COPD: Epidemiology, Pathogenesis, & Pathophysiology: Wyatt E. Rousseau, MD May 11, 2006
COPD: Epidemiology, Pathogenesis, & Pathophysiology: Wyatt E. Rousseau, MD May 11, 2006
COPD: Epidemiology, Pathogenesis, & Pathophysiology: Wyatt E. Rousseau, MD May 11, 2006
Wyatt E. Rousseau, MD
May 11, 2006
COPD Definition
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
(COPD) is a preventable and treatable disease
state characterized by airflow limitation that is
not fully reversible. The airflow limitation is
usually progressive and is associated with an
abnormal inflammatory response of the lungs
to noxious particles or gases, primarily caused
by cigarette smoking. Although COPD affects
the lungs, it also produces significant systemic
COPD Definitions/Terms
• Simple chronic bronchitis
• Asthmatic bronchitis/Chronic asthmatic
• Chronic obstructive bronchitis – “small airways
• Pulmonary emphysema
Simple chronic bronchitis
• Protease/antiprotease
• TNF-a gene polymorphisms
• Microsomal epoxide hydrolase*
• Glutathione S-transferase P1
• Transforming growth factor beta 1*
• Metalloproteinase dysregulation
– Hersh, CP et al. Genetic association analysis of functional
impairment in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Am J Respir
Crit Care Med 2006; 173: 977-984.
• Alpha –1- antitrypsin/elastase imbalance.
• Alveolar macrophages from COPD patients
express more matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-9
than normals. Elevated MMP-9 is associated
with an increase in degradation of elastin.
– Russell RE et al. Release and activity of matrix
metalloproteinase-9 and tissue inhibitor of
metalloproteinase-1 by alveolar macrophages from
patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 2002;283:L867-L873.
TNF – alpha gene
• May influence host immune responses,
increase inflammatory tissue damage, and
favor the development of chronic
bronchitis- a specific TNF-a polymorphism
found in 19% CB vs. 5% schoolchildren
vs. 2% of controls
– Huang SL et al. Tumor necrosis factor-alpha
gene polymorphism in chronic bronchitis. Am
J Respir Crit Care Med 1997; 156:1436
Microsomal epoxide hydrolase
• Microsomal epoxide hydrolase (MEH) reduces
highly reactive epoxide intermediates generated
by smoking. The genotypes associated with
decreased activity of MEH were found in 19 and
22 per cent of COPD patients vs. 6% controls
– Smith CAD, Harrison DJ. Association between
polymorphism in gene for microsomal epoxide
hydrolase and susceptibility to emphysema. Lancet
1997; 350:630.
Glutathione S-transferase P1
• Glutathione S-transferase P1 aids in the
detoxification of substances in cigarette smoke,
and COPD may occur more frequently among
persons with decreased activity of this enzyme by
virtue of genetic polymorphisms.
– Ishii, T et al. Glutathione S-transferase P1
polymorphism in patients with chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease. Thorax 1999; 54:693.
Transforming growth factor beta
• Transforming growth factor beta 1 is a member
of a large family of polypeptides involved in
cellular growth, differentiation, and activation.
Specific, single nucleotide polymorphisms of the
gene encoding transforming growth factor beta 1
have been associated with the development of
COPD in smokers.
– Wu, L et al. Transforming growth factor beta1
genotype and susceptibility to chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease. Thorax 2004; 59:126.
Systemic Inflammation in
Pathogenesis of COPD
• COPD is a systemic disease.
• Cytokines and other inflammatory markers are a
response to cigarette smoke.
• They circulate and may impact other diseases and
symptoms, e.g. cardiac disease and cachexia.
• Reduced lung function associated with increased
levels of systemic inflammatory markers,
including CRP, fibrinogen, WBC’s, and TNF-
– Gan WQ et al. Association between chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease and systemic inflammation: a systematic
review and meta-analysis. Thorax 2004; 59:574.
Noxious particles
and gases
Host factors
Lung inflammation
Anti-oxidants Anti-proteinases
Repair mechanisms
COPD pathology
Elastic Recoil Pressure of the
• Provides radial support.
• Major determinant of maximal expiratory
• Static recoil pressure of the lung is alveolar
pressure minus pleural pressure.
• Maximum expiratory flow rates represent a
complex and dynamic interplay between
airways caliber, elastic recoil pressures, and
collapsibility of the airways.
Lung Volumes and Capacities in
• RV increased
• FRC is the volume at which inward recoil
of lung = outward recoil of chest
wall…loss of elastic recoil will increase
• TLC increased due to loss of elastic recoil
• VC may be normal to decreased
Time Constants
• Prolonged in all obstructive diseases due to
increased airways resistance and/or increased
• If sufficiently prolonged, there is insufficient time
for expiration, progressively increasing lung
volume, moving tidal breathing to a higher, less
compliant portion of the P/V curve, increasing
work of breathing.
• The increased elastic recoil pressure associated
with the higher end-tidal volume is termed auto-
PEEP or intrinsic PEEP, and this represents and
additional threshold load that must be overcome.