Bacteria (Unit I)
Bacteria (Unit I)
Bacteria (Unit I)
Unit I
Muhammad Iqbal
By the end of this lecture the students will be able to:
• Define Bacteria
• Give characteristics of bacterial cell
• Classify Bacteria on the basis of:
a. Morphology
b. Nutrition
c. Temperature
d. PH
• Give some examples of Gram +ve and
Gram –ve bacteria
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• Bacteria are prokaryotic unicellular organisms
• DNA and RNA both are present
• Division (reproduction) by Binary fission
• No mitochondria and nuclear membrane
• Rigid cell wall containing peptidoglycan
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Shape and size
Three principal shapes of bacteria exist:
• Round (cocci; singular, coccus)
• Rods (bacilli; singular, bacillus)
• Curved or twisted rods (spirilla; singular,
Cocci Bacilli
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• Typical bacteria measure 2-8 m in length and 0.2-2
m in width.
• Form associations such as chains, clusters, and
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• Strict Aerobes: Bacteria that grow only in the presence
molecular oxygen.
e.g. Mycobacterium tuberculosis
• Strict Anaerobes: are which can grow only in the
absence of molecular oxygen.
e.g. Clostridium tetani
• Facultative anaerobes: They can grow both in the
presence as well as absence of molecular oxygen. E.g.
Escherichia coli
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Bacterial Structure
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A typical bacterial features
• Flagella (Singular: flagellum) are thread like
structures for locomotion in most motile bacteria.
• Pili (singular: pilus) Appendages on bacterial cell
Shorter than flagella used for transfer of genetic
material from one to another (sex pilli)
• Fimbriae (singular: Fimbria) Appendages on
bacterial cell Shorter than pili used for
attachment to contact surfaces
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• Capsule - Made of polysaccharides which
protects bacteria from phagocytes.
• Cell wall:
• Made up of peptidoglycan.
– Responsible for the rigidity of bacterial cell.
• Cell Membrane:
– Inner to cell wall, there is a delicate cytoplasmic
membrane which surrounds the cytoplasm.
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• Ribosome made up of RNA and protein. It is a factory of
protein synthesis.
• Mesosome An invagination of cell membrane which helps
in cell division.
• Nucleoid (Genetic material) Unlike virus, bacteria have
both DNA and RNA. It contains genetic charateristics.
• Periplasm is the space between cytoplasmic membrane
and cell wall which contains hydrolytic and Beta lactamase
enzyme to degrade substances like penicillin.
• Plasmid A fragment of extrachromosomal DNA segment
which contains different genes for resistance to antibiotic.
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• Endospore – The process of formation of spore is
known as sporulation.
Bacillus species can form spores.
It is produced within the cell, one spore is formed within
a single bacterial cell.
• It is resistant to heat, UV light, most chemicals and
• When conditions are favorable, the spore germinates
and produces a fresh vegetative cell.
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Toxin which is released only upon
lysis of bacterial cell. Found only in G –ve.
It is heat-resistant
Toxin released by Viable bacterial cells.
Found mostly in G +ve but in some G –ve as
It is heat-labile
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Morphology Based Classification
Three principal shapes of bacteria are:
• Coccus: (Round shape)
• Bacillus: (Rod shape)
• Spirillum: (Curved or twisted rod)
Cocci Bacilli
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• They may form associations in the form of two cocci
(diplococcus), chains (streptococcus), clusters
(staphyllococcus), tetrads, and sarcina as shown
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Nutrition based Classification
►Carbon Source:
Microorganisms are classified into two groups on the basis of
sources of carbon as autotrophs and hetrotrophs.
Autotrophs are the microorganisms which derive carbon from
inorganic compounds like CO2.
Hetrotrophs are the microorganisms which derive carbon
from different organic compounds like sugar, alcohol etc.
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Energy Source:
Microorganisms depend upon different sources of
energy. The organisms which depend on sunlight as a
major source of energy are called phototrophs.
Other organisms which use chemicals as a source of
energy are called chemotrophs.
Autotrophs may either use sunlight or chemical
compouds as energy source; they are called
photoautotrophs and chemoautotrophs
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Likewise, hetrotrophs may either use sunlight or
chemical compouds as energy source; they are
called photohetrotrophs and chemohetrotrophs
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Temperature Based Classification
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Some Medically Important Bacteria
1- Gram Positive:
• Streptococcus—causes pneumonia, pharyngitis, cellulitis
• Staphylococcus—abscess of skin and other organs, Food
• Bacillus (spore forming rods)—causes Anthrax
• Clostridium (spore forming rods)— Tetanus, botulism
• Corynebacterium—diphtheria
• Listeria—Meningitis
• Actinomyces— Actinomycosis
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2- Gram Negative:
• Neisseria—Gonorrhea, Meningitis
• Yersinia—Plague
• Escherichia—Urinary tract infection, diarrhea
• Salmonella—Typhoid fever
• Vibrio—Cholera
• Shigella—Enterocolitis
• Haemophilus—Meningitis
• Bordetella—Whooping cough
• Pseudomonas—Pneumonia, UTI
• Bacteroides—Peritonitis
3- Acid Fast
• Mycobacterium—Tuberculosis, Leprasy
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