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Upendra Yadav
Deputy Programme Co-ordinator, M.Sc.Nursing Programme
Department of Child Health Nursing
College of Nursing, B.P.K.I.H.S, Dharan Nepal.

Feedback: [email protected]
In early Days:
 Supervision =Finding out fault
in people's work
(Negative Connotation)
Recent Meaning of Supervision:
 In simple term,
 Super: over, Vision: Seeing
 Supervision means over seeing
people at work. Not only to
inspect people's work but also to
provide support to them in
performing to the set standards.
 Top management supervises the
work of middle level manager,
which in turn supervises the first
level manager, and the first level
manager supervises the
performance of workers.
Meaning Of Supervisor
O=Oriented to goals
R= Role model
Definitions of supervision
• It is a process of guiding and
helping people to give their
best performance.
• It is a facilititating process in
which the supervisor inspects
work in progress in order to
remedy rather than punish.
Definitions (Conti..)
 It is the process of interaction
between the followers and the
leader for the purpose of improving
performance through shared
decision making.
 According to chhabra,"supervision
means observing the subordinates
at work to see that they are
working according to the plan and
policies of the organization and to
help them in solving their
Types of Supervision
1. Direct Supervision
2. Indirect supervision
Direct Supervision
 Is done through face to face
talk with the workers.
 This can be exercised at the
ward or unit level in the
hospital or PHC or Sub center
of the community setting.
Direct Supervision
Following should be considered in direct
 Do not loose temper
 Use Democratic approach
 Reprimand in private if necessary
 Give workers a chance to reply
 Do not talk too much and too fast
 Be human in nature
 Do not give instruction in haphazard way.
Indirect supervision
 Is done with the help of record and
reports of the workers and through
written instruction or through
some agency between the
supervisor and supervisee.

 Supervision can be Close and

Purposes of Supervision
 Main purpose of supervision is to
assist the subordinates to achieve
the common organizational goal
efficiently by improving their
performance through some forms
of organizational improvement.
Purposes (Conti..)
 To assess the performance of
subordinates with the intension of –
 Finding out how far they are
meeting the set standards.
 Inspiring and motivating them
through rewards for their good
 Improving their performance
through the guidance, coaching, and
Purposes (Conti..)
 To help subordinates work efficiently
by developing their skills.
 To help subordinates develop critical
thinking needed for solving their
 To help the subordinates to develop
their potentialities to the fullest
through counseling, coaching and
Purposes (Conti..)
 To help subordinates develop
team spirit by bringing
coordination among them.
 To help build up a sense of
self confidence among
 Supervision should not be
overburden to any individual or
 Supervision should create
atmosphere of cordiality and
mutual trust.
 Supervision should encourage
workers participation in decision
 Supervision should be well planned
Principal of Supervision (Conti..)
 Supervision needs good
communication. The line of
communication should be open and
 Supervision should respect the
personality of staff and students.
 Supervisor must posses sound
professional knowledge. Supervisor
must be knowledgeable about the
subject matter of their field and
must posses the technical and
human skills.
Principal of Supervision (Conti..)
 There should be a sense of mutual
trust and respect among people to
make the climate within the warm
and stimulating.
 Supervision should focus on
continuous growth and development
of individual employee.

Principal of Supervision (Conti..)
 Supervisors must be delegated
adequate authority for carrying out
their supervisory responsibilities
 There should be continuity on
 Supervision should be fair.
Principal of Supervision (Conti..)
 Supervisors must have tolerance
for the mistakes and be open to
constructive criticism.
 Supervision should rather help
people to improve their work
performance through coaching and
guiding than just to find out faults.
Principal of Supervision (Conti..)

 In order to motivate people to

give their best performance,
they should be given the due
positive rewards, but
supervisor should use Equity
Theory in giving rewards.
Characteristics of a
Characteristics (Conti..)
 Kindness and empathy
 Tolerance, openness and
 Courage to take risk
 Adaptability( ability to
compromise) and flexibility
 Competency in technical
knowledge and skills
Characteristics (Conti..)
 Communication skills: Good
 Skill in teaching and guidance:
orientation, in-service training,
 counseling, incidental teaching.
 Skill in human relation: mutual
respect and trust, sense of
cooperation, tactfulness
Characteristics (Conti..)
 Problem solving skills.
 Fairness in evaluation and giving
 Creativity and Vision.
 Assertiveness and decisiveness
 Honesty and integrity
 Strong motivation and energy
 Sense of humor
 Self confidence
Thank You

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