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“Numerical Analysis of Impingement Cooling of Flat

Plate by Circular Air Jet”

Submitted by
Under the guidance of
Dr. D. P. Mishra, Professor Nilesh Sharma
Department of Aerospace Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur 14/607



 The object of study was focused on computational analysis of Impingement cooling of a

heated flat plate by an air jet using K-OMEGA turbulence model, followed by analyzing the
effect of different performance parameters on the effectiveness of the air jet.

 Extensive amounts of research in the areas of impingement, impingement channels, and

circumferential boundary conditions have been done in past decades. There has not yet been a

tight, universal correlation developed to predict the heat transfer characteristics of an

impingement channel. This is due to the complex flow structures formed in these cooling

scenarios, which are so sensitive to the channel geometry and numerous performance factors.
 D Nozzle exit diameter, m
 h Heat transfer characteristics, w/m2 K
 l Nozzle length, m
 Nu Nusselt Number (hD/λ)
 Pr Prandtl number
 Re Reynolds number (DU/ν)
 Tu Turbulence intensity, percentage main velocity component
 U Velocity, m/s
 Z Axial Distance nozzle to plate, m
 R Radial distance from stagnation point
 λ Conductivity air, w/mK
 μ Viscosity, Ns/m2
 ν Kinematic Viscosity, m2/s

 All the modern machineries and electrical equipment works on principle of energy
conversion. A part of this energy convert into heat which raises the temperature, many a
times more than the operating temperature.
 The prime concern is to cool the concerned part by different cooling techniques. Some of
them are:
 A variation of convection cooling, impingement cooling, works by hitting heated surface
with high velocity air. This allows more heat to be transferred by convection than regular
convection cooling does.
 Both liquids and gases have widely been used in cooling techniques via impinging jets.
 Its relative simplicity and low cost, abundance of air, generation of high heat transfer and
faster freezing rates have made it a subject of extensive investigations.
 . Engineering applications of jet impingement include:
 a) Annealing of metal and tempering of glass
 b) Drying of paper
 c) Cooling of electronic equipments
 d) Freezing of tissue in cryosurgery
 e) Anti-icing system
 f) Cooling of gas turbine components and the outer wall of combustors.
FIG. 1. The flow regions of an impinging jet [4]
The parameters on which the Heat Transfer phenomena depends are as follows:

H/D : nozzle height to nozzle diameter ratio;

R/D : nondimensional radial position from the center of the jet;
TU : nondimensional turbulence intensity;
Re : Reynolds number;
Pr : Prandtl number;
Nu : Nusselt number
Literature Review
 Glauert studied both planar and axisymmetric jets impinging upon a plate
surface. Results were found explicitly for the laminar case.
 Inada et al. compared experimental and numerical results from a two-
dimensional water jet impinging on a flat plate. . It was determined that
the maximum heat-transfer coefficient was present near 0.7 for the ratio of
nozzle height to nozzle width.
 Sezai and Mohamad performed a numerical investigation of laminar slot
jet arrays impinging onto a flat plate. It was found that the jet to jet
spacing had little effect on the Nusselt number.
 Chen et al. performed a theoretical analysis of 5 free slot jet impingement
on a flat plate. The equations obtained matched well with experimental
and computational data.
Numerical Analysis Setup
Heated gas jet impingement over circular flat plate, the dimensions of the geometry are:
 The air jet moves through a 40 mm long insulted pipe having inner diameter of 6
 The Reynolds number of the impinging air jet is varied from 14,000 to 53,000.
 The steel plate is 120mm in diameter and 15mm in thickness.
 The temperature of the jet is maintained at 293 K while the plate is heated to a
constant temperature of 693 K.
For the numerical analysis, SST κ-ω turbulence model was proposed to be used.

 A rectangular mesh with grid

adaptation of geometry of the
nozzle and of its supporting
tubes , which consisted in a
total of around 95,000
rectangular cells .

Fig.2. Rectangular meshing

of the geometry.
RESULTS(From Literature)

Fig 3: Results of Nuloc at various radii Fig 4: Results of Nuloc at various radii
(Re = 14,000, H/D = 4)[1] (Re = 34,000, H/D = 4)[1]
RESULTS(From Literature)

Fig 5: Results of Nu at various radii (Re = 53,000, H/Dn = 4)[1]


 Nuloc increased with increase in the Reynolds number owing to both high
wall jet velocity and turbulence intensity.

 Nuloc largely depended on the value of R/D, as the maximum value was
obtained in all the case at the center where the jet directly impinged.
[1]. Qiang Guo, Zhi Wen and Ruifeng Don, Experimental and Numerical study on the transient heat transfer
characteristics of circular jet impingement on a flat plate, School of Energy and Environmental Engineering,
University of Science and Technology, China [2016]

[2]. Mark Michael Dobbertean, Steady and Transient Heat Transfer for Jet Impingement on Patterned Surfaces,
University of South Florida[2001]

[3].H. Martin, Heat and Mass Transfer between impinging gas jets and solid surfaces, Adv. Heat Transfer
13(1977) 1-60

[4]. N. Zuckerman and N. Lior. Jet Impingement Heat Transfer: Physics, Correlations, and Numerical Modelling

[5].K. Jambunatham, E. Thai, M.A. Moss,et al..A review of heat transfer data for single circular jet
impingement,Int.J,Heat Fluid Flow 13(2) (1992) 106-115

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