New Urb
New Urb
New Urb
What is it?
Urban design movement originating in the late ’80s –
early ’90s.
Aims to reform all aspects of real estate development.
Involves: new development, urban retrofits, and
suburban infill.
Affects both regional and local plans.
Supports the creation and restoration of diverse,
walkable, compact, mixed-use communities.
Currently 500 “New Urbanist” projects in the U.S. alone,
half in urban areas.
Why do we need it?
Disinvestments in central
Spread of placeless sprawl.
Increasing separation of
race and income.
Loss of agricultural lands
and wilderness.
Root Causes:
Changing household
Land consumption without
regard to natural features or
physical limits.
Federal and state policies that
encourage low-density sprawl.
Street standards are
insensitive to human needs.
Zoning codes leave little room
for individualization.
Charter of New Urbanism
The Region: Metropolis, city and town.
On a regional scale:
Finite places with geographic boundaries.
Fragile relationship between
urban area and hinterland.
Development patterns should
not blur edges of the metropolis.
Infill development should be
encouraged over peripheral
Revenues and resources should be
shared among the municipalities to
avoid destructive competition.
Charter of New Urbanism
Neighborhood: the district and the corridor.
On a neighborhood scale:
Neighborhoods should be compact, pedestrian-
friendly and mixed-use.
Broad range of housing types to
bring diversity.
Civic, institutional and commercial
activity should be embedded in
neighborhoods, not isolated.
Public transportation should be
a viable alternative to the automobile.
Parks should be a viable alternative to the
Charter of New Urbanism
The block, street and building.
On a block scale:
Individual architectural projects
should be linked to their
Architecture and landscape design
should grow from local climate,
topography, history, and building
Development must adequately
accommodate automobiles whiles
being pedestrian-friendly.
Streets should be safe, yet
interesting and open to the
Principles of New Urbanism
#1: Walkability
street design.
#2: Connectivity
Human-scale architecture.
#6: Traditional neighborhood
Highest density at town center; progressively
less dense towards the edge. This urban-to-rural
transect hierarchy has appropriate building and
street types for each area along the continuum.
#7: Increased density
More buildings, residences, shops and services closer
together for easy walking.
To enable a more efficient use of services and resources.
#8: Transportation
Minimal environmental
impact of development.
Restrictive zoning
Obstacles to Overcome
Lack of design standards
Prospect, CO Celebration, FL
Obstacles to Overcome