JC - Endoscopic Techniques in Oral
JC - Endoscopic Techniques in Oral
JC - Endoscopic Techniques in Oral
Troulis MJ, Kaban LB. Endoscopic vertical ramus osteotomy: early clinical results. J
Oral Maxillofac Surg 2004;62:824–8.
Lefort I osteotomy is a predictable operation for
repositioning the mid-face and upper arch of
With 30 and 70 degree endoscopes, the
pterygomaxillary junction, ptyergoid plates, nasal
septum, and other relevant anatomic points can be
A 0 degree scope can be used to visualize the
posterior maxillary wall and the neurovascular
Sialoendoscopy provides the ability to diagnose
and treat obstructive salivary gland disease without
subjecting the patient to redundant testing and
more invasive procedures
Was first described in 1991 by Katz, and significant
contributions were made by Nahlieli, Marchal
Arzoz reported success using a rigid urethroscope
to navigate the duct
Marchal introduced the semiflexible design in 1998
The irrigation channel was introduced to the design
in 1999 by Nahlieli.
2. Intra carporeal
Lithotripsy is of two types
1. Extra carporeal
2. Intra carporeal