Pipe Jacking: Technique - Factors - Applications - Advantages

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Technique – factors – applications – advantages


Pipe jacking/micro-tunelling is a non-disruptive method of installing

utility tunnels and conduits by thrusting pipes through the ground as
controlled excavation is undertaken at the face. Pipes manufactured in a
variety of materials to include concrete, clay and steel can be jacked
and standard pipe diameters generally range from 150mm to 2,400mm,
or greater when required. Jacking lengths achievable can be considerably
in excess of 1km depending on pipe diameters, ground conditions and
excavation methods.

Pipe jacking can be classified on the basis of:

Pipe material Cutter-head
Classification by pipe material
Classification by cutter-head
Classification by excavation techniques
Techniques of pipe jacking
Manual excavation technique

This is a pipe jacking technique that is used for relatively small pipe
lengths and in stable soils. This technique involves a jacking pipe that is
forced in the ground by means of hydraulic jack. The hydraulic jack sits
on a reinforced concrete foundation and is fixed on a concrete thrust
wall that provides reaction to the jack forces and safely distributes them
to the surrounding soil. As the jacking pipe is pushed into the ground
due to its hollow section soil fills its inner volume. After the pipe section
is fully in the ground, then the soil inside the pipe is removed manually
by hand tools. After removal of soil then another pipe section can be
added to the former through the same process.
Machine excavation technique

The process of pipe jacking by machine excavation technique is similar to that of

manual excavation technique the only difference is that machine excavation is
used for large diameter pipes and the soil removal in the pipe is done by a
machine which removes the soil from the inside of the pipe.
Conveyor belt excavation technique

The conveyor belt excavation technique is a pipe jacking technique that

is used with cutter heads like earth pressure balance cutter head or
backacter cutter head. Two pits are dug at the start and end of the
pipeline and the hydraulic jack is placed at the start pit. A boring
machine with an appropriate cutter head is selected and a conveyor belt
is installed next to the screw conveyor of the boring machine. It is then
pushed in the ground by the hydraulic jack and when it’s fully in the
ground pipes are connected to its end and are all pushed by the jack.
The soil excavated by the machine is taken by the conveyor belt and
taken out due to its loop rotation.
Slurry excavation technique

Slurry excavation is pipe jacking technique that can be used for both
stable and unstable soils. It requires digging pits also known as drive
shaft and reception shaft at the beginning and end of the pipeline
respectively. Soils stabilization of the pit sides is made depending upon
the soils conditions on site. The hydraulic jack is the placed in the drive
shaft and fixed firmly on the thrust wall. A tunneling or boring machine is
then lowered in the drive shaft and is pushed by the hydraulic jack. As
this boring machine is pushed it cuts the soil at its face and the soil
particles cut the machine are washed off by pressurized slurry and
sucked into slurry pipes by pumps and the so excavated materials are
transported in suspension to the separation plant which separates the
slurry and soil particles by sedimentation the slurry is reused again.
Factors to be considered before applying
pipe jacking
 Ground conditions
 Details of existing services and underground structures
 Location of manholes and working areas
 Lengths required
 Diameters of pipeline
 Economics
Applications of pipe jacking

 Sewer and drainage construction

 Gas and water mains
 Oil pipelines
 Industrial pipelines
 Telecommunication
 Pedestrian subways (access tunnels)
Advantages of pipe jacking

 No trenching required hence no disruption of ongoing activities

 Smooth internal finish provides good flow characteristics
 No secondary lining is required
 Sealed pipes with flexible joints prevent ground water ingress
 Reduced risk of ground settlement
 Reduced need to divert or relocate utilities in urban areas

As we have seen pipe jacking is a highly advantageous method which is also

environmentally friendly compared to the ordinary trenching method because of its small
earthwork quantities and low CO2 emission. More research should be devoted to the
method to constantly improve it and considerably reduce the cost of incurred while using
this method.

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