Obstetric Outpatient: Friday, April 20 2018
Obstetric Outpatient: Friday, April 20 2018
Obstetric Outpatient: Friday, April 20 2018
Friday, April 20 2018
Dr. Raden Bagus Prakoso
Dr. Tomas Ediba
Dr. Riyan Wira Pratama
Dr. Terry Mutia
Dr. Ismail Hadyatma
Dr. Peby Maulina Lestari, Sp.OG(K)
NO Identity Diagnosis ICD-10 Management ICD-9
1 . Mrs. JAM/ G1P0A0 33 weeks of Z34.00 IEC 88.78
31 yo/UA gestational age SLF US
cephalic presentation Ferrous Sulfate 1x300mg
Calcium Lactate 1x500mg
2 . Mrs. MAR/ G3P2A0 27 weeks of O99.284 IEC 88.78
31 yo/UA gestational age with US
uncontrolled Ferrous Sulfate 1x300mg
hyperthyroidism SLF Calcium Lactate 1x500mg
1. MRS JAM/ 31 yo/ UA BACK
Reproduction Menarche 13 years old, regular menstrual period, 7 days, LMP : 31/08/2017
Physical Vital Signs
Examination BP: 120/80 mmHg P: 80 bpm RR: 20 x/mnt
Height: 150 cm Weight: 59 kg
Obstetric Uterine fundal palpable 4 fingers below processus xyphoideus (27cm),
Examination longitudinal left back, head presentation, his (-), FHR : 146 bpm EFW :
US Confirmation 33 weeks of gestational age SLF cephalic presentation
Management - US
- Ferrous Sulfate 1x300mg
- Calcium Lactate 1x500mg
US examination
In USG Examination was found:
Reproduction Menarche 13 years old, regular menstrual period, 7 days, LMP : 5/08/2017
Medical history Take unroutine medicine : Tyrozol 1x1. propanolol 1x1
Physical Vital Signs
Examination BP: 130/90 mmHg P: 100 bpm RR: 20 x/mnt
Height: 156 cm Weight: 58 kg
Obstetric Uterine fundal palpable 2 fingers above umbilical, ballottement externa (+),
Examination Mass (-), tenderness (-)
US Confirmation 27 weeks of gestational age SLF intrauterine
Diagnosis G3P2A0 27 weeks of gestational age with uncontrolled hyperthyroidism SLF
Management - US
- Ferrous Sulfate 1x300mg
- Calcium Lactate 1x500mg
US examination
In USG Examination was found: