E Learning and Technology

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E Learning and

Advanced Behavioral Training and

Eugene P. Hontiveros, PhD

E Learning and the Use of
• Control over when and where they receive
• Access knowledge and expert systems on an as-
needed basis
• Through the use of avatars, virtual reality, and
simulations, the learning environment can look
feel, and sound like just the work environment
• Choose the type of media they want to use in a
training program
E Learning and the Use of
• Course enrolment, testing, and training records
can be handled electronically, reducing
paperwork, and time needed for administrative
• Accomplishments and performance during
training can be monitored.
• Traditional training methods like classroom
instruction and behavior modeling can be
delivered to trainees rather than requiring them
to come from a central training station.
Technology and Multimedia
Multimedia Training

• -combines audiovisual training methods with

computer-based training.
• -Computer based training includes CD-ROM
(Read-Only-Memory), e-interactive video, the
internet, video, virtual reality, and simulations.
• -It integrates text graphics, animation, video,
and audio, and often the trainee can interact
with the content.
Multimedia Training

• Example: Medical Representatives are provided

with CD’s regarding their products, how to use the
medical equipment, or the specifications of a certain
product/medicine they carry. They can take online
exams to gauge their level of understanding.
Prevalence of Multimedia training
• 54% of companies in the US report that they often use
the internet or intranet, 37% use CD ROMS, 43% use
web-based self study, 10% use computer based games,
and 2% use virtual reality programs.
• In the Philippines, only 8% use online training.
Multimedia Training
• Is self-paced • Is expensive to develop
• Is interactive • Is ineffective for certain
• Has consistency of content and training content
delivery • May lead to trainee anxiety
• Offers unlimited geographic with using technology
accessibility • Is difficult to quickly update
• Provides immediate feedback • Can lead to lack of agreement
• Has built-in guidance system on effectiveness
• Appeals to multiple senses
• Can test and certify mastery
• Provides privacy
Computer Based Training
Computer Based Training
• It is an interactive training experience in which the computer
provides the learning stimulus, the trainee must respond, and the
computer analyzes the responses and provides feedback to the
• Most common programs consist of software on CD that runs on a
personal computer.

PERFORMANCE NOW SOFTWARE: Managers are trained on
performance management system. The managers can set targets and
summarizes the ratings that managers can edit. If managers rate
employees on the basis of age, they are prompted that it is not a
factor and is thus asked to revise.
Metrobank: DVD on Social Graces distributed to all employees. They
were asked to watch and provide feedback to their branch heads.
Computer Based Training:
CD ROM, DVD, Laser Disk
• PC enables animation, video clips, and graphics
to be integrated into a training session.
• Users can interact with the training material
through joystick or touch screen monitor.
• Example: A Fresh Fruit Company distributes e-
learning modules and tool kit for distribution to
employees in all locations on Performance
Computer Based Training:
Interactive Video
• Combines the advantages of video and computer-based
• Instruction is provided one-on-one to trainees via monitor
connected to the keyboard.
• Trainees use the keyboard or touch the monitor to interact
with the program.
• It is used to teach technical procedures and interpersonal
• Example: Federal Express on customer etiquette, defensive
driving, delivery procedures training.
• Cases are provided and they provide answers to situations and
receive feedback. It has made Federal Express train 35,000
customer contact employees in 650 locations.
Computer Based Training: Online
• Also called e-learning refers to instruction and delivery
of training by computer online through the internet or
the web.
• It includes web based training, distance learning,
and virtual classrooms.

Three important characteristics

1. Involves electronic networks that enable information
and instruction to be delivered, shared, and updated
2. Delivered to the trainee through the internet.
3. Focuses on learning solutions that go beyond
traditional training by including the delivery of
information and tools that improve performance.
Common Ways of Collaboration in Online Learning
Chat Rooms Trainees communicate at the same time by text or audio. Chat
rooms are facilitated by the administrator.
Message Trainees communicate at different times by typing comments that
Boards remain on the board for others to read or respond to.
Threaded Trainees communicate via message board in which related
discussion comments appear together.
Online Trainees are online with the moderator or facilitator. They can
Conferencing work like usual classroom activities.
Email Trainees can send messages at different times.
List Servs Group email where sending and receiving happens simultaneously
Blogs (Weblogs) Journal like entries are posted on the trainees web pages for
public viewing.
Social Trainees can share information through connections with other
Networking trainees, trainers (MySpace, Facebook, and Twitter)
Advantages of e-learning
• Supports the company’s strategy
• Accessible anytime, any place
• Multistakeholder-Audience can include employees,
managers, vendors, and clients.
• Training can be delivered faster and to more
employees in a shorter period of time
• Updating is easy.
• Practice, feedback, objectives, assessment, can be
built into the program.
• It can link learners to developers, experts, peers,
and other online resources (hyperlinks)
Blended Learning
• Brought about by limitations of online learning like
insufficient bandwith, preference of face-face learning,
inability to find unscheduled time to sit in their PCs
• A hybrid of online and traditional.
• Combines online learning and face to face instruction
and other methods for distributing learning content and
• It uses the classroom to allow learners to learn together
and to discuss and share insights, which helps bring
learning to life and make it more meaningful.
• It divides time for online learning and traditional
method. i.e assigned video to discussions.
• Originally part of traditional
• Experiencing the
environment and learning
content using simulators.

Used for Customer Service

Challenge, New Product,
Leadership (President designs a
virtual company and employees
experience how to lead), Culture,
Service Excellence, Production i.e
Tips on Tap- teaches how to
prepare and serve customers for
Millers Brewing Beer Company.
Types of Simulations

Branching Presented with a situation and asked to make a decision.

Story Trainees progress through simulation to improve answers.
Interactive Trainees are given with sets of rules and asked to make
spreadsheet decisions that affect the business by encoding in spreadsheets
Game based Trainees are asked to play a video game on a computer.
Virtual Trainees interact with a computer representation of the job
Laboratory (Sales, HR, IT, Marketing, Accounting, Business Development,
Operations, Processing) for which they are being trained.
• Avatars: Are virtual leaders, computer
depictions of humans that are used as imaginary
coaches, co workers, and customers in
Other Types of Simulations
Virtual Reality Virtual Worlds
• Computer based technology • It uses role playing principles
that provides trainees with a and group dynamics.
three dimensional learning • Example: Second Life: a
experience. computer based simulated
• It allows simulations to online virtual world that
become even more realistic by provides representation of the
using specialized equipment real world using an avatar.
for viewing the virtual model • Enables training to happen
on the computer screen. without physical risk or
• Technology is used to exposure to hazardous or
stimulate multiple senses of harmful conditions.
the trainee. •

Mobile Technology and Training
Mobile Technology and Training
• Mobile technology allows learning to occur
anywhere at any time.
It consists of:
• Wireless transmission systems such as wifi and
Bluetooth that allow transmissions of data without the need
for physical connections between a device and an internet
• Mobile devices such as personal digital assistants
(PDAs), MP3 players, portable computers, iPods,
global positioning systems (GPS) devices, radio
frequency identification chips (RFID).
• Software applications related to processing audio files,
word processing, spreadsheets, internet, email, and
instant messaging.
Mobile Technology and Training
• Training and learning can occur anytime.
Employees connected to communities of learning
and are given the ability to learn at their own pace
by reviewing material or skipping over content they
• Ideal for employees who are mostly traveling, busy
employees, or those with limited time.
• Example: Capital One using iPods
▫ Product training, procedure guides for alarm products.
▫ They also allow employees to sign up and download
training materials related with their career path.
▫ Managers are given Harvard Business Cases prior to
attending Management Sessions.
Intelligent Tutoring Systems
• Are instructional systems that use artificial

Three Types of ITS Environments

1. Tutoring. Structured attempt to increase trainee
understanding of a content domain.
2. Coaching: Provides trainees with a flexibility of
practice skills in artificial environments
3. Empowering: Refers to the student’s ability to
freely explore the content of the training program.
Intelligent Tutoring Systems
ITS capabilities
1. It has the ability to match instruction to individual
student needs
2. ITS can communicate and respond to the student
3. ITS can model the trainee’s learning process
4. ITS can decide, on the basis of a trainee’s previous
performance, what information to provide.
5. ITS can make decisions about the trainee’s level of
6. ITS can complete a self-assessment resulting in a
modification of its teaching process.
7. So far, only NASA has been using this for its Astronaut
Training Program on robotic arm, grappling payloads.
Distance Learning
• is used by geographically dispersed companies to
provide information about new products, policies,
procedures as well as deliver skills training and
expert lectures to field locations.

• Includes virtual classroom with: projection of still,

animated, and video games, instructor-participant
audio discussion, sharing of computer software
applications, interactions using instant polling
technology, and whiteboard marking tools.
Distance Learning
It involves two types of technology:
• Teleconferencing: Synchronous exchange of audio,
video, and or text between two or more individuals or
groups at two or more l
• Interactive Distance Learning: refers to latest
generation of distance learning, which uses satellite
technology to broadcast programs to different locations
and allows trainees to respond to questions posed during
the training program using a keypad.

How: They all watch the material and are given

keypads to interact with the program through
answering assessment questions.
Developing Your Online Learning
Developing Your Online Learning
Material : Needs Assessment
• Identify the link between online learning and
business needs.
• Get management buy in.
• Make sure trainees have access to the internet or
• Identify KSA’s that need to be improved.
Developing Your Online Learning
Material :Design Method
• Consider adult learning principles and training principles.
• Consider blended instruction
• Use games and simulations.
• Make it appealing and related with the course material.
• Structure materials correctly and logically.
• Provide trainees with opportunity to collaborate and interact
with trainers, other experts.
• Make it user friendly. Keep it short
• Create smooth transitions between instructional segments
• Any audio, video, animations useful to the learner.
• Provide opportunities for control, including window to skip
Developing Your Online Learning
Material :Evaluation
• Make trainees and managers accountable for
course completion and learning
• Conduct formative evaluation (pilot test) before
large scale use of online learning.
Rubrics for the Learning Material

NB: Non submission & Presentation on agreed date, no grade.

PS: Quiz next meeting: Identification and Multiple choice. 50 items.
• Adult Learning Principles
• Traditional Methodology
• Elearning and Technology

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