Well Control Incident Report Form Template

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Well control incident

Location: <Location> Well control incident category: ………………………………………

Rig type: <Rig type>
Well type: <Well type> Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 None class.
Date: <Date>
Impact: Lost time, HC release, etc…:
Plan: Illustration / Well bore schematic
• Description of plan……

Operation with course of events:

• Event description……

Reason for events:

• Free text evaluation

Lessons Learned:
• Free text evaluation

Recommended actions:
• Free text evaluation

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Well control incident
Location: <Location> Critical Issues:
Rig type: <Rig type> • Free text evaluation
Well type: <Well type>
Date: <Date>

Direct Cause: Underlying Cause:

Prognosis incorrect Risk accepted

Shallow gas Error in program / procedure

Shallow water flow Procedure not followed

Incorrect mud weight Lack of competence

Swabbing Communication error (missing, wrong, incomplete, etc.)

Ballooning Incorrect use of equipment

HC accumulation below barrier element Equipment failure

Surface pressure control system failure BOP failure

Downhole mechanical barrier failure Other: ……………………………………………………………………

Downhole cement / casing barrier failure

Other: ……………………………………………………………………

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Categorisation and classification matrix for well control incidents
Drilling and Completion operations
Categorisation and classification matrix for well control incidents
Drilling and Completion operations

Tan = Alert to PSA according to management regulation

Blue = Notification to PSA according to management regulation
Grey = Alert or Notification to PSA not required

Form: Confirmation of alert/notification to Petroleum Safety Authority

Tan = Alert to PSA according to management regulation

Blue = Notification to PSA according to management regulation
Grey = Alert or Notification to PSA not required
Categorisation and classification matrix for well control incidents
Well intervention operations
Degree of Well intervention Guidance
Level 1- Red 1. Blowout 1. Blowout to environment or facility. Failure of
Critical well primary and secondary barriers. Relief well
control incidents necessary to regain barriers.
with high risk for 2. Failure of primary and 2. Well control equipment damaged from external
personnel, secondary barriers loads or non-shearable item stuck across BOP
environment and and safety head. Well flowing to surroundings.
facility Well killed or well capped on location.

Level 2 – Yellow 1. Failure of primary well 1. Well secured by closing one single valve
Serious well barrier. Activation of (safety head or XT valve). String blocking other
control incidents secondary well barrier – no valves preventing redundant barrier element.
other redundant barrier
elements available.
2. Failure of primary well 2. Well secured by closing one single valve
barrier. Activation of (safety head or XT valve). Additional valve(s)
secondary well barrier – available to act as redundant barrier element.
other redundant barrier
elements available

Level 3 – Green 1. Temporary reduction of well 1. Failure of one well barrier element. Activation of
Regular well barrier element function redundant well barrier elements and
control incidents reestablishment of well barrier element within
primary barrier. Secondary barrier intact.
Non Classified 1. Very small leak, no activation 1. Very small leak, able to pull out of hole and
(NC) of BOP necessary. close normal lubricator valves to repair leak.
Two barriers intact.

Pink = Alert to PSA according to management regulation §29

Blue = Notification to PSA according to management regulation §29
Grey = Alert or Notification to PSA not required

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