Nosocomial Pneumonia in Adults

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Nosocomial pneumonia in adults

Guidelines for the management of adults
with hospital-acquired, ventilator-associated,
and healthcare-associated
鍾葛鈞 pneumonia. Am J
Respir Crit Care Med 2005; 171:388.
Definition of ATS/IDSA guidelines:

1)Hospital-acquired pneumonia (HAP) is

pneumonia that occurs 48 hours or more after
admission, which was not incubating at the time
of admission.
2)Ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) refers to
pneumonia that develops more than 48 to 72
hours after endotracheal intubation.
3)Healthcare-associated pneumonia (HCAP)
includes any patient who was either hospitalized
in an acute care hospital for two or more days
within 90 days of the infection; or resided in a
long term care facility; or received intravenous
antimicrobial therapy, chemotherapy, or wound
care within the 30 days prior to the current
infection; or attends a hospital or hemodialysis
Principles underlie the management of

Principle (1)
Avoid untreated or inadequately
treated HAP, VAP, or HCAP, because
the failure to initiate prompt
appropriate and adequate therapy
has been a consistent factor
associated with increased mortality.
Principle (2)
Recognize the variability of
bacteriology from one hospital to
another, specific sites within the
hospital, and from one time period to
another, and use this information to
alter the selection of an appropriate
antibiotic treatment regimen for any
specific clinical setting.
Principle (3)
Avoid the overuse of antibiotics by
focusing on accurate diagnosis,
tailoring therapy to the results of
lower respiratory tract cultures, and
shortening duration of therapy to the
minimal effective period.
Principle (4)
Apply prevention strategies aimed
at modifiable risk factors.
aerobic gram-negative bacilli (eg,
Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae,
Enterobacter spp, Pseudomonas
aeruginosa, Acinetobacter spp)
gram-positive cocci (eg, Streptococcus
spp, Staphylococcus aureus, including
methicillin-resistant S. aureus [MRSA
viruses or fungi is significantly less
common except in the
immunocompromised patient.
Risk factors for MDR pathogens
1.Receipt of antibiotics within the preceding 90 days
2.Current hospitalization of 5 days
3.Admission from a healthcare-related facility (eg,
long-term care facility, dialysis unit)
4.High frequency of antibiotic resistance in the
community or in the specific hospital unit
5.Presence of risk factors for HCAP including:
hospitalization for two days or more in the
preceding 90 days; residence in an extended care
facility; home infusion therapy; chronic dialysis;
home wound care; and a family member with an
MDR pathogen
6.Immunosuppressive disease and/or therapy
Risk Factors Of VAP In Patient
receiving Mechanical Ventilation
Age >70 years
Chronic lung disease
Depressed consciousness
Large volume aspiration
Chest surgery
Frequent ventilator circuit changes
The presence of an intracranial pressure monitor or
nasogastric tube
H-2 blocker or antacid therapy
Transport from the ICU for diagnostic or therapeutic
Previous antibiotic exposure, particularly to third generation
Hospitalization during the fall or winter season
Mechanical ventilation for acute respiratory distress
syndrome (ARDS)
Prevention of HAP
Role of gastric pH
Decontamination of the digestive
Patient positioning
Subglottic drainage
Role of gastric pH
gastric pH by H-2 blockers or antacids
macroscopic gastric bleeding (P > 0.2)
Sucralfate >ranitidine>antacid = 10% > 6% > 4%
Early-onset pneumonia was not statistically different
(P > 0.2).
Late-onset pneumonia(4 days ) (P = 0.022).
Sucralfate >antacid >ranitidine = 5% >16% > 21%
Mortality : no statistically difference
Role of gastric pH(2)
Sucralfate : lower median gastric pH (P <
0.001) and less frequent gastric
colonization (P = 0.015)
Molecular typing, 84% late-onset GNB
pneumonia have gastric colonization with
the same bacteria before pneumonia

CONCLUSION: Stress ulcer prophylaxis

with sucralfate reduces the risk for late-
onset pneumonia in ventilated patients
compared with antacid or ranitidine
Decontamination of the digestive tract
preventing oropharyngeal and gastric
colonization with aerobic GNB and
Candida spp, without disrupting the
anaerobic flora
locally administered nonabsorbable
antibiotic (eg, polymyxin) and an
aminoglycoside or fluoroquinolone +
amphotericin B or nystatin.
One RCS showed decrease in pneumonia
due to GNB w/o decrease in pneumonia
from all causes
Decontamination of the digestive tract (2)

A large prospective randomized trial of ICU

in the Netherlands (p’t 934) :
SDD group →lower mortality both in the
ICU and during hospitalization
(mortality :15 vs 23% ICU, 24 vs 31 %
The preventative effects of SDD for HAP
have been considerably lower in ICUs with
high rates of endemic MDR pathogens
selection for resistant organisms
Patient positioning
Several studies → supine position vs
→ predisposed to microaspiration of
gastric contents position
lower incidence of both clinically
suspected and microbiologically confirmed
HAP in semirecumbent versus supine
No difference in mortality
Suggest : place intubated patients in the
semirecumbent position unless
Subglottic drainage

Hi-Lo EVAC tube

Subglottic drainage (2)
Lessen risk of aspiration
5 studies (896 intubated p’t) The use
of CASS reduced the incidence of
VAP by nearly half - risk ratio 0.51
(95% CI 0.37-0.71).
The effect of CASS in limiting VAP
was most pronounced among
patients expected to require >72
hours of mechanical ventilation.
Diagnosis of Pneumonia
Clinical definition –
New or progressive infiltrate
Purulent tracheobronchial secretions
unreliable compared with the gold
standard of lung histology
One study compared the clinical diagnosis
of HAP with the histopathologic diagnosis
obtained at autopsy: pneumonia was
diagnosed correctly in only 2/3 of cases
Noninfectious causes of fever and
pulmonary infiltrates in VAP
Chemical aspiration without infection (Aspiration
Pulmonary embolism
Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)
Pulmonary hemorrhage
Lung contusion
Infiltrative tumor
Radiation pneumonitis
Drug reaction
Bronchiolitis obliterans organizing pneumonia
Gram's stain and culture
limited value in ventilated patients.
In one study, only 1/3 of ventilated
patients with a new or worsening alveolar
infiltrate had pneumonia at autopsy
No single radiologic sign was clearly
correlated with the diagnosis.
The most reliable sign was the finding of
air bronchograms, but predicted
pneumonia in only 64 percent of cases.
ARDS and alveolar hemorrhage were the
most common disorders mistaken for
Gram's stain and culture
unreliable due to contamination with bacteria
colonizing the oropharynx
The presence of many polymorphonuclear
leukocytes (and few epithelial cells) and bacteria,
which are morphologically consistent with
bacteria found on culture, improve the predictive
In addition, the lack of isolation of a pathogen (eg,
MRSA or Pseudomonas) from a well-collected and
adequate expectorated sputum sample can be
used to narrow the antimicrobial regimen
Blood cultures are extremely helpful when
positive, but the yield is low
Protected brush specimen (PBS)
Using a threshold of >10(3) colony forming units
sensitivity : 64 to 100 %
specificity : 60 to 100 %
Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL)
Samples approximately one million alveoli,
recovers 5x -10x the number of organisms
obtained by PBS. Quantitative cultures using a
threshold of >10(4) CFU/mL
sensitivity : 72 - 100 %
specificity : 69 - 100 %
1) Baseline
2) When VAP is
3) 3 days later
Patients with no known risk factors
for MDR pathogens
ceftazidime (2 g every eight hours)

sulbactam (3 g Q6H) or tazobactam (4.5 g

Q6H) (eg, Enterobacter spp, Serratia spp,
Pseudomonas spp)

Levofloxacin 750 mg daily or ciprofloxacin

400 mg every eight hours

Meropenem 1 g every eight hours

Patients with known RF for MDR pathogens
3 combination
Antipseudomonal cephalosporin eg, ceftazidime (2 g Q8H) or
cefepime (2 g Q8H) OR
Antipseudomonal carbapenem eg imipenem (500 mg Q6H) or
meropenem (1 g Q8H) OR
Piperacilin-tazobactam (4.5 g Q6H)
Antipseudomonal FQ, preferred regimen if Legionella is likely,
eg, levofloxacin (750 mg QD) ciprofloxacin (400 mg Q8H)
Aminoglycoside eg,gentamicin or tobramycin (7 mg/kg QD
adjusted to a trough level <1 µg/mL) or amikacin (20 mg/kg
QD adjusted to a trough level <4-5 µg/mL)
(if MRSA is suspected, there are MRSA risk factors, or high
incidence of MRSA locally):
Linezolid (600 mg Q12H) OR Vancomycin (15 mg/kg Q12H,
dosed so that trough levels are 15 to 20 µg/mL)

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