CHEN 4470 - Process Design Practice: Dr. Mario Richard Eden Department of Chemical Engineering Auburn University

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Integration of Design & Control

CHEN 4470 – Process Design Practice

Dr. Mario Richard Eden

Department of Chemical Engineering
Auburn University

Lecture No. 16 – Integration of Design and Control II

March 7, 2013

Contains Material Developed by Dr. Daniel R. Lewin, Technion, Israel

Plantwide Control Design
Luyben et al. (1999) suggest a method for the conceptual
design of plant-wide control systems, which consists of the
following steps:
Step 1: Establish the control objectives.
Step 2: Determine the control degrees of freedom.
Simply stated – the number of control valves – with
additions if necessary.
Step 3: Establish the energy management system.
Regulation of exothermic or endothermic reactors, and
placement of controllers to attenuate temperature
Step 4: Set the production rate.
Step 5: Control the product quality and handle safety,
environmental, and operational constraints.
Plantwide Control Design

Step 6: Fix a flow rate in every recycle loop and control

vapor and liquid inventories (vessel pressures and
Step 7: Check component balances. Establish control to
prevent the accumulation of individual chemical species
in the process.
Step 8: Control the individual process units. Use
remaining DOFs to improve local control, but only after
resolving more important plant-wide issues.
Step 9: Optimize economics and improve dynamic
controllability. Add nice-to-have options with any
remaining DOFs.
Example 2: Acyclic Process

Select V-7 for

product flow

Select V-1 for

fixed feed

Steps 1 & 2: Establish the control objectives and DOFs:

 Maintain a constant production rate
 Achieve constant composition in the liquid effluent from flash drum
 Keep the conversion of the plant at its highest permissible value.
Example 2: Acyclic Process

Step 3: Establish energy management system:

 Need to control reactor temperature: Use V-2
 Need to control reactor feed temperature: Use V-3
Example 2: Acyclic Process

Step 4: Set the production rate:

 For on-demand product: Use V-7
Example 2: Acyclic Process

Step 5: Control product quality, and meet safety, environmental, and

operational constraints:
 To regulate V-100 pressure: Use V-5
 To regulate V-100 temperature: Use V-6
Example 2: Acyclic Process

Step 6: Fix recycle flow rates and vapor and liquid inventories :
 Need to control vapor inventory in V-100: Use V-5 (already installed)
 Need to control liquid inventory in V-100: Use V-4
 Need to control liquid inventory in R-100: Use V-1
Example 2: Acyclic Process

Step 7: Check component balances N/A: Neither A or B can build up

Step 8: Control the individual process units N/A: All control valves in use

Step 9: Optimization
 Install composition controller, cascaded with TC of reactor
Example 2: Acyclic Process

Select V-1 for

fixed feed

Differences: Only step 6 is different

 The liquid levels in R-100 and V-100 are now controlled in the
direction of the process flow, where before they were controlled in
the reverse direction.
Example 2: Acyclic Process
Example 3: Cyclic Process

This control structure for fixed feed has an inherent problem.

Can you see what it is?
Example 3: Cyclic Process


F0 + B

Combined molar feed to the CSTR: F0  B

Molar material balance around the flash vessel: F0  B  D  B
Overall molar material balance: F0  D
Example 3: Cyclic Process

Molar balance on CSTR:

1 dnA
  kxActotal  1  xA  F0  B   kxActotalVR Substitute: ctotalVR  nT
VR dt

1  xA  F0  B   kxActotalVR  1  xA  F0  B   kxAnT

xA F0  knT   F0
Rearranging: B 
1  xA

Balance on A for perfect separation: F0  kxAnT F02

knT  F0
Example 3: Cyclic Process

e.g., suppose knT = 200:

F02 F0 B
knT  F0 50 16.7
75 45
“Snowball” effect 100 100
125 208
150 450

A more general result uses the dimensionless, Damköhler

number: Da = knT/F0 giving:
B  “Snowball” effect for Da 1
Da  1
Example 3: Cyclic Process

Steps 1 & 2: Establish the control objectives and DOFs:

 Maintain the production rate at a specified level
 Keep the conversion of the plant at its highest permissible value.
Example 3: Cyclic Process

Step 3: Establish energy management system:

 Need to control reactor temperature: Use V-2
Example 3: Cyclic Process

Step 4: Set the production rate:

 For on-demand product: Use V-1
Example 3: Cyclic Process

Step 5: Control product quality, and meet safety, environmental, and

operational constraints:
 To regulate V-100 pressure: Use V-4
 To regulate V-100 temperature: Use V-5
Example 3: Cyclic Process

Step 6: Fix recycle flow rates and vapor and liquid inventories :
 Need to control recycle flow rate: Use V-6
 Need to control vapor inventory in V-100: Use V-4 (already installed)
 Need to control liquid inventory in V-100: Use V-3
 Need to control liquid inventory in R-100: Cascade to FC on V-1
Example 3: Cyclic Process

Step 7, 8 and 9: Improvements

 Install composition controller, cascaded with TC of reactor

Part I: Previous Lecture

 Provided motivation for handling flowsheet
controllability and resiliency as an integral part of
the design process

 Outlined qualitative approach for unit by unit

control structure selection

Part II – This Lecture

 Outlined a qualitative approach for plantwide
control structure selection
Other Business

• Next Lecture – March 19

– Equipment sizing and pinch analysis

• Q&A Session with Consultant – March 21

– Bob Kline will participate via videoconference
– Questions can be sent to Bob and/or me ahead of time

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