Electronics Cooling Final Presentation

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Convective Heat Transfer Performance Of Airfoil

Heat Sinks Fabricated By Selective Laser Melting

Final presentation of electronics cooling

June 16,2017

V Manoj Kumar
Roll No : s1058705
PhD Scholar (Yuan Ze University, Taiwan)

Computational Physics Research Group



Computational Physics Research Group


Heat Sink
 Heat sink transfers thermal energy from a higher
temperature device to a lower temperature fluid
 Forced convective heat transfer with extended
surfaces is commonly used to cool electronic

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 This paper presents the forced convective heat

transfer performances of novel airfoil heat sinks
produced by Selective Laser Melting (SLM).

 Heat sinks with staggered arrays of NACA 0024

and NACA 4424 airfoil shaped fins were
investigated experimentally and the results were
compared with conventional heat sinks with
circular and rounded rectangular fins.

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Continue …

 Experiments were conducted in a rectangular air flow

channel with tip (CLt) and lateral (CLh) clearance
ratios of 2.0 and 1.55 and with Reynolds numbers
(Re) ranging from 3400 to 24,000.

 Comparison of the experimental results showed that

the heat transfer performances of the airfoil and
rounded rectangular heat sinks exceeded those of
the circular heat sink.

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 Investigations on pin fin heat sinks can be broadly
classified into
(1) the effects of pin fin arrangement, (2) the effects of
channel wall-to-fin clearance, and (3) the effects of pin
fin geometry.
 Bilen et al. [1], for instance, investigated the heat
transfer performances of in-line and staggered
cylindrical fin array heat sinks with varying fin
separation in the stream wise direction. It was
determined that the staggered arrangement resulted
in higher heat transfer enhancement than the in-line
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 Jeng and Tzeng [2] studied the performances of

square fin arrays with varying streamwise and
spanwise fin separations using the transient single-
blow technique. The fin Nusselt number of staggered
square fins was determined to be approximately 20%
higher than the in-line circular fins.
 Jonsson and Moshfegh [8] investigated the
performance of heat sinks with different tip and lateral
clearances and developed empirical bypass
correlations to predict the heat sinks' Nusselt number
and dimensionless pressure drop.

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 Sparrow and Grannis [11] performed experimental

and numerical studies to characterize the pressure
drop across diamond-shaped pin fin arrays.

 Tanda [12] determined experimentally that the

diamond-shaped fins enhanced heat transfer by
up to 1.65 times as compared to an unfinned
channel at constant pumping power.

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 Fan et al. [15] developed a novel cylindrical oblique

fin heat sink which decreased the total thermal
resistance by up to 59.1% with negligible pressure
difference as compared to conventional straight fins
and suggested that the enhanced thermal
performance was due to the disruption and
initialization of boundary layer at the leading edge of
each fin.

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 Ventola et al. [22] used the direct metal laser

sintering technique and created heat sinks of
different artificial surface roughness. From their
experiments, a peak enhancement of 73% in the
Nusselt number of their sample surface as
compared to that of the smooth surfaces was

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 Wong et al. [23], fabricated two conventional and

three novel heat sinks using the SLM technique.
Complex designs such as the lattice structure and the
elliptical array were successfully produced. While it
was shown that the lattice structure demonstrated
poor heat transfer and low flow resistance, the
elliptical array exhibited the most efficient
performance with the highest heat transfer rate per
unit pressure drop.

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 In the present study, SLM was employed to fabricate

staggered arrays of streamline airfoil heat sinks with a
small thickness-to-chord length ratio of 0.24 and with
different angles of attack.

 In addition, heat sinks of staggered circular and

rounded rectangular fin array were also fabricated for

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 In the present investigation, the laser power,

scanning speed and hatching spacing of 350 W,
1150 mm/s and 0.17mm were respectively
 Heat sinks which are staggered arrays of NACA
0024 pin fins at angles of attack α= 0, 5, 10, 15
and 20 and NACA 4424 pin fins at α = 0 were
 Each heat sink consists of a square base plate of
50mm 50mm with thickness of 5 mm, constant fin
height of 25 mm.
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Convective heat transfer, often referred to simply
as convection, is the transfer of heat from one place
to another by the movement of fluids. Convection is
usually the dominant form of heat transfer in liquids
and gases.

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(a) Surface temperature distribution of circular heat sink in C, (b) side view of air flow velocity profile over circular
heat sink in m/s, (c) top view of air flow velocity profile over circular heat sink in m/s and (d) top view of streamline

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Nub vs Re of SLM fabricated heat sinks of various geometries.
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Enhancements in Nub, ave and Nut, ave of the NACA 0024
heat sinks at different α .

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 In this paper, novel airfoil heat sinks fabricated by

SLM were experimentally investigated in a
rectangular air flow channel with CLt and CLh of 2.0
and 1.55 and Re ranging from 3400 to 24,000.

 In comparison with the circular heat sink, highest

enhancements in Nub of 29% and Nut of 34.8% were
recorded for the NACA 0024 at α =0 whereas for the
rounded rectangular heat sink, highest enhancements
in Nub of 34.7% and Nut of 20.8% were recorded.

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 The overall performances of the heat sinks were

evaluated by averaging the Nub values for the range
of Re tested. On this basis, the enhancements in
Nub,ave and Nut,ave of the NACA 0024 heat sink
with a ¼ 0 as compared to the circular heat sink are
approximately 11.5% and 16.6%, respectively.

 In comparison with the circular heat sink, the highest

enhancements in Nub, ave of 19.7% and Nut,ave of
25.2% were achieved with the NACA 0024 heat sink
with α = 20.

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 Based on the experimental results, it was suggested

that the streamline design of the airfoil heat sinks
improves the heat transfer by reducing the effects of
air bypass and hence, allow more air flow through
the fin array. On the other hand, the thermal
performance of the NACA 0024 heat sinks was
further enhanced with the increase in a as a result of
the formation of vortices which induced fluid mixing.

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 Based on these proposed mechanisms, a semi-

analytical model is develop to characterize the heat
transfer performance of the NACA 0024 heat sinks for
the range of a and Re tested where reasonably
accurate predictions of Nub were achieved.

 The experimental results and the correlations

developed from the present work provide the data
and predictive tools for employing airfoil heat sinks in
the thermal management of integrated circuit boards.

Computational Physics Research Group

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