File Systems: Design and Implementation

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File Systems:

Design and Implementation

Operating Systems
Spring 2004

OS Spring’04
What is it all about?
 File system is a service which supports an
abstract representation of the secondary
Supported by OS
 Why is a file system needed?
What is so special about the secondary
storage (as opposed to the main memory)?

OS Spring’04
Memory Hierarchy

Main memory

Storage: Disks
Off-line Storage:
Tapes, CDs, etc

Typical capacity

OS Spring’04
Main memory vs. Secondary storage
 Small (MB/GB)  Large (GB/TB)
 Expensive  Cheap
 Fast (10-6/10-7 sec)  Slow (10-2/10-3 sec)
 Volatile  Persistent
 Directly accessible by  Cannot be directly
CPU accessed by CPU
 Interface: (virtual) Data should be first
memory address brought into the main

OS Spring’04
Some numbers…
 1GB=230 ~109 Bytes
 1TB=240 ~1012 (terabyte)
 1PB=250 ~1015 (petabyte)
 1EB=260 ~1018 (exabyte)

 232 ~ 4 x 109: Genome base pairs

 264 ~ 16 x 1018: Brain electrons
 2256 ~ 65,536 x 1072: Particles in Universe
OS Spring’04
Secondary storage structure
 A number of disks directly attached to the
 Network attached disks accessible
through a fast network
Storage Area Network (SAN)
 Simple disks
 Smart disks

OS Spring’04
Internal disk structure

OS Spring’04
Data Access
 Sector size is the minimum read/write
unit of data (usually 1KB)
Access: (#surface, #track, #sector)
 Smart disk drives hide out the internal
disk layout
Access: (#sector)
 Moving arm assembly (Seek) is expensive
Sequential access is x100 times faster than
the random access

OS Spring’04
 File system services
What user applications see
 File system implementation
What the data on disk looks like, bit by bit
The runtime support of FS operations
 The FS service and its implementation are
deeply intertwined
 Performance is the paramount issue for
the file system implementation

OS Spring’04
File System services
 File system is a layer between the
secondary storage and the application
 Presents the secondary storage as a
collection of persistent objects with
unique names, called files
 Provides mechanisms for mapping the
data between the secondary storage and
the main memory

OS Spring’04
What is a file (‫)קובץ‬
 File is a named persistent collection of
 Unstructured, sequential (UNIX)
Data is accessed by specifying the offset
 Collection of records (database systems)
Supports associative access
 give me all records with “Name=Yossi”
 Attributes: owner, permissions,
modification time, size, etc…
OS Spring’04
File system interface
 File data access
READ: Bring a specified chunk of data from file into
the process virtual address space
WRITE: Write a specified chunk of data from the
process virtual address space to the file
 open, close, set_attributes
 Many semantical issues:
Automatic size-extension
Persistence of open files
More …

OS Spring’04
Accessing File Data: File Control Block

 A control structure, File Control Block

(FCB), is associated with each file in the
file system
Each FCB has a unique identifier (FCB ID)
UNIX: i-node, identified by i-node number
 FCB structure:
File attributes
A data structure for accessing the file’s data

OS Spring’04
Accessing File Data
 Given the file name
 Get to the file’s FCB using the file system
 Use the FCB to get to the desired offset
within the file data

OS Spring’04
Accessing File Data: Catalog
 The catalog maps a file name to the FCB
Checks permissions
 This can be done for each file data access
Inefficient: Do this once when the file is first
 file_handle=open(file_name):
search the catalog and bring FCB into the memory
UNIX: in-memory FCB: in-core i-node
 close(file_handle): release FCB from memory

OS Spring’04
The Catalog Organization
 FCBs are stored in predefined locations
on the disk
UNIX: i-node list
 Hierarchical structure:
Some FCBs are just a list of pointers to other
 Directories
 UNIX: directory is a file whose data is an array of
(file_name, i-node#) pairs
Recursive mapping
OS Spring’04
 Provide name to file mapping
 May provide additional attributes per file
 Different from regular files
Support operations like create, delete, list
Prevent duplicate names
May be organized as a hash table for
efficient searching
 Mostly common structure: hierarchy
Supports hierarchical pathnames
OS Spring’04
Searching the UNIX catalog
 /a/b/c => i-node of /a/b/c
 Get the root i-node:
The i-node number of ‘/’ is pre-defined (2)
 Use the root i-node to get to the ‘/’ data
 Search (a, i-node#) in the root’s data
 Get the a’s i-node
 Get to the a’s data and search for (b, i-node#)
 Get the b’s i-node
 Etc…
 Permissions are checked all along the way
Each dir in the path must be (at least) executable

OS Spring’04
Extending the directory hierarchy
 Multiple volumes
Unix: Mount/un-mount volume on directory
Transparent pathname traversal: in-core
mount table, in-core i-node of mount point
and or mounted root.
 Remote volumes
Distributed file systems: Sun NFS, AFS/Coda,

OS Spring’04
 Collection of remote file service protocols
 VFS: Virtual file system layer
Client: system call -> VFS -> local FS/NFS
Server: system call/remote invocation -> VFS
-> local FS
 Compatible with most local FS

OS Spring’04
VFS model
 Unix-like file system services: files,
directories, links, ..
 Fhandle provides working-file capability,
as well as file attributes
 Remote mount provides a seamless name
 Lookup(path) instead of open
Lookup does not cross mount points (version

OS Spring’04
RPC communication
 Support for heterogeneous clients
 Stateless server
 No client caching, write-thru policy
 No authenticated sessions
 No persistence
fhandle must be unique
 File locking handled separately by a lock
 No server-failure recovery needed
OS Spring’04
NFS: Advanced issues
 File sharing by multiple clients
 Caching
 Locking and fault tolerance
 Security and access control

OS Spring’04
 Unix single machine: writes take immediate
File persistence on open
 NFS version 3:
Write thru in principle
Session semantics in practice
 File locking
Read/write lock, per file range of bytes
Wait queue with no callbacks
 Share reservation
Supported to facilitate NFS on Windows clients

OS Spring’04
Fault Tolerance
Retransmit on timeouts
Suppress duplicates via duplicate-cache
Return cached-response on duplicate request
 File locking
Version 4 issues leases with expiration and
Introduce problems of clock synchronization,
and renewal reliability

OS Spring’04
Allocating disk blocks to file data
 Assume unstructured files
Array of bytes
 Efficient offset -> disk block mapping
 Efficient disk access for both sequential
and random patterns
Minimizing number of long seeks
 Efficient space utilization
Minimizing external/internal fragmentation
OS Spring’04
Static Contiguous Allocation
 Allocate each file a fixed number of blocks at
the creation time
#blocks is pre-defined or supplied as an argument
 Efficient offset lookup
Only the block # of the offset 0 is needed
 Efficient disk access
 Inefficient space utilization
Internal, external fragmentation
 No support for dynamic extension
OS Spring’04
Static Contiguous Allocation

OS Spring’04
Extent-based allocation
 File gets blocks in contiguous chunks
called extents
Multiple contiguous allocations
 For large files, B-tree is used for efficient
offset lookup

OS Spring’04
Extent-based allocation

foo.c bar.c Catalog

0 1 2 3
foo.c (0,3) (7,2) (16,2)
bar.c (3,1) (12,4)
core.666 (8,3) (18,1)
4 5 6 7

8 9 10 11

12 13 14 15

16 17 18 19

OS Spring’04
Extent-based allocation
 Efficient offset lookup and disk access
 Support for dynamic growth/shrink
 Dynamic memory allocation techniques
are used (e.g., first-fit)
 External/internal fragmentation may be a
Depending on the implementation,
requirements, etc…

OS Spring’04
Single-block allocation
 Extent-based allocation with a fixed
extent size of one disk block
File blocks are scattered anywhere on
the disk
 Inefficient sequential access
 UNIX block allocation
 Linked allocation
MS-DOS File Allocation Table (FAT)
OS Spring’04
Block Allocation in UNIX
 10 direct pointers
 1 single indirect pointer: points to a block
of N pointers to data blocks
 1 double indirect pointer: points to a
block of N pointers each of which points
to a block of N pointers to data blocks
 1 triple indirect pointer…
 Overall addresses 10+N+N2+N3 disk
OS Spring’04
Block Allocation in UNIX

Direct 1 ...
Direct 2



Direct 10
Indirect Ind 1
Double indirect
Triple indirect


Ind 1

Dbl 1 2N

Ind N

Ind N+1

Dbl 2


Dbl N
Ind N+1

OS Spring’04
Block Allocation in UNIX
 Optimized for small files
Outdated empirical studies indicate that 98% of all files are
under 80 KB
 Poor performance for random access of large
files (redirections)
 No external fragmentation
 Wasted space in pointer blocks for large sparse
 Modern UNIX implementations use the extent-
based allocation

OS Spring’04
Linked Allocation
 Each file is a linked list of disk blocks
 Offset lookup:
Efficient for sequential access
Inefficient for random access
 Access to large files may be inefficient as
the blocks are scattered
Solution: block clustering
 No fragmentation, wasted space for
pointers in each block
OS Spring’04
Linked Allocation

OS Spring’04
File Allocation Table (FAT)
 A section at the beginning of the disk is
set aside to contain the table
Indexed by the block numbers on disk
An entry for each disk block (or for a cluster
 FAT Entries corresponding to blocks
belonging to the same file are chained
The last file block, unused blocks and bad
blocks have special markings
OS Spring’04
Catalog entry

OS Spring’04
FAT Pros and Cons
 Improved random access
just search a small table instead of the whole
 Inefficient sequential access
Seek back to the table and forth to the block
for each file block!
 Block allocation is easy
just find the first 0 marked block

OS Spring’04
Free space management
 Disk bitmap: represent the disk block
allocation as an array of bits
Bit for each disk block: 1 - non-allocated
block, 0 - allocated block
Simple and efficient in finding free blocks
Wastes space on disk
 Linked list of free blocks (UNIX)
Efficient for finding a single free block

OS Spring’04
File I/O
 CPU cannot access the file data directly
 Must be first brought to the main memory
 Problem:
Scenario 1: user process reads a block, meanwhile the process
gets swapped out of memory
Scenario 2: user process reads/writes 1 byte in block
Scenario 3: user process continuously reads/writes a file
Scenario 4: two processes access the same block
 Solution: Read/Write mapping using buffer cache
 Memory mapped files

OS Spring’04
Read/Write Mapping
 File data is made available to applications
via a pre-allocated main memory region
Buffer cache
 The file systems transfers data between
the buffer cache and disk in granularity of
disk blocks
 The data is explicitly copied from/to
buffer cache to/from the application
address space
OS Spring’04
Read/Write Mapping


Main Memory

Buffer Cache
File C

File A

File B

OS Spring’04
Reading data (Disk block=1K)
Kernel User

Buffer Cache

File C




FD = OPEN(“C”,…);
SEEK(FD,1324); // 1324=1024+300
READ(FD,PTR,1848); // 724+1024+100=1848

OS Spring’04
Writing data (Disk block=1K)
Kernel User

Buffer Cache

File C

3172 Unallocat



FD = OPEN(“C”,…);
SEEK(FD,1324); // 1324=1024+300
WRITE(FD,PTR,1848); // 724+1024+100=1848

OS Spring’04
Buffer Cache management
 All disk I/O goes through the buffer cache
Both user data and control data (e.g., i-
node) are cached
 LRU replacement
 Dirty (modified) marker to indicate
whether write-back is needed

OS Spring’04
 Strict separation of concerns
Hiding disk access peculiarities from the user
 Block size, memory alignment, memory allocation
in multiples of the block size, etc…
 Disk blocks are cached
Aggregation for small transfers (locality)
Block re-use across processes
Transient data might be never written to disk

OS Spring’04
 Extra copying
Disk->buffer cache->user space
 Vulnerability to failures
Does not care about the user data blocks
The control data blocks (metadata) is the
real problem
 E.g., i-nodes, pointer blocks can be in cache when
a failure occurs
 As a result the file system internal state might be

OS Spring’04
Memory mapped files
 A file (or a portion thereof) is mapped
into a contiguous region of the process
virtual memory
UNIX: mmap system call
 Mapping operation is very efficient:
just marking
 The access to file is governed by the
virtual memory subsystem

OS Spring’04
Mmapped files: Pros and Cons
 Advantages:
reduce copying
no need for a pre-allocated buffer cache in
the main memory
 Disadvantages:
less or no control over the actual disk
writing: the file data becomes volatile
A mapped area must fit the virtual address
OS Spring’04
Reliability and Recovery
 File system data consists of
Control data (metadata), user data
 Failures can cause data loss and
Cached data
Power failure during the sector write may
corrupt physically the data stored in the

OS Spring’04
Metadata vs. User data
 Lost or corruption of the metadata might
lead to a massive user data loss
File systems must care about the metadata
File systems usually do not care much about
the user data
 Operation semantics?
 Users must care about their data themselves
(e.g., backups)

OS Spring’04
Reliability and caching
 Caching affects the WRITE semantics
The write operation returns
Is it guaranteed that the requested data is
indeed written on disk?
What if some data blocks in cache are the
metadata blocks?
 Solutions
write-through: writes bypass cache
write-back: dirty blocks are written
OS Spring’04
User data reliability in UNIX
 Based on write-back policy
User data is written back to disk periodically
POSIX compatible semantics
Commands like sync and fsync are used for
forced write of the dirty blocks

OS Spring’04
Metadata reliability
 Based on write-through policy
updates are written to disk immediately
 Some data is not written in-place
Can go back to the last consistent version
 Some data is replicated
 UNIX superblock
 File system goes through consistency
check/repair cycle at the boot time
 fsck, ScanDisk
OS Spring’04
Metadata reliability using logging
 Write-through negatively affects
Think about random access
 Solution: maintain a sequential log of
metadata updates: Journal
IBM’s Journal File System (JFS)

OS Spring’04
Journal File System (JFS)
 Operations logged (journaled):
create,link,mkdir,truncate,allocating write, …
Each operation may involve several metadata
updates (transaction)
 Once operation is logged it returns
write ahead logging
 The disk writes are performed
aggregation possible

OS Spring’04
JFS: Journal maintenance
 A cursor (pointer) is maintained
 The cursor is advanced once the updated
blocks associated with the transaction are
written to disk (hardened)
hardened transaction records can be deleted
from the journal
 Upon recovery: Re-do all the operations
starting from the last cursor position

OS Spring’04
JFS: Pros and Cons
 Advantages:
Asynchronous metadata write
Fast recovery: depends on the Journal size
and not on the file-system size
 Disadvantages
extra write
space wasted by journal (insignificant)

OS Spring’04
Log Structured File System
 Ousterhout & Douglis (1992)
 Caching is enough for good read
 Writes is the real performance bottleneck
writing-back cached user blocks may require
many random disk accesses
write-through for reliability denies
 logging solves the problem for metadata
OS Spring’04
Log Structured File System
 The idea: everything is log
 Each write - both data and control - is
appended to the sequential log
 The problem: how to locate files and data
efficiently for random access by Reads
 The solution: use a floating file map

OS Spring’04
Log structured file system


After block change


After block addition

OS Spring’04

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