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Body Composition Analysis with Bio-impedance technology

Company Profie

Established in 2003, Aminogram is specialised in:

Development of Bio-impedance analysis devices with interpretation software and diet
software for automatic menu recommandation. Aminogram is also producer of diet
supplements. All products are manufactured in France.

• 2006 – Development of the first BIA equipment with bluetooth technology. - Aminostats

• 2013/2014 – End of development of BIODY XPERTZM with patented measurement

technology – Medical Certification accorded by LNE/G-MED (National French Insitute of
Metronomy) according 93/42/CE directive for medical devices and Iso 13485- classe IIa
conformity IEC 60601-1 et 60601-2.

• 2015 Development of web platform of data treatment and interpretation (I.D.M) and
new professionnal online software totally modular with possibility to send data to
different devices including e-health software services.
La bioimpédancemétrie
Pr incipes généraux

Bio Impedance Analysis (BIA) is a non invasive and painless technology used since 1940 to analyze body
composition. It consist in measuring the resistance of the body to an alternative current at low intensity,
generally between 400 to 800 microamperes.

By measuring the opposition of body tissues, impedance values are obtained. Water, proteins, minerals and fat
masses which are the 4 mains compartments of human body do not have the same electrical conductivity.
Bio-impedancemetry Analysis allows to evaluate in an accurate way the amount of each compartment.

Mono-frequency devices can only take the measurement of the following body compartments: fat free mass,
fat mass and total body water.

Multi-frequency devices can identify and differentiate intra and extra cellular compartments inside total body
water and in therefore body cell mass (BCM).

Over recent years, BIA technology have evolved. It is today a recognized technology with more than 800 studies,
easy to use, fast-use, efficient and unexpensive. It is quickly becoming a technology of choice in the field of
health, nutrition, physical preparation, fitness and weight loss market.
Le développement
Positionnement et objectifs à court et moyen terme
Les masses corporelles

Biody XpertZM is a multifrequency device which can be distinguished by an extremely attractive

quality/price ratio.
Technology, design and ergonomy of the product directly drives Aminogram customers to a desire
of changing or replacing their equipment with Biody XpertZM .

In first equipment intention, it always win against competition in France.

Our mission and vision:

• To make of Biody xpertZM the new reference for health professionnals and physical condition
professionnals (fitness, coachs…).
• To be quickly a value added diagnosis tool commonly used by medical professionnals just like
sthetoscopes or tensiometers.
• To equip hospitals with use by the nurse or health assistant at bedside.
• To develop our presence outside the EU, starting with the US, Russia and then Brazil.

Biody XpertZM
Les massesà venir 2015 - 2018

+ de 15 studies programmed in differents fields (medical, sports…)

Cloud data, medical server of data interpretation (IDM)

Medical interpretation depending of body condition

More and more connected software (web software, mobile apps,

android, iphone, tablets…).

Home monitoring with connected bio impedancemetry

Biody Home
Un monitoring
outil de diagnostic with e-health platform
Product version for home monitoring of patient through IDM
+ e-health platforms quantive tracking and tracking of
relevant ratios sclables on demand depending of monitoring
of diseases types (currently in development..)

CIU Santé (health center in Nice) Evaluation programmed

Professors Schneider et Guérin

Home monitoring of elderly people:

• Hydration level
• Fat Free Mass
• BCM (Body Cell Mass)

With advises adjusted for the operationnal use of health


French Excellence Price

Living Lab Pavillon 2020
Granted to Aminogram for
Biody Xpert & Biody Home

Biody XpertZM
Un Institutionnels
outil de diagnostic

Biody XpertZM
Un bioimpédancemetrie
outil corporelles
de diagnostic

Bio-Impedancemetry Analysis (BIA) is a

recognized technology used for
measuring body composition in non
invasive and painless way.

It consist in measuring the resistance of

the body with a low intensitycurrent
flow at different frequencies.
Biody XpertZM
Les bioimpédancemetrie
outil de diagnostic
masses corporelles multifréquence

Nobles tissues (proteins) have a biodynamic reaction of defense with the current flow, this reaction
will be more or less efficient depending upon frequencies and tissue itself.

Cell membrane is resistive and reacting as dialectrict, having a more or less effect depending of the
measurement frequency.

Fluids (blood, lymph, intra cellular water, urines) are acting as electrolytes.

Fats are reacting substantially as insulators.

Bio-impedance measurement at high frequency allows to evaluate the amount of total body water.

The measurement of impedance at low frequency allows to evaluate te amount of extra cellular

Intra cellular water is calculated by substracting extra-cellular water to total body water.
La bioimpédancemétrie
Principe de la multifréquence

Multi frequency consist in measuring at different

frequencies the impedance of the human body.

The impedance measurement at an high

frequency is used to evaluate the amount of
total body water.

The impedance measurement at an high

frequency is used to evaluate the amount of • From 20 à 200 kHz, the current
flow go through the cell
extra cellular water. membrane.

Intra-cellular water is calculated by substraction •At 5 kHz, the current bypass the
cell membrane, allowing to
of extra cellular water from total body water. measure extra cellular water.
La bioimpédancemétrie
Les masses
masses corporelles recherchées

Fat Free Mass (FFM) is composed of:

• Extra Cellular Fluids (ECF) = Extra cellular water +

minerals and electrolytes
• Body Cell Mass (BCM) = Intra cellular water + proteins +
minearals and electrolytes and glycogen.
• Extra cellular solids (ECS) = Extra cellular proteins +
Protéines Extra Cellulaire + Bones mass (Bones mineral
content BMC+ unstable components)

Fat Mass (FM)

• Dry Fat Mass

La bioimpédancemétrie
Les masses
Other corporelles
technologies used for Body Composition Analysis

• Anthropometry = measurements (centimeters)

• Scanner – MRI – Ultrasound
• DEXA (dual energy X-ray absorptiometry)
• Hydrodensitometry or hydrostatic measurement
• Laboratories methods = Potassium measurement – Urinal extraction of
creatinine and 3-méthyl-histidine -
• Tritium Isotope dilution methods = 3H2O/Deuterium = 2H2O

Conclusion :
Some technologies are simple but difficult to reproduce, others are expensive
and used generally as second-line.
DEXA is the gold standard in substitution, the medical examination is prescribed
in general medecine for research and bones density measurement and risk of
osteoporosis. It also allows to measurement segment by segment (head, trunk,

Biody XpertZM
Un bioimpédancemetrie
outil corporelles les différents modèles
de diagnostic

Foot/Foot BIA devices only measure lower body part.

Hand/Hand BIA devices only measure higher body part.

Hand/Foot devices measure whole body.

Monofrequency or Bi-Frequency devices allows to identify free fat

mass, fat mass and total body water.

Multifrequency devices allows to differenciate intra and extra

cellular water from total body water and to quantify body cell
mass. They are generally more accurate.
Biody XpertZM
Lestechnologie BIODY XPERT
masses corporelles

More than 10 years of development…

Le nouveau Biody Xpert ZM est le résultat de 10 années de recherche et développement et

répond à un défi : concevoir un impédancemètre professionnel qui soit portatif, sans fil
(avec les éléctrodes intégrées), tout en restant le plus léger et le plus compact possible, et
en gardant un haut niveau de précision. Pour en arriver là, il nous a fallu repenser
totalement le concept de bio-impédancemétrie afin de le rendre plus perfectionné.
Biody Xpert est bien plus qu’un nouvel impédancemètre.
C’est l’avenir de l’impédancemétrie professionnelle connectée

BIO-ZM 2 (2008) BIODY-XPERT (2014)

BIO-ZM 1 (2005)


Version Grand Public
Le Biody xpertZM
Un La rupture
Lesoutil technologique
de diagnostic
masses corporelles

• New patented concept with direct

hand/foot measurement Inox Iron 304L
integrated electrodes.
• No more cables !
• No consumables
• Direct and immediate transfer of data with
bluetooth to the interpretation software.
• Product version for home patient

Biody XpertZM
Lestechnologie BIODY XPERT
masses corporelles


Direct Hand/Foot measurement without interferencies

Multifrequency technology, Phase Angle Measurement

Prediction Equations Adjusting to Patient

Biody XpertZM
Lestechnologie BIODY XPERT
masses corporelles


Biody-Xpert is hand-held device working on battery with an high autonomy



Biody-Xpert is using BT Technology (Bluetooth 2.0)

Elecrode sensors are directly connected to the chip, allowing a direct
measurement without interferences.
Biody XpertZM
Un outil XPERT
de technology

Biody-Xpert ZM allows professionals to obtain the following measurements:

• Fat Mass
• Hydration level
• Intra/Extra cellular balance
• Bones Mineral Content
• Body Cell Mass
• Proteic Mass
• Squeletic and Muscular Mass
• Ratios…Etc.

All informations are compared with references values according normality of

each person and appear in patient history.
Biody XpertZM
Un outil XPERT
de technology

Tissular Biomarkers
And many others indicators
Dry Fat Free Mass Theorical gap with reference values, ratios,
Fat Mass at constat hydration BMI…
Muscular Muscle Mass
Bones mineral content

Hydric Biomarkers
Total body water
Intra/extra cellular balance (%)
Intra cellular volume
Extra cellular volume
Fat Free Hydration level

Metabolic Biomarkers
Basal Metabolic Rate
Phase Angle
Body Cell Mass (BCM)
Proteic Mass
Biody XpertZM
Un Biody-Xpert
outil ?
de diagnostic

To add value added to your diagnosis


and advises

in 10 sec Measure
and Adivses
Patients monitoring
Accurage Diseases
Repetitive Weight loss
Case studies
Medically certified monitoring…
Software ergonomy
Biody XpertZM
Un masses
outil corporelles
de diagnostic

Les résultats des mesures peuvent être comparées à des indices de référence en fonction de l'âge
et du sexe de la personne qui permettent ainsi d’apprécier le bon état physiologique de
l’individu et de surveiller sa progression vers un meilleur équilibre et une meilleure prévention.
Biody XpertZM
Un Biody-Xpert
outil ?
de diagnostic

Biody Xpert allows to establish automatically patient history, the database

allows to keep in memory an unlimited amount of patients.
Biody XpertZM

Patient monitoring
Biody XpertZM
Pour quels objectifs
Les masses corporelles

For a general practitioner BIODY XPERT ZM is a diagnostic, prevention and monitoring

appliance for a patient and is considered to be as indispensable as the stethoscope
(commonly used in cases of osteoporosis, oncology, sarcopenia, cachexia, diabetes, kidney
failure, cardiovascular risk, dehydration, malnutrition, nutritional imbalance, obesity etc.)

Sports Medecine:

• Athletes preparation
• Monitoring during monitoring step
• Monitoring for rehabilitation
• Etc…
Biody XpertZM
Pour quels objectifs
Les masses corporelles

BIODY XPERT ZM has many advantages to fitness centres namely:

• Laptop
• Better quality and performance ratio in the market place
• Measurements are obtained speedily and are extremely reliable
• Immediate profitability
• Promotes adhesion
• Enviable reputation amongst clients and professionals

BIODY XPERT allows us to personalise a training program for each client which takes into account the morphology and
body components and can be monitored after each session.

Coaching :
• Help fixing goals
• Customer motivation
• Psychological help
• Fidelisation of customers by monthly measurement.

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