Arens Aud16 Inppt13
Arens Aud16 Inppt13
Arens Aud16 Inppt13
13-1 Use the five types of audit tests to determine whether the financial statements
are fairly stated.
13-2 Select the appropriate types of audit tests.
13-3 Understand the concept of evidence mix and how it should be varied in
different circumstances.
13-4 Design an audit program.
13-5 Compare and contrast transaction-related audit objectives with balance-
related audit objectives and presentation and disclosure-related objectives.
13-6 Understand key evidence-related terms.
13-7 Integrate the four phases of the audit process.
The amount of evidence needed for tests of controls depends on two things:
1. The extent of evidence obtained in gaining the understanding of internal control
2. The planned reduction in control risk
Phases of the Audit Process – The four phases are shown in the
first column of Table 13-6.
Audit Objectives – The objectives that must be met before the
auditor can conclude that any given class of transactions or account
balance is fairly stated, shown in the second column of Table 13-6.
Types of Tests – The five types of audit tests are shown in the third
column of Table 13-6.
Evidence Decisions – The four subcategories of decisions are
shown in the fourth column of Table 13-6.
Types of Evidence – The eight broad categories of evidence are
shown in the last column of Table 13-6.