specials and have
all the animals
kitchen. teacher at scavenger
you see!
your school. hunt.
Make up a *Be Kind* Gather your
Snow Dance With an adult, Write a stuffed
and perform it run as fast as thank-you to animals and
for your you can for 30 someone at teach them
family…even if seconds. How school who something you
it doesn’t snow far did you go? makes you learned at
where you live! happy. school.
Find these
Make a list of shapes in your *Be Kind*
Collect boxes
10 things you house: Write a
and make a
have learned a sphere, a thank-you note
tall tower out
how to do this cylinder, a to a secretary
Below are 16 fun ideas for an after-school adventure. See how many you can
complete in a
month with your family! Share pictures and stories with your teacher throughout the
For 1 minute, If you could be
*Be Kind* listen to the any animal,
Give 10 high- sounds around what would How many
books are in
fives today, all you. Then, you be? Why? your house?
with make the Draw a picture Count them!
a big smile. favorite sound of yourself as
you heard. this animal.
Who in your
Make new *Be Kind*
house can do Make a paper
(kind) names Pick up 5
the most airplane and
for everyone pieces of trash
jumping jacks? measure how
who lives in and throw
How many did far it flies.
your house. them out.
they do?
something in Make a list of
Make up a *Be Kind*
your house all the things
story about a Ask an adult in
and create a you can do
rock, a cloud, your house,
treasure map with a piece of
and a very tiny “How may I
to help paper. Be
chicken. help you?”
someone find creative!

Find the most Instead of

Make a list of *Be Kind*
beautiful thing talking, sing all
5 things you Help an adult
in your house of your ideas
Below are 16 fun ideas for an after-school adventure. See how many you can
complete in a
month with your family! Share pictures and stories with your teacher throughout the

*Be Kind* Make

With an adult,
Make a list of something
count how
3 ways you Re-read your new out of
many stars something that
can be kind favorite book.
you see in the is old or
this week.
sky. recyclable.
Do all 3 things.
*Be Kind*
If you were a
How many Call someone Invite a friend
bird, where
hops can you who is not to play outside
would you fly?
take in 1 feeling well or with you. Make
Draw a picture
minute? How you haven’t up a new
of where you
many jumps? seen in a game.
would go.
Make a Go outside
*Be Kind* Go outside
megaphone and play “I
Tell someone and make a
out Spy”
in your house list of all
of paper and with a friend.
3 reasons they the textures
sing a song for Let them be
are awesome. you can feel.
your family. ‘it’ first.

How many Find 15 things *Be Kind*

times can you Count how in your house Help pick-up
write your many animals or outside that your home
name in 1 you see today. start with without being
Below are 16 fun ideas for an after-school adventure. See how many you can
complete in a
month with your family! Share pictures and stories with your teacher throughout the

*Be Kind*
Build a reading
Invite a friend With an adult, Make a puzzle
fort using a
over to play. take a walk and have
blanket, a
Let them outside, someone try
chair, and a
choose what backwards. to solve it.
you do.
Find 10 things
*Be Kind*
Make a list of in your house Launch rubber
Do your least
5 things that that are a bands with an
favorite chore
are great rectangular adult. Whose
without being
about being a prism. rubber band
asked and
kid. went farther?
before playing.

Think of
Make a secret
Pretend you’re something *Be Kind*
signal with a
a grasshopper. new Smile and say,
person in
Only move by to invent and “Hello!” to
your family
hopping when draw a everyone you
and use it all
you get home. diagram of pass today.
your creation.
Having a
skipping *Be Kind*
Look at your
contest with Draw a picture
Pick a book kitchen for 30
your family. of a beautiful
and read it seconds.
Who is place and
Below are 16 fun ideas for an after-school adventure. See how many you can
complete in a
month with your family! Share pictures and stories with your teacher throughout the

*Be Kind* What do you Take a walk

Write a kind want to learn and collect Practice crab-
note. Then, to do this flowers. Put
outside and
send or give it month? How the flowers in then, race with
to someone are you going water when a friend.
special. to learn it? you get home.

Find a *Be Kind* Make a box

Draw a picture Collect your
basketball. out of paper.
of yourself stuffed
How many Then, find
eating your animals. Read
times can you favorite food.
them a
dribble Give it to the special to put
bedtime story.
it in 1 minute? school cafeteria. inside of it.
Find 10 things
Imagine you
in your house With an adult, *Be Kind*
lived on the
that are walk as fast as Make a paper
moon. Draw
cylinder- you can for 60 airplane and
what your
shaped. seconds. How give it to a
house would
far did you go? friend to fly.
look like?

Go for a walk With an adult,

Make a list of *Be Kind*
with an adult. search for a
all the things Make a list of
Take turns ladybug
you can do 5 beautiful
telling a silly outside. Draw
with a box. Be things you see
story about a what it looks
Below are 16 fun ideas for an after-school adventure. See how many you can
complete in a
month with your family! Share pictures and stories with your teacher throughout the

*Be Kind* Use a

Find things Build a reading
Draw a flashlight and
outside that fort using a
detailed your hands to
start with all blanket, a
picture and make shadow
the letters: A to chair, and a
give it to a animals on a
Z. table.
neighbor. wall.
Take a walk.
*Be Kind*
As you’re Search for Recycle all the
Call a family
walking, tell a a four-leaf paper,
member you
story about a clover and aluminum, and
have not
frog, a rock, give plastic you can
spoken to in a
and a sailing it to a friend. today!
long time.
*Be Kind*
Pick up trash Write a kind Ask an adult
Make a paper
around your note. Then, about what
airplane and
neighborhood send or give it they were like
fly it outside.
with an adult. to someone as a child.

Make a paper
When it is *Be Kind*
boat and float
Use chalk to dark, go Help someone
it in a sink.
create an outside with an with a chore or
How many
outdoor mural. adult and look job that is not

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