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Rositi Roswinda/P/3 hari (17-07-17)/ BB: 1900 gram

Gastroschisis yang telah dilakukan staged closure modified SILO

Clinical picture
Baby Mrs Siti/Girl/14 days old (27-07-17)/BW: 2000 gr
Laparatomi eksplorasi+ duodenojejunostomy
Consultant : dr. Rizki, SpBA(K)
Baby Mrs Siti/Girl/14 days old (27-07-17)/BW: 2000 gr
Laparatomi eksplorasi+ duodenojejunostomy
Consultant : dr. Rizki, SpBA(K)
Baby Fitria Nur Azizah/F/1,5 months old (27-06-17)/BW : 3050 grams
Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis yang telah dilakukan Ramstedt pyloromyotomy
Consultant : dr. Rizki, SpBA(K)
Baby Fitria
Clinical Nur Azizah/F/1,5 months old (27-06-17)/BW : 3050 grams
Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis yang telah dilakukan Ramstedt
By. Ny. Evi Sukaesih/L/ 26 hari (22-07-17)BB 3000 gr
Atresia esofagus dengan distal Picture
Tracheoesophageal fistula (gross type C;
Waterston type A ) post gastrostomy + bronkopneumonia bilateral
Surgeon: dr. Agoes
Mrs. Tati’s Baby/M/ <24 hours (12-08-17)/ BW: 2,5 kg
Colostomy Divided, 13-08-17 (surgeon : dr Kozzy)
Mrs. Tati’s Baby/M/ <24 hours (12-08-17)/ BW: 2,5 kg
High type anorectal malformation without fistula uthat had been
Clinical Picture
performed divided colostomy POD 5
Clinical Picture
Baby Mrs. Evi Sukaesih/Boy/ 34 days old (22-07-17)
Thoracotomy + tracheoesophageal fistula ligation + esofagostomy
consultant on duty: dr.Rizki D, sp.BA
Baby Mrs. Evi Sukaesih/Boy/ 34 days old (22-07-17)
Thoracotomy + tracheoesophageal fistula ligation + esofagostomy
consultant on duty: dr.Rizki D, sp.BA
Exploratory laparotomy + Biopsy of rectum, transverse colon, appendix and ileum+
End ileostomy
(April 6th 2017, surgeon : dr. Karmile)
Exploratory laparotomy + Biopsy of rectum, transverse colon, appendix and ileum+
End ileostomy
(April 6th 2017, surgeon : dr. Karmile)
Exploratory laparotomy + manual reduction + resection anastomosis (Intussusception)
14-04-17 operator : dr. Karmile
Exploratory laparotomy + manual reduction + resection anastomosis (Intussusception)
14-04-17 operator : dr. Karmile
Malrotation with Midgut Volvulus
Exploratory laparotomy + Ladd’s Procedure April 10th 2017, surgeon : dr. Karmile
Malrotation with Midgut Volvulus
Exploratory laparotomy + Ladd’s Procedure April 10th 2017, surgeon : dr. Karmile
Laparotomi eksplorasi & jejunostomy Santulli 1st February 2017
Surgeon : dr.Ika
exploration + anoplasty (surgeon : dr. Ika ) on 12th january 2017
exploration + anoplasty (surgeon : dr. Ika ) on 12th january 2017
Duhamel pullthrough tanggal 30-12-2016 (Operator : dr. Agoes)
Duhamel pullthrough tanggal 30-12-2016 (Operator : dr. Agoes)
Diffused peritonitis due to jejunum perforation 2nd grade AAST and 3rd grade ileum perforation due to
blunt abdominal trauma that had been performed Exploration Resuscitation + jejunum primary suture
+ ileum anastomosis resection, 28-12-16 (Surgeon: dr. Flora )
Diffused peritonitis due to jejunum perforation 2nd grade AAST and 3rd grade ileum perforation due to
blunt abdominal trauma that had been performed Exploration Resuscitation + jejunum primary suture
+ ileum anastomosis resection, 28-12-16 (Surgeon: dr. Flora )
Diffused peritonitis due to jejunum perforation 2nd grade AAST and 3rd grade ileum perforation due to
blunt abdominal trauma that had been performed Exploration Resuscitation + jejunum primary suture
+ ileum anastomosis resection, 28-12-16 (Surgeon: dr. Flora )
Diffused peritonitis due to jejunum perforation 2nd grade AAST and 3rd grade ileum perforation due to
blunt abdominal trauma that had been performed Exploration Resuscitation + jejunum primary suture
+ ileum anastomosis resection, 28-12-16 (Surgeon: dr. Flora )
Diffused peritonitis due to jejunum perforation 2nd grade AAST and 3rd grade ileum perforation due to
blunt abdominal trauma that had been performed Exploration Resuscitation + jejunum primary suture
+ ileum anastomosis resection, 28-12-16 (Surgeon: dr. Flora )
Diffused peritonitis due to jejunum perforation 2nd grade AAST and 3rd grade ileum perforation due to
blunt abdominal trauma that had been performed Exploration Resuscitation + jejunum primary suture
+ ileum anastomosis resection, 28-12-16 (Surgeon: dr. Flora )
Diffused peritonitis due to jejunum perforation 2nd grade AAST and 3rd grade ileum perforation due to
blunt abdominal trauma that had been performed Exploration Resuscitation + jejunum primary suture
+ ileum anastomosis resection, 28-12-16 (Surgeon: dr. Flora )
abses Periappendikuler e.c perforasi appendix yang telah dilakukan
appendektomi per laparatomi + drainase abses 01-01-17
(dr. Karmile)
abses Periappendikuler e.c perforasi appendix yang telah dilakukan
appendektomi per laparatomi + drainase abses 01-01-17
(dr. Karmile)
abses Periappendikuler e.c perforasi appendix yang telah dilakukan
appendektomi per laparatomi + drainase abses 01-01-17
(dr. Karmile)
Posterosagittal anorectoplasty tanggal 04-01-2017 (Operator : dr. Bustanul
SpBA(K)/dr Dina)
Posterosagittal anorectoplasty tanggal 04-01-2017 (Operator : dr. Bustanul
SpBA(K)/dr Dina)
Foto Klinis Hernia Ventralis
ventral hernia repair + umbilicoplasty
03-01-17 (Surgeon: dr. Vita I SpBA)
Disorder of sexual development 46 XY , persistent Mullerian Duct Syndrome (mikropenis +
Undescencus testis bilateral + uterine remnant) + Hidrometrokolpos post laparotomi
eksplorasi & drainase eksternal yang telah dilakukan laparotomi eksplorasi + draignase
eksternal, 17-06-16 (operator dr. Bustanul,Sp.BA(K)
Disorder of sexual development 46 XY , persistent Mullerian Duct Syndrome (mikropenis +
Undescencus testis bilateral + uterine remnant) + Hidrometrokolpos post laparotomi
eksplorasi & drainase eksternal yang telah dilakukan laparotomi eksplorasi + draignase
eksternal, 17-06-16 (operator dr. Bustanul,Sp.BA(K)
Disorder of sexual development 46 XY , persistent Mullerian Duct Syndrome (mikropenis +
Undescencus testis bilateral + uterine remnant) + Hidrometrokolpos post laparotomi
eksplorasi & drainase eksternal yang telah dilakukan laparotomi eksplorasi + draignase
eksternal, 17-06-16 (operator dr. Bustanul,Sp.BA(K)
27-05-16 telah dilakukan laparotomi eksplorasi + reseksi anastomosis ileoileal
(operator: dr. Ika)

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