DX DT K DX D: Aim: Calculate The Steady State Temperature Distribution in The Rod

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One-dimensional steady state diffusion

Aim: Calculate the steady state temperature distribution in the rod.


    . u   .     S

   
C pT  . C p uT  . kT   ST
Ta=100C A Tb=500C

Exact solution : T(C) = 800 (x in m)+100

d  dT 
k 0
dx  dx 

Thermal conductivity =1000 W/mK

Cross-sectional area(A) = 10e-3 m2

Compare numerical results with analytical(exact) results with fine & coarser meshing
One-dimensional steady state diffusion
k  h(TL  T )
d  dT  dT0
k 0 q  k
dx  dx  dx

A=300 cm2
L=0.5 cm
k=15 W/mC
Analytical solution h=80 W/m2C
T =20 C
L  x 1
T ( x)  T  q   
 k h
One-dimensional steady state diffusion with volume source
Aim: Calculate the steady state temperature distribution in a large plate
k=0.5 W/mK
d  dT 
k   ST  0 Ta=100C
dx  dx 
3 y L=2cm
ST  Q(W / m ) x

# Uniform heat generation (volume heating)

# Face (a) & (b) are at uniform temperature
# Temperature gradients are significant only in x dir.
since the plate length & height are so long

 T  Ta
Exact solution : T (C )   b 
 L  x   x  Ta
 L 2k 

Compare numerical results with analytical(exact) results with fine & coarser meshing
One-dimensional steady state diffusion with surface source
(Cooling of circular fin by means of convective heat transfer along its length)

Aim: Calculate the steady state temperature in a circular fin

d  dT 
k   ST  0
dx  dx  Tb=100C
hP Tatm=20C q=0
ST   (T  Tatm )(W / m 3 )
h- convective heat transfer coefficient =10 W/m2K
r=0.01m; k=8.0 W/mK
P  2r ; n  2
 250m  2
A  r 2
T  Tatm cosh n( L  x)
Exact solution : 
Tb  Tatm cosh( nL)
Compare numerical results with analytical(exact) results with fine & coarser meshing
One-dimensional unsteady heat conduction
A thin plate initially at uniform temperature of 200 C. At certain time the temperature of right
side surface is suddenly exposed to 0C & left side surface is insulated. Calculate the transient
temperature distribution along its thickness.
Plate thickness is (L)=2cm, k=10W/mk, density=1000 Kg/m3, Cp=10000 J/kgK

T   T  Insulated 200 C T=0

Cp  k  t>0 y t=0 t>0
t x  x 
x L=2cm
Initial conditions : T  200C at t  0
Boundary conditions :  0 at x  0 & t  0 200 T(40s)
x 180 T(80s)
T  0 at x  L & t  0 160

Analytical solution 120


4x200  ( 1) n 1 80
T(x, t)  
 n 1 2n  1
exp(n t ) cos(n x )
2 60

n 
 2n  1 &   k 0
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02
2L Cp Thickness (m)
One dimensional steady state convection and diffusion
A property  is transported by means of convection and diffusion through one
dimensional domain as shown in figure

L=1.0m; =1.0Kg/m3 ; =0.1 Kg/ms

=1 =0
x=0 x=L
 u   d   d 
dx dx  dx 

 uA  e   uA  w   A d   d 
  A 
 dx  e  dx  w

F  u; D  ; Pe  F / D
Case 1 : u=0.1m/s

Analytical solution
2.7183  exp( x)
 ( x) 

Pe=0.1 (Diffusion is dominated)

Case 2 : u=2.5 m/s

Analytical solution
1.0  exp(25 x)
 ( x)  1 

Pe=2.5 (Convection is dominated)

Conjugate Heat Transfer
To study the conjugate heat transfer in 2D and analyze the results with different fluid
conditions and solids.
x1=x2=x3=0.1 m U1 x1
L=1.0 m T1 solid x2
x3 U3
U1=0.2 m/s; U3=0.1 m/s T3
T1=800 K; T3=300 K L

f=0.15 kg/ms; f=1000 kg/m3; kf=10 W/mK; Cpf=25 J/kgK

s= 8000 kg/m3, ks=50W/mK; Cps=500 J/kgK
Periodic Flow and Heat Transfer
Because of the symmetry of the tube bank geometry, only a portion of the domain needs
to be modeled


2D section of a tube bank

line & arc
three faces
wall edge-graded mesh-10 ratio 1.2 &face mesh 20
symmetry edges : edge mesh: 20&5;
left &right edges :15
Boundary types
Inlet, outlet, top_wall, bottom_wall

Temperature at different locations

To make periodic boundary (in fluent)
Periodic zone [( )] 9 (inlet id)
Shadow zone [( )] 12 (outlet id)
Rotational periodic? (if no, translational) [yes] no
Create periodic zones? [yes] yes
Auto detect translation vector? [yes] yes
Temperature contour

Velocity vector

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