Beer Has Been Used Over The Centuries To

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Beer has been used over the

centuries to:
• quench a thirst,
• add flavor to a barbecue,
• add body when you wash your hair,
• and to forget about one's worries
for awhile.
In the early seventeenth century
people consumed beer with a
different purpose than people do
• Beer was a form of nourishment
• A dietary staple for the Pilgrims
from infants to the aged.
• The Mayflower carried three times
more beer than water
• Beer practically replaced drinking
water in the Pilgrims daily lives.
In the early seventeenth century
people consumed beer with a
different purpose than people do
• Records from the seventeenth century
show that on average an individual
consumed about three quarts of beer
per day.
• Beer was so important to the
residents of New York City that they
paved Wall Street in 1630 to ease
the delivery of beer in the muddy
Civilization and Beer
Hypothesis 1
• science of brewing beer gave birth to
all sciences and possibly
civilization itself.
• formerly nomadic people settled in
Mesopotamia because they found it
impossible to travel and maintain a
steady supply of alcohol or the grain
from which to make it.
• Agriculture and civilization grew out
of the desire to quench a certain
kind of thirst.
Civilization and Beer
Hypothesis 2
• civilization began with the
purposeful cultivation of the
earliest farmed grains--wheat and
• it is believed that beer was
discovered accidentally following
settled civilization and the
cultivation of barley.
Who discovered beer?
• Mead, a fermented drink of water and honey
mixed with malt, yeast, and herbs was
perhaps the first stimulating beverage.
The Medes, Persians, Phoenicians and
Egyptians all had this drink.
• The first batch of beer is thought to have
been accidentally made by some individual
who left a bowl of barley out in the rain.
• The first recipe for "wine of grain" was
inscribed on stone tablets in Mesopotamia
about seven thousand years B.C.
• Brewing has been documented off the western
Coast of Scotland on the island of Rhum as
far back as 4,000 years.
• The earliest chemical evidence of beer
was found at a Sumerian outpost called
Godin Tepe in Iran.
- A yellowish residue was found on a piece of
pottery and was chemically identified as
being an oxalate salt, such as found on the
insides of today's brewing tanks.
- This piece of pottery is over 5,000 years
- Similar findings have been made in 3,000
year old Egyptian storage vessels.
• Beer in China was called kiu in the 23
century B.C.
• By 1800 B.C. the Babylonians were
brewing beer.
in Europe
• Beer came to Europe by way of the ancient
Greeks through forays into then brew-active
• Beer then flowed north with Julius Caesar’s
legions about 55 B.C. into Gaul and Britain.
• The first use of hops is generally
attributed to the monasteries of Northern
Gaul, where Gaulish monks applied the Celtic
word beor to their concoction. Saint
Arnold, 6th century A.D. was apparently the
first person to introduce hops.
• In the middle ages, brewing was done in
households by women.
First Commercial Brewery
• It wasn't until 1040 A.D. that the
first commercial brewery, the
Weihenstepan Brewery, was established
in Freising Germany.
• In Belgium, politics played an
interesting role in the development
of breweries.
- Catholics and Liberals were competing
both locally and nationally for political
seats and the local brewer was often the
- A predictable countermove by a rival was
to open his own brewery.
First Commercial Brewery
- Consequently, by the end of the 19th
century most villages had two
breweries--one Catholic-owned, one
Liberal-owned, and each brewer produced
at least five different beers.
- It is easy to see why Belgium claims to
be the beer paradise of the world.
They produce 900 different beers of 250
different kinds and each week a new
beer is introduced onto the Belgian
• In America, Peter Minuit opened the first
public brewery on Manhattan Island.
• In 1635 the first commercial brewery was
established near Boston and some think it may
have been linked to Harvard.
- Harvard has a long history concerning beer brewing
and actually owned three breweries in the 1600 and
- the first president of Harvard was dismissed for a
lack of producing adequate amounts of beer.
• William Penn erected the first brewery in
Pennsylvania in 1638 followed by:
- Samuel Adams (father of the Revolution),
- Thomas Chittenden (Vermont's first governor)
- and George Washington (who was thought to have
written the first recorded recipe for homebrew in
North America..
people like Al Capone, Legs
Diamond and other "family
members" got into the beer
business during the 1920's
• During Prohibition, the
availability of alcohol was limited
due to the 18th Amendment to the
Constitution of the United States.
• Fortunately the 21st Amendment
repealed the 18th in 1933.
Commercial production
of beer
• Anheuser Busch produces at least 70
million barrels of beer per year.
• Miller produces 41 million barrels.
Typically artificially carbonate
their beer because they have to
make it quickly and efficiently
Many use preservatives to enhance
shelf-life and long-distance
Commercial production
of beer
• Microbreweries are defined as
producing less than 15,000 barrels
of beer a year.
More concerned with taste and
brew their beers naturally
without artificial flavor or
• Much fresher with no preservatives
• Incorporate bold flavors and
boutique and specialty beers
Home brewing
Once the initial equipment is
produced, the price per batch is
much lower than commercial beer
Many want to explore the possibility
of brewing exotic tasting beers
The government made it legal for
citizens to make their own beer
• can make one hundred gallons per adult
individual per household.
• It is illegal to sell homebrew.
• It is still illegal to make homebrew
in eleven states.
Four ways of making
• 1. Commercially available bag and water sold by Popular
Mechanics--all the ingredients for the mixture are
already in the bag so all the consumer has to do is add
water and wait. About $45.
• 2. Pressure canister--the ingredients come in two
separate containers, so the consumer has to mix the two
separate ingredients with water and add it to the keg.
$100 to start, and $20 for additional starter batches.
• 3. Similar to #2 except that instead of a refrigerator-
keg storage technique, bottling is involved.$20-25 per
• 4. Homebrewing from scratch--used by experienced
homebrewers. All ingredients are bought or grown
separately and are added together at specific times,
just like a cooking recipe. Since the beer is put
together by the ingredients and doesn't come pre-
packaged in a bag or a can, the choices of what to make
are infinite.
Beer making
• malted barley,
• hops,
• yeast and
• water.
Barley--a grain and the base ingredient of
beer. The barley is what provides the
sugars, soluble starch and starch-to-
sugar enzymes which are necessary for
fermentation to take place.
• Different forms--dark brown or black
contributing to a darker, more bitter beer.
• Lighter, contributing to a lighter, crispier
Beer making
Hops--the ripe, dried blossoms of
a perennial vine, Humulus
lupulus in the mulberry family.
• Hops add a bitter flavor to beer
and help to preserve it.
• Noble hops--the most sought after
are found in Germany and Bohemia
and now Australia
Beer making
Yeast--an important ingredient of the beer.
• This is a single celled fungus that plays the
central role in converting sugars into carbon
dioxide and alcohol during fermentation.
• Two main varieties of yeast and several
hundred strains. Each strain, used with
similar ingredients will produce a different
flavored beer. Typically the yeasts favor a
pH between 5.0 and 5.5.
- Ale yeast--favor temperatures between 60-75 ˚ F,
usually top fermenting with a greater O2 requirement.
This is usually Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
- Lager yeasts--favor temperatures 35-50˚ F, usually
bottom fermenting, with a lesser O2 requirement.
This is usually Saccharomyces uvarum (formerly known
as Saccharomyces carlsbergensis).
Beer making
Water--since beer is at least ninety
percent water, special consideration is
given to how the water tastes before it
goes into the brew kettle
• i.e. the Rocky Mountain Spring water used in
• Us. any water that is good enough to drink
is good enough to brew with.
• Occasionally minerals like gypsum or salts
are added to provide a pH buffer and to
enhance flavors.
• There is a current German law from the 14th
Century that forbids one to urinate in the
river systems on Tuesday because of water
diverted for brewing on Wednesday.
Beer making
Other ingredients
When hard times hit the Pilgrims,
they substituted things like
corn, pumpkins, artichokes,
persimmons, bran and oats for
the usual barley.
When hops couldn't be found, they
improvised, using spruce, birch,
pine, walnut and sassafras to
add seasoning to their beer.
Beer making
• Boiling kettle
• Long handled spoon
• A thermometer
• Cooling coil
• A hydrometer
• 7-8 gallon bucket with a sealing lid
• a 7 gallon carboy
• siphoning tube
• a fermentation lock
• bottling caps, bottles and a capper or
• Pressure canister
Beer making
1.Sterilize the equipment
• Clorox and hot water, pressure
• If the equipment isn't sterilized a
number of contaminating organisms,
both bacteria and fungi, and ruin
the beer.
Beer making
2. Malting
• The appropriate variety of barley (some
are more suitable to the production of
malt whiskey or food rather than beer),
- are allowed to soak in water for about 40
hours, with draining and new water added
every 8 hours.
- Once the barley grains reach 40-45% moisture
the barely is allowed to germinate around 60˚
- Germination of the grain allows for plant
enzymes to convert carbohydrates into more
simple sugars like glucose.
- Once the epicotyl forms, the grains are dried
with a gradual rise in temperature (122 ˚ F
for lagers, 221 ˚ F for ale malts).
Beer making
3. Mashing
• the barley has to be cracked open so
that water can get inside and
activate the enzymes.
• These enzymes called diastases,
become most active around 150-160
degrees F. They convert the starches
from the barley into simple sugars.
This process is known as mashing.
• After the solids are strained out the
dark, sweet liquid is called "wort."
• 4. The wort must be boiled for 30-90
minutes depending on the recipe.
Beer making
Hops are added at different times
during the boiling phase.
• Hops have tiny oil glands that contain
oils and resin that contribute to the
aromatic flavor and bouquet of the beer.
• Hops contributing to the bitterness of
the beer are added early in the boil so
the resins have time to dissolve into
the wort.
• Hops that are added for their aromatic
flavoring are added within the last few
minutes of the boil. Otherwise the
quickly dissolved oils get steamed out
of the wort.
Beer making
5. The wort is cooled, so the yeasts to be
added next don't die.
• This is done quickly either with a
cooling coil hooked up to the cold water
tap or by
• "splarging" where the hot wort is poured
into a sterilized container containing
cold water.
6. The yeast is "pitched" either as a
freeze-dried powder or as an actively
growing liquid. Each has its advantages.
7. The yeast is allowed to ferment the wort
for up to 10 days, depending on the type
of beer. During this phase, the alcohol
is made and the carbonation is allowed to
escape through the fermentation lock.
Beer making
- Respiration--the yeast converts simple sugars
to carbon dioxide and water. The yeast
obtains it's energy for fermentation and
sedimentation during this phase.
- Fermentation--the conversion of sugar to
alcohol and carbon dioxide. It is the
longest of the three phases. At its peek,
which is also the start of sedimentation, the
yeast has a density of 50 million cells per
- Sedimentation--the yeast cells settle to the
bottom of the fermentation vessel because
most of the sugars have been converted and
utilized for respiration, and the begin to
prepare for dormancy. Sedimentation last for
2-3 days. At the time the beer appears
clear, the yeast's density is less than 1
million cells per milliliter.
Beer making
8. At the peak of alcohol production (measured
with a hydrometer) the beer is ready to bottle.
• Typically the beer is carefully siphoned off
into a second sterile container to eliminate
as much of the sedimented yeast as possible.
• If not the yeas forms a thick scum on the
bottom of the bottle.
9. A small, but precisely measured amount of
sugar is dissolved, and added to the brew.
• This is known as secondary fermentation, and
allow the yeast one final fermentation cycle
to produce the carbonation in the bottles.
• Frequently, there is a second siphoning step
or even a filtration step to remove the
remainder of the yeast before bottling. Some
yeast is needed to do the secondary
Beer making
10. Aging. The bottles are then
set aside in a cool, dark place
and left untouched until ready
to drink.
• "Green beer" can be drunk at one
week after bottling.
• Most homebrewers leave their beer
sit three or four weeks before the
first bottle is opened.

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