Force and Motion: Physical Science
Force and Motion: Physical Science
Force and Motion: Physical Science
Physical Science
Forces and Motion
A force is a
push or a pull.
Balanced Force
A force that
produces no
change in an
object’s motion
because it is
balanced by an
equal yet
opposite force.
Unbalanced Forces
Are forces that
result in an
motion being
Motion can be described
A change in an
object’s position.
Newton’s 1ST Law of
1st Laws States that an Ex. This law explains why
object at rest will remain at you fly forward in a car
rest and an object in motion when someone slams on
will remain in motion, the brakes. Because of
unless an outside force acts Inertia, your body wants to
on it (such as friction). This keep moving at the same
law is also called the LAW speed as the car.
Newton’s 2nd Law of
2nd Law States that a Ex. This law
force on an object will explains why a golf
move the object in the
direction of the force.
ball will roll in the
The relationship direction of a force
between force, mass applied to it.
and acceleration is
summarized by the
f = ma
Q: The frog leaps from its resting position at the
lake’s bank onto a lily pad. If the frog has a mass
of 0.5 kg and the acceleration of the leap is 3 m/s2,
what is the force the frog exerts on the lake’s
bank when leaping?
(A) 0.2 N
(B) 0.8 N
(C) 1.5 N
(D) 6.0 N
All objects in
the universe
attract each
other by the
force of
Universal Law of
For every
second that an
object falls its
speed increases
by 9.8 m/s